Interuption ( Chapter 41 )

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Eversince Ura's revival, Gaara was reluctant to leave her side for even a few seconds, in fear that she would disappear by his side. It also seemed that everyone was also a bit worried as well, the only one that was not bombarding Ura with unneccesary conversations was Sasuke.

As Naruto was telling Ura some story he was telling Gaara that night at the last battle in the Village of the Four Priestesses, Ura was lightly tapping her finger while staring out at the scenery outside. She hadn't heard any word from Kabutome's where-abouts and was growing aggrivated, she wanted revenge badly. Gaara sat besides Ura, noticing how distant she was from Naruto's story. His eyes traveled through her own, taking in the anger she had for Kabutome, the questions to why Leila wanted to leave, emotions rampaging through her like a stormy sea threatening to flood.

Ura rudely stood from the seat she had sat in, walking over to the window to concentrate on her own thoughts for once. Naruto looked over at Gaara, who gave Ura a grave look, "There is no need to be rude to the Hokage, Ura."

"I don't want to hear it right now, Gaara," Ura growled to the Kazekage, "In fact, i'm going for a walk, alone."

Without hesitation, Ura leaped out of the window, and began to stroll through the grass. Gaara paced to the window, watching Ura leave in silence. Naruto also stood and looked out the same window, "You think she's upset?"

"I wouldn't call that anything else," Gaara grumbled, "Didn't you tell by the way her eyes were hard?"

"Look, I was just telling my story to her, I didn't notice anything," Naruto commented, then looked back at Ura, who was a speck in the distance, "But I bet she's still upset from last week's incident. Say, who's running your village while you're here?"

"The elders that I assigned to take over when i'm out," Gaara sighed as he pulled away from the window, "Like my fiance', i'm in no mood to talk to anyone either. I'll be in my quarters."

Ura looked up at the sky, why did Leila leave so suddenly? Just when Ura had freed Leila from Kabutome, Leila had to leave right then and there for questions? The Suna Kunoichi kicked a pebble in frustration, what questions were there when Ura basically saved Leila??

*Damn it! Once I do a good thing to that stupid wench, she just ups and leaves me like that again! I swear, when I find her, i'm taking her back to the village personally!* Ura found a tall tree and leaped to the highest branch.

Since her death and ressurrection, Ura had different outlooks on everything and everyone. She had come to the conclusion that if Leila was easily suaded to join Kabutome, then...maybe she would be again. As much as Ura wanted to believe that maybe Leila was different, the truth was that Leila was not like Ura. Leila was still a child at heart and didn't have the strength that Ura had to train to easily decline offers from men like Kabutome. As Ura relaxed against the tree, she felt a flint of chakra far, but close enough for her to run to. It was a strange chakra flick, as if beckoning for help. Ura got up from the branch and stealthfully ran to the location of the chakra, until she found a familiar woman waiting on a tree limb, Leila!

Ura stopped on an opposite branch, glaring at Leila with the resentment towards her sister. Leila uncrossed her arms and approached the end of her branch, "So, you came, I was surprised you even felt that from so far away."

"Then I guess you don't know much about me...So, where is he?" Ura pulled out an umbrella, "Or did you actually keep to your word?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Leila gave a scowl to Ura, "Let's cut to the chase, we're basically enemies now, and for life."

"Even after I saved you? You're more of an idiot than I thought you were," Ura returned the dirty look, "I'm not that surprised you joined back with Kabutome, but i'm shocked to see you didn't sign a pact with him this time."

"I don't need to, not when I have these," Leila showed her Spirit Reapers.

Ura was puzzled when she saw the floating dragon-like creatures, "These? What the hell are these?"

"Spirit Reapers, they collect souls from the living whenever I please. I became a threat to Kabutome, so now i'm equally as strong as he is now, along with you," Leila stated with no emotion written on her face, "Meaning i'm your threat now too."

In that little statement, Ura began to lightly chuckle, until that became a hearty laugh at Leila's explination. Leila grew even more irritated at Ura's reaction, so she sent a reaper at Ura, who easily dodged the dragon-like creature with a swipe from her umbrella. Ura gave an 'I-told-you-before' look, "Don't you get it, kid? You will never kill me, i'm like that parasite that's a bitch to get rid of."

Leila grunted as she brought back her reaper to her sides, then growled at Ura, "Is that what's so funny? You think I can't kill you?"

"I know you can't kill me, you couldnt before, it was Kabutome who killed me and that was because I was protecting my Kazekage," Ura stamped the end of her umbrella into the branch.

"Oh really? So the Kazekage is that dear to you? Maybe Kabutome and I should start after him, since Kabutome gained a lot of power from that eldest priestess," Leila smirked as Kabutome came out from the center of the tree behind Leila.

