Unplanned ( Chapter 37 )

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"Excuse me?" Ura sat up straight, turning to face Gaara, "Did I hear you correctly? Tell me you were just kidding because I know you didn't just tell me that I won't be drinking any sake after you and I get married."

Gaara had a bored look on his face as he commented, "We both know you have a major drinking problem and the only way you can get through a week without drinking is not drinking at all. Besides, you're an angry drunk, and that's not going to be slid by in my presense."

"Aw c'mon Gaara-kun, it's a little bit, enough to keep me sane and let me have some desperate need of fun in my life," Ura crossed her arms, giving Gaara an annoyoed face.

"Did I already become a boredom toy of yours? Am I not enough 'fun' in your life?" Gaara glared at her, also havng an annoyed face asa he, too, crossed his own arms.

"You know that's not what I mean, you give me a lot of desperate fun that I really need. But I need my sake because it's good to just let loose once in awhile," Ura explained as she tried to ease them both out of the tension in the air.

"If you can give me a good explination to why you desperately need your sake, i'll think about reconsidering," Gaara stated to the point.

Ura shifted her gaze around their surrounding area, what could she possibly say to sway Gaara's decision. Of course, there were many bars in their village, but the problem was Gaara knew EVERY Suna ninja, even the little academy ninjas. So if she were to set one foot into a bar, without Gaara's permission, every Suna ninja will boot her out and squeel to Gaara. If Ura couldn't persuade Gaara to allow her to drink any type of sake, then there was going to be major hell in his mansion. But, as a woman, and his lover, Ura knew exactly how to 'persuade' her Gaara-kun.

The Sand kunoichi gave a sly look as she went on her knees, giving away a slight blush as she directed her eyes away from Gaara's. Gaara was a tad bit confused why his fiance' was acting so strangely, he knew she hated making love outside, so why would she try seduce him while they were outside? She leaned over and lightly opened his ceremonial robes, barely revealing his hard chest, "You know... It's been two days since we...you know."

"We've been preoccupied by trying to stay alive," Gaara commented, still not understanding why Ura was acting this way.

"Yeah, but i'm a bit thirsty, I need something nice, warm, and yummy to drink," Ura slid her hand down his chest to that certain area, "You don't suppose I could..well you know..have a taste?"

"I don't carry sake on me and you know that, I hate sake," Gaara took her hand out of there and just held her wrist, "And explain to me why you're acting this way."

"Fine, i'll give you a blow job if you let me have my sake," Ura wrenched free of him, "I love my sake, Gaara, it's one of those aspects I like to have around me so I can feel good. Just like you pace around a lot when you're nervous, I like to drink sake to keep my nerves at ease."

Gaara just stared at her in a way that made him look somewhat angry, but not full on raged, "If I know you, like I know I do, you did not just try to sleep with me out in the open just to have some disgusting alcohol that you don't need at all. The Ura that I know would not stoop that low just to get a few shots of sake in her system."

Now their arguement was starting to get out of hand, Ura wanted her sake while Gaara didn't want anything to do with alcohol. Ura and Gaara stood up, she took a few steps back, "I really want to be your wife, Gaara, but i'm still a person, and that means i'm not going to give up my wants."

"And i'm still your Kazekage, you have no other choice but to obey me since you are still a kunoichi under my command," Gaara stated, "As your Kazekage, I order you to not drink sake from now until the month after our wedding."

"What!? Oh naw, no, no, no, and no," Ura placed her hands directly on her hips as she approached Gaara, "I can put up with so much, but i'm drawing the line right here right now. As your fiance', your soon-to-be wife, I have the responcability of taking care of our household and our family, in years to come. Also, as the kunoichi that works and protects for you, I have the responcability to look after only myself, you, and the other Suna shinobis and kunoichis. But, as a woman and a person to this world, it is my responcability to live my life to what degrees I can push it to, and I will not allow you to shove me around like a rag doll that's way past it's due date to be thrown away."

"Enough with this, we'll discuss this matter after we return to our home," Gaara sat back down, too exhausted to continue with their arguement.

Ura watched Gaara as he slumped back down against the tree, a sudden dizzyness came over her as she, too, went to her knees. She crawled into Gaara's grasp, feeling the warmth that he would always provide to her. Though she could stand for anything she wanted, always be the strongest kunoichi that never gave up, Ura would always crumble to Gaara when he reached for her. To feel the soft ceremonial robes that had the scent of the desert on them, still, made her feel like she was back at home.

**The Next Day**

Sakura was the first to rise, a few hours before sunrise and there was much to be done, personal for her. The Leaf Kunoichi began to write a letter to her lover, to show Ino that her feelings for her was not beginning to lessen because of Sasuke.