This time, Kabutome was much bigger and more demonic looking, his skin was an ashy grey, his eyes were blood-thirsty red...but worse, his teeth were fangs while her hands were razor claws. This..beast...behind Leila was Kabutome's new form, Ura flinched at how much chakra be possessed. What was even worse was now she was in a deadly position as well, alone with two of her enemies. Leila saw the fear in Ura's eyes for just a second, that was enough to know that she should allow Kabutome to kill Ura, but...what would killing her sister bring Leila? Nothing really, it was the Kages she was after now, they possessed many jutsus that she could harvest herself to start taking over countries with Kabutome.

"So...when are you going to let him at me? I'm ready for a gruesome fight now," Ura pulled out her second umbrella, "I've trained remember? Oh yeah, that's right, you weren't even thought of when I was training through blood, sweat, and tears."

"Shut up, why don't you go crawl back in your sand dune with that man you want to marry and leave me be. If I kill you, then that means there will be more incompetant people that I would have Kabutome kill for me," Leila brushed some hair out of her face.

"Have Kabutome kill for you? See, you can't even face your own kind, more so your own sister. You boast about how strong you are now, but you can't even win a real battle with me," Ura smirked, knowing she was easily pissing Leila off to high heavens.

Leila was so angry, she began to softly shake from her violent temper. Kabutome disappeared into another area, allowing Leila to take care of Ura on her own this time. Ura then made a comfortable pose, "And do you really think those butterflies can kill me? It's going to take more than stealing my soul..."

"Would you really kill me when I gave up half of my soul to revive you?" Leila eyed Ura with mischivous eyes, "How honorabe you will sound to your people when they find that out."

"It doesn't matter now!" Ura leaped towards Leila, swiping her hari against Leila's belly.

Fresh blood squirted out onto Ura's body, Leila staggered back before Ura could continue dicing Leila into tiny pieces. The Soul Reapers were useless when all Ura was doing was scarring Leila's body, and Leila wasn't even dead, so they couldn't give her souls unless she actually died. As Leila leaped to a different branch, a repear went into her stomach, forming into her left arm. Ura noticed and evaded away from Leila, just to see what she could do with that arm of hers.

Then, the other reapers quickly wrapped around Ura, making sure she couldn't move or try to escape. Leila smirked, aiming her right arm at Ura, focusing her energy to open the mouth of the reaper in her arm. In a split second, a huge blast of spiritual energy bolted out at Ura. It was a perfect shot, hitting Ura head-on, sending the Suna Kunoichi flying back through several trees until she finally fell to the ground. Ura was battered, but she managed to get right back up, opening both umbrellas out in front of her, "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?? I'M GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT REAL DEVISTATION IS NOW!"

She touched the tips of her pointer fingers together, creating five more clones of herself. They all stood side-by-side, their umbrellas held out in front of them, and they began to twirl the umbrellas at such a fast speed. Hari sped through the trees at the speed of light towards Leila, but while Leila was focusing on only the hari, she didn't realize, the clones and the real Ura came at her from the other directions. One punched her across the face, another in the stomach, one more in the back, and all over. When the clones disappeared in smoke, it was the realy Ura who punched Leila so hard in the jaw that it sent Leila flying into the air. The hari caught up with Leila's body, and in mid-air, the hari went through Leila like paper. It wasn't just twenty hari, oh no, the amount of hari that went in her was about a thousand.

Ura placed her hands together in the sign of a jutsu, her eyes closed, but when she re-opened them, the Sharingan showed with all three circles inside. The next sign she made was of blood, she manipulated Leila's blood to form a gooey, string like thing that dripped down to Ura's hand as Leila was still being mutilated by the hari. In one swift move, Ura tugged on the blood, pulling Leila away, ending the hari jutsu. Leila's body smashed into the ground, then Ura leaped down and sat on top of Leila's bleeding body.

Leila then opened her eyes fully, shoving Ura off, both women going into hand-to-hand combat. Since Leila didn't have any training on taijutsu like Ura did, she wasn't standing a chance, but was able to dodge Ura's punches and kicks. Leila managed to pull-off a few elbows to Ura's stomach, or punches to Ura's face. Until both of them leaped away from each other, Leila used the reaper that manifested into her arm, took it out and stiffened it like a sword. Ura summoned one of her umbrellas, using that like a sword as well, then they leaped at each other, clashing both the umbrella and the reaper. It was the battle between strength, though Ura was out-numbering Leila with her physical strength, Leila's strength in her spiritual powers was all that was keeping her equal to Ura. A piercing, but sneaky, blow to Ura's leg was marred from the other Soul Reapers, but Ura jumped a little into the air, swirling her legs, kicking away the reapers but also smacking Leila to the ground with her heels. Ura then slammed the side of her umbrella into Leila's stomach, causing Leila to lightly spit up some blood.

Ura wiped some of her own blood from her mouth, this battle was going on for far too long. She saw how Leila was struggling to get up, both their chakra levels had plummited and both were exhausted. With her Sharingan, Ura was able to see that Leila was out of ideas to win this battle, all she was thinking about was a way to escape. Ura put away her Sharingan, it was no longer needed and it was hurting her chakra as it stayed out.

"Don't you dare..quit on me... I'm gonna kill you with everything I got," Leila glared heavily at Ura, breathing heavily as she leaned against a tree.

The Suna Kunoichi eyed Leila, this battle was a far cry from over, but both couldn't even stand up without supporting on something. Ura herself noticed she was using her umbrella to stand up straight, yeah, she could easily kill Leila by cutting her throat, but then...what would that do? Kabutome was the one she wanted to kill, not Leila, at least not right now. With what dignity Ura had left, she summoned her other umbrella, putting them both on her back, "I'll call this one, the next one we'll go all out."

Leila was confused, but then sent a reaper to Ura, wrapping her ankles together, "You're not going anywhere, I will tell you when you can leave, and that won't be until you're dead."

"I'm not staying around here to play games," Ura sent a hari into the reaper's head, desicrating it easily, "Gaara's probably wondering where i'm at, and so are my friends. So i'll play with you some other time, ok?"

This was even more confusing to Leila, then she called out to Ura, "Why did you free me?"

Ura stopped walking, then turned to Leila, not with a glare, but a friendly smile, "Because that's what older sisters do, we fight with our little sisters, but we also help them when we know they need help."

Leila's glare vanished into a surprised look as Ura leaped away, she didn't know what to say or do. Though Ura had put a good beating on her, she couldn't believe that Ura still called their tie a sisterhood. As the Soul Reapers replenished Leila's blood, Leila contimplated everything in her head. Either Ura was toying with her mind, or Ura really meant what she had said. Leila stared hard at the ground below her, what was she going to do now?


Naruto stayed up until sunset, he couldn't get any sleep ever since Ura had left to go for a walk. He was a bit timid about sleeping, in fear Gaara would kill them all if she didn't come back, so that was why he basically stayed up. The Hokgae sipped on his tea, but then felt the familiar, elegant chakra coming to the shrine. Naruto knew who's footsteps they belonged to, Ura slipped into the shrine, silently shutting the door. When she turned to see the curious stare of the ocean blue-eyed Hokage, she gave a nod towards him, "Lord Hokage-sama."

"Suna no Ura-san," Naruto nodded her ways as well.

Ura sat at the opposite mat from Naruto, taking another cup and filling it with tea, slipping in a shot of sake. The herbal, yet spicy from the sake, tea slid down Ura's throat like heaven, it has been awhile since she actually sat down to enjoy something to drink after a hard battle. Naruto noticed her wounds and the blood smeared all over her, "So...Leila decieved you again?"

"What can I expect from that rebellous sister of mine?" Ura sighed, "I just hope she would get the hint and just give up, i'm not going to let her win or die on me."

Naruto also added some sake to his tea, enjoying the spicey taste also go down his throat. It has been awhile since the Hokage could enjoy some tea with anyone in a way that didn't mean they were about to discuss death. Ura finished her tea and just poured in sake, "So, where's the sand man at? I thought he would be waiting up for me by now."

"He was going to go after you, but I basically had to fight him back into this shrine to keep him from leaving," Naruto explained, "I'm just glad our countries aren't enemies anymore, fighting with Gaara is like fighting a massive sand storm. I don't know how you could've put up with him when he was at his worst when you four were a genin."

Ura shrugged, "What can I say? I loved him then like I love him now, all I had to do was just be patient with his outbursts. Though I can hardly say I saw them the most."

Naruto drank a shot of sake, "What do you mean? Are you saying you never saw him go full-on before?"

"Only that time when both of you were fighting, he had allowed Shukaku to take over and you had out the Nine-Tailed Fox," Ura answered as she poured another cup of sake, "That was the only time, ever since then, i've only seen the stabled Gaara."

Naruto could understand what she meant, Gaara didn't allow himself to get to that point unless someone was strong enough. The Hokage could see it in Ura's eyes that she had always wanted Gaara to go all the way with her in battle, but she never got that chance, and may never have that at all. It was as if the old Ura really wanted Gaara to see her true strength on the front line, to show him how strong she had become over the years. Their silence was annoying Naruto, so he suggested, "You should go get a bath before Gaara wakes up to see you like this. It's bad enough you fought without him knowing, but now that i'm in it is even worse."