'Dear Ino,

Sorry it's been a while since you and I have actually held a descent conversation, but i'm over my rage now. Actually, Ura and I have found some common ground, I don't know what it is yet, but we haven't fought since we left Nanima's shrine. Though we just began our mission, we already fought Kabutome and Leila, Ura's little sister. Ura was all burnt when she and Leila stopped fighting, but Leila and Kabutome managed to escape somehow. Gaara found out about Ura's little fling with Kankurou and Sasuke, and man was he pissed off! You'll be happy to know that I didn't start it, it was all Lee and Ura, when she was really hammered. What I did find out was that Ura is a major angry drunk, from what Lee told me, Ura was screaming and going crazy about how Gaara was shoving his nose into people's buisness. I may not like her that much, but I felt bad for Ura, yet the good news is that Ura and Gaara are getting married!
I hope you forgive me for the very short letter, but that's all I have time for right now. But please don't worry about me, i'll be coming home safely soon enough, and we'll have that kid you always wanted. Always remember that I love you, Ino, and i'm the luckiest person to have you to be with me forever.

Love always,
Sakura Yamanaka'

"Whatcha writing?" Naruto's voice chimed in as Sakura sent the letter with a jutsu.

"A letter to Ino, just updating here on our grand adventure," Sakura stood up as she faced the Hokage.

"I was wondering why your chakra was fuming with emotion," Naruto rubbed the back of his head, "So...are you feeling any better? I mean about Sa-"

"Sasuke is none of my concern anymore, I have Ino, and she saved me from turning out to be like Sasuke, alone," Sakura sighed as she ran her fingers through her pink hair, "There are times when I will want to hurt Sasuke, and there will be times when I will want to have him instead of Ino. Ever since Sasuke had come back, the feeling I once had for him has come back, but it's bruised and shattered. Then, Ino came to me when I was just about to tell Sasuke I how I felt about him all over again, she stopped me from making another mistake. That day, Ino told me she didn't stand the sight of me with Sasuke, and that I should leave him alone. At first, I took that the wrong way, and continued to go to him, but it wasn't until she pulled my arm and kissed me... That was then I knew I loved Ino all along, though we fought a lot before, everything I once thought I had for Sasuke had actually been for Ino."

Naruto listened to Sakura's story about she and Ino become a couple, and it made him feel a bit lonely that he hasn't found a girl he loved yet. Sakura noticed and Naruto a friendly smile, "Remember that day when we all went to the Cherry Blossom Festival? Ino looked so beautiful that day, of course it was a year before Sasuke had come back."

"Ai...that's the day i'd like to forget," Naruto had a depressed look on his face as he sat down in the wet grass.

"Naruto..i'm sorry, I forgot about...her," Sakura sat next to him, "Forgive me."

It was the last day before the woman he had loved died, killed by her own blood, and Naruto made sure they paid the price for destroying the happiness Naruto was given. She trained harder than many kunoichis in his village, and she mastered the art of weaponry, but she had loved Naruto even before he even realized it.

"Lord Hokage, we must be on our way," Gaara approached Naruto and Sakura, "If we leave now we have a better chance finding a minor village on the way there to find something to eat."

Naruto snapped out of his mind and stood up, "Yeah...we should go..."

Temari woke up Ura, who was sleeping in Gaara's outer ceremonial robes, then the two kunoichis woke up Kankurou and Sasuke, along with Lee. Ura and the others approached the two Kages and Sakura, "We're ready to leave wh-."

Right before she could finish her sentence, Ura threw the robe to Gaara and ran to a nearby bush. Everyone could hear the sound of gagging and thick liquid splunging to the ground, so Gaara quickly put on his robes and went over to Ura. He helped her up as she wiped away the spit on her cheeks, "You must be coming down with something."

"I do feel a little warm...anyways, we have to get going now," Ura felt her forehead.

Gaara was a bit timid about Ura's condition, so he made Kankurou and Sasuke spread out to the distance, Lee and Sakura at a closer distance but not as close, leaving Temari and Ura protecting the Kages. Gaara didn't trust anyone else to watch over Ura, only himself and Temari, that's why he made his two kunoichis stay close by. As they ran, Ura looked even more sickly than she had that morning, which was worrying Gaara even more. Finally, they had reached a very isolated village, a very poor one, but at least had a hotel and a low class resturant.

"Get her to one of the rooms, I don't want her outside," Gaara ordered Temari, "Keep her in bed and tend to her."

"I'm fine, Gaara, i'll just have a drink of water then we can continue," Ura panted, resting her palms on her knees, "I can make it if you only give me the chance."

"Go now," Gaara ignored Ura's remark.