Ura nodded and left, leaving the Hokage to drink the sake in peace. As he finished his last glass, he then said, "No need to hide Sasuke, even you can't mask your chakra from the Hokage."

Sasuke grimaced at his foolish presense as he stepped into the main room, a bit embarressed that even Naruto could sense the Uchiha. Naruto motioned his head towards the seat in front of him, and Sasuke walked over to the mat and sat, not wanting anything to drink.

"How much did you hear?" Naruto asked as he eyed the Uchiha.

"All of it," Sasuke shrugged like it mean nothing to him.

Naruto hated it when people eavesdropped on conversations, and Sasuke could tell he hit a hot spot on Naruto, smirking a little in gratification. The Hokage squinched his nose in displeasure, "That's not something to be proud of Sasuke."

The way Naruto had his pouty face on was sort of child-like, a little fact that made Sasuke laugh slightly at the great Hokage. Naruto noticed that soft chuckle and was becoming even more irritated with Sasuke, so he stood up to make his leave. But, as the Uchiha stood, Naruto wanted to piss off Sasuke, so he turned to see how gracefully Sasuke stood up. Naruto brushed off that sight and marched over to Sasuke, about to say a comment, until he tripped on his ceremonial robes and fell straight onto Sasuke, who couldn't hold Naruto because of his weight. Sasuke was just about to shove Naruto off, until he noticed how close he was to the Hokage this time, and how child-like Naruto was in his arms, squirming from insequirities. In an instinct, Sasuke pulled Naruto closer, until their lips touched, sending a wave of heat through both men.

Naruto was shocked at first at Sasuke's actions, but then melted into the kiss like the Uchiha did, not wanting to pull away. In a way, the Hokage could feel Hinata's lips all over again, maybe he had found the one Hinata was talking about. After a few more moments, Naruto pulled away from the heated kiss, staring down at the raven man below him, almost in awe at how many emotions began to rise for the lone Uchiha. Sasuke was confused about what had just happened, but it felt good, so what else could he do but accept it? If he was aroused by Naruto, then he would be aroused by Naruto, there weren't any other options that he could find to deny his feelings now.

The Hokage got off of Sasuke, brushing himself off as Sasuke also stood up. Naruto turned to Sasuke, "So...are know..."

"Just spit it out, dobe," Sasuke said playfully as he nudged Naruto.

Naruto gulped, he never knew he would be saying it, "Lovers?"

"See you in bed," Sasuke brushed passed the stunned Naruto, going into the Hokage's chambers.

Naruto gulped again, but when he faced the other doorway, he saw Ura with a sly smirk on her face. Though he was clueless on somethings, he knew Ura had basically saw the entire thing, " you know now, can you not tell anyone yet, I mean..."

"Don't worry, Naruto, your secret is safe with me," Ura wiped down her wet hair, "I think it's pretty hot if you ask me, plus you shouldn't be afraid of showing your feelings for the Uchiha."

"But...i'm a Hokage, i'm supposed to...well you know..." Naruto was still embarressed at his sexuality.

"Oh Naruto.." Ura sighed as she shook her head, then smiled at him, "Loving someone you care about is nothing to be ashamed about, look at Sakura and Ino. Their open with their feelings to anyone who has questions, and both are perfectly happy with their choice in each other. Believe me, I think you'll want to enjoy your time with Sasuke, you're probably the one to heal all the wounds that I couldn't heal for him."

Naruto looked away, then nodded in agreement, "I see...well...I better go to bed now, i'm..i'm going to be sore in the ass tomorrow aren't I?"

"You betcha, take it like a real man," Ura teased Naruto as she left to her room with Gaara.

The Hokage waited a few seconds before turning his head and looking down at his virgin butt, wondering how bad it was going to hurt now. He sighed, his new deep feelings for Sasuke were strong, hopefully they won't hurt too bad in the morning.

Ura stepped into the dark room, it was a rare occasion when she saw Gaara sleeping on his own in a bed. She softly layed down on the bed, laying close to Gaara as she watched him sleep. His lips were lightly spread as he layed on his back, his head facing towards her own. As Gaara slept peacefully, his arms were spread out to his sides, as if allowing sleep to take him completely. Even his hard eyes became soft and innocent as they were lightly closed, Ura couldn't help but be proud that she had won the heart of the strongest Kazekage she will ever know. She was so happy that Gaara was the one that she would spend the rest of her life with, the man that will grow old and wrinkley with her, unless she would end up going to Tsunade to learn how to stop aging.

The hardships she had to face and would have to face...they would be pay off on the day she and Gaara say 'I do'.

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