Temari didn't have the choice, she forced Ura into one of the hotel rooms and basically made Ura stay in that bed until Sakura finally came in to see what's going on in Ura. Sakura looked into Ura's eyes and mouth, finding no trace of an infectious disease. The Leaf Kunoichi then pressed an ear onto Ura's stomach, then felt that area for a few moments, "I think you might have a flu, Ura, or..."

"Or what?" Ura asked as she sat up.

"You might be pregnant," Sakura concluded with a smile.

Temari and Sakura seemed very much delighted, all except Ura, who had a shocked face on. She pressed a hand against her womb, her eyes lingered down to that spot wondering if Gaara's child was really forming within her. How could Sakura be accurate? Morning sickness can be a start but it might be a stomach flu! There was no way Ura could've gotten pregnant, she had used a im-pregnation jutsu to make sure she didn't.

"Aren't you happy, Ura? Gaara really wants a family with you and here you are, you're a mother-to-be," Temari smiled as she took her friend's hand, "Do you want me to tell Gaara the good news?"

"No," Ura mumbled as she slid her hand away from Temari's.

"Ura...what's wrong? You don't seem quite pleased that you just might be pregnant," Sakura asked with a confused look, "A lot of other women would be happy knowing that."

"I guess i'm not one of those women then, don't tell Gaara at all, now get out," Ura stated fiercely.

Temari and Sakura, who were entirely confused, quietly left the room to leave Ura at peace. Ura couldn't pull her hand away from her womb, a deep feeling of anger began to rise in her. This..being, would cause her to lose her role as a kunoichi, the best kunoichi in Suna. That title was the one thing she had worked so hard and long for, and now...this baby was forming in her, slowly taking away all that she had really wanted. Yes, children were apart of her future, but that was the way future, not the recent. Ura closed her eyes, she could here the faint heartbeat within her womb, it was not a stomach flu, but a forming child. Tears formed in her eyes as her other hand lingered to one hari, carrying a child would cause a lot of distraught now, there was only one thing to do and that was to get rid of it. Feeling her skin tear slightly as she slowly sunk the hari into the exact spot where the tiny heart was gave Ura the feeling of remorse.

But it was not time to have a child, she pulled the hari out and wrapped herself in some conviently located bandages to hide the wound. There would be many times when she could have a child, but right when she wanted to fight Leila and kill Kabutome was not the right time. She healed her womb from the stab by the hari with a healing jutsu, then left the room to see Gaara standing with Temari as she talked to Lee. Gaara noticed Ura walk out of the hotel and instantly approached her, "I told you to stay in bed, you're ill."

"No i'm not, I just ate something bad," Ura tried to smile, but avoided eye contact with Gaara.

She knew he wanted a family of his own, but Gaara would have wanted her to do what she had to do. He would agree this was no time to carry a child, Ura had to concentrate on that statement to move on. Gaara searched her eyes and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, "If you aren't sick, then why did you look that way this morning?"

"I don't know...I guess someone was lightly sick and I got the major part of it," Ura shrugged, "But we should continue on our path Gaara, Kabutome and Leila could already be halfway there."

"We're already there, this village is a minor part of that part of the village. If we continue east on their dirt path, we can make it to that village by noon, but we need to go now," Gaara informed Ura.

Ura looked around, "Where's Naruto and his shinobi?"

"Why do you care?" Gaara crossed his arms as he gave her a half angry look.

"Because they're helping us get Kabutome and Leila," Ura was getting fed up with Gaara and his overprotectiveness.

"There at the end of the village waiting for us," Gaara shrugged, "But we aren't going to leave until you get some rest. As-"

"Lets go then," Ura didn't let him finish his sentence as she ran to the end of the village, where Lee and his Kage were waiting.

"Are you feeling better?" Lee instantly turned to see Ura, "Is it true...that you know..."

"No, i'm not," Ura stated quickly, but changed her facial expression when Gaara approached the group.

Once everyone had gathered together, they went back to their formation from earlier that morning and just continued down that dirt path. Temari kept eyeing Ura intently, the bandages were something Temari hadn't seen just an hour ago. But, Temari didn't mention anything, anything that Ura did had to have some reason behind it. In a way, Temari trusted Ura's judgement, though Ura was a few years younger than Temari.

Ura could notice the watchful eyes of Temari, which worried her. Temari was a motherly soul that would kill Ura if she found out that Ura had killed an unborn baby. Just that action could cost the friendship between Ura and Temari, and that could be a deadly war right there. As Ura ran, her gaze slipped in front of her, she was the best kunoichi of Suna, there was no other better kunoichi that has tried to top her yet. So, as the best kunoichi, having a child unplanned was an outrage and a disgrace to everyother kunoichi in Suna. Whatever happened from then to the end of the mission will not include children, even if Gaara will want to kill Ura for stopping the pregnancy.

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now