Welcome ( Chapter 23 )

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The entire mansion was busy, servents cleaning, chefs preparing the fine menus for the next two weeks, and even Gaara was tidying up his office so the Hokage, and his two body guards, will be more impressed. Ura had Leila staying with some servents in the back of the mansion so the child wouldn't be in anyones way. The Sand kunoichi wasn't thrilled about seeing Sasuke in Gaara's territory, if there was one thing Ura never wanted, it would have to be Gaara getting the wrong idea or impression. She had to make it clear to Sasuke that there could not be any intimacy inside or outside the mansion, that there could be no relationship existant to the world to see.Temari had finally return, but she seemed so anxious to know why Shikamaru didn't come, though she wrote to him everyday. The other Sand kunoichi was picking up the weaponry room, trying to make it look threatening so the Hokage felt proud his country was allied with their own. Kankurou, on the other hand, decided to tease Ura about Sasuke and their little rendezvous in Konoha. He poked her ribs, "So, are you going to do it again?""No, now stop," Ura snapped at him subtly, "I don't want Gaara or anyone else hearing about that, and you know it!""I can't help the fact that you willingly gave yourself up to the Uchiha, you used to hate him," Kankurou commented, "Unless you're trying to get back at Gaara, I can't think of any other excuse to why you would do that.""Maybe because I was drunk off of sake and my senses were all whacked up," Ura placed her hands on her hips, "Besides, it was a one time fling, it will never happen again."Kankurou then pointed at her stomach, "You still haven't gone back to get the bandages you left in Konoha, you've been parading around here with your belly to the world. I like it and all, but you're going to get a major sun burn...""I have back-ups, and I haven't been outside that much, so it doesn't really matter-""C'mon, the Hokage arrived!" Temari flew in, grabbed their wrists, and dragged them to the entrance hall, where Gaara waited.The Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, walked into the traditional, dark shrine of the Kazekage, dressed in a white garb, quite traditional for the Hokage. Right behind him was Sakura Haruna, and the one Ura looked away from, Sasuke Uchiha. Kankurou elbowed slightly, just to make one last tease before he had to stop so Gaara wouldn't notice. Naruto shook hands with Gaara, "You're looking better everytime I come here.""And vice versa," Gaara commented as he pulled his hand away softly, "Your Jonin will be shown to their rooms, as well as your own, then we can begin the meeting after you have rested from your journey."Temari had to go run a quick errand, Kankurou was taking Sakura to her room, while Ura was silently leading Sasuke to his own. Each step felt like eternity, and Ura was trying to think up something to say, she was never so nervous before. When she reached to Sasuke's room, she opened the door for him, "Here's your room..."Sasuke took a step inside, but turned to Ura, "There's something wrong in the room.."Ura looked inside, it seemed quite normal, but maybe one of the servents forgot to clean up a spot. Without another thought, Ura walked in and shut the door, "It doesn't look like anything is wrong, Sasuke, would you like a different room if this is not good enough now."When the Uchiha turned to face her fully, he towered over her, then he bent down to her ear, "It's fine now..."The kunoichi stood still, not knowing whether to move or not, as much as she didn't want Gaara to see this, she didn't want Sasuke to be hurt. He began to kiss her neck softly, pushing her up against the door as gently as he could, making sure to not make any noise. Ura lifted her head unconsciously, wanting his soft lips to reach more skin, but Sasuke's lips lowered to her collar bone. He lowered the straps to her top, letting them hang loose on her upper arms as he pulled her shirt down ever so slowly to kiss the top of her breasts."Sasuke..not here...not now," Ura murmured, trying to protest, but wanted more as he continued.Sasuke went back to her face, his dark, warm eyes glistening from the noon sun behind him. As slow as mollassus, he pressed his lips against her own, tenderly as he could get, entering her mouth. Ura gave in to his loving kiss, kissing back with such sweetness that he was giving her. Why was she allowing him to do this to her? To what she, herself, thought, Ura was trying to fall back in love with Gaara. But here she was, kissing Sasuke, whom Gaara did not actually care for but would put up with. As much as Ura wanted to love Gaara, she couldn't help but enjoy the love she was recieving from Sasuke.The rush of feeling Sasuke wrap his arms around her, pulling her closer to him Ura noticed he was inching their bodies towards the bed. Ura finally was able to push him off of her, "No, no way, not now, not when we're under Gaara's roof.""Forget about him," Sasuke took her wrist, "There's no way I will let him control you.""You don't get do you!?" Ura snatched her wrist back, "When you're in Gaara's territory, you live under the entire Sand Country's rules. If I say 'not now', I mean 'not now'."Sasuke looked Ura up and down, she was lightly shaking from the rush of emotions he had given her. The Uchiha inched towards her, grasping her lightly, stroking her head, "Tell me...you love me."There was no answer, Ura didn't know what she felt for Sasuke now. Sasuke held her harder, trying to think why she did not love him when he was infatuated by her. Then, there was a knock at the door, Sasuke cursed a little as he wrenched the door open after he had released Ura. Kankurou stood in the doorway, a slight smirk on his face when he saw Ura's straps hanging loosely around her arms. The Sand Shinobi knew what they were up to, Ura was flustered, the Uchiha was having a major boner..."Gaara wants to see you, Ura," Kankurou stated, "Drink a glass of water before you go down to stop your shaking."Ura nodded slightly as she left the Uchiha's room, but Kankurou stood there, eyeing Sasuke heavily. Sasuke gave a cold glare at Kankurou, "Is that all you're here for?""I know your game, and it's not gonna work," Kankurou laughed lightly at Sasuke in a taunting way, "There's no way she'll fall for you."Sasuke's jaw tightened at the foul comment he was given by Kankurou, "What makes you so sure?""She has a little orgasim when I do her, and from what she told me, you didn't even get her that far. There's now way you can win a woman over without her screaming out your name. If you ever did, she'd be screaming Gaara's name," Kankurou crossed his arms.That had pissed Sasuke right off, he lunged at Kankurou, ready to punch the Sand Shinobi, but Kankurou already saw it by stepping out of the way. Sasuke's fist and rage landed in the wall, breaking the wood as Kankurou chuckled at Sasuke's willingness to hurt him, "Wait til Gaara sees that, you'll be fined for at least the wood damage, or more when he finds out your crush for Ura."Kankurou turned and left, while Sasuke, grudgingly, went back to his own room...**Ura**Finally calming down, Ura had entered Gaara's office, but he wasn't there. She checked most of the places where she would have instantly found him, but Gaara wasn't there too. Ura then went to the library, the last place she'd ever look, and there she had found the missing Kazekage."You wanted to see me, Lo-""You know the name I want to be called by when we're alone," he stated, his back to her."Ok...You wanted to see me, Gaara?" Ura repeated her question.Gaara stood at the small balcony as the afternoon wind entered the library, cooling the room off from the heat the windows were bringing in. As the sun shown the the clouds, some of the rays bounced off of Gaara, giving him a radient glow. He turned slightly, and Ura swore he never looked more like a god than he did now, standing before her."Yes, there is something I want to discuss with you," Gaara answered, entering the library so he could talk with Ura.Ura relaxed against the arm chair as Gaara sat down in one of the close chairs, "When the Hokage came into my mansion, you became tense. Your breathing hitched, your feet began to shift from side to side, and your fists were shaking. What did you see in the Hokage that made you that nervous?"Was that was this meeting about? Gaara thinks its because of the Hokage that she was making her so nervous? But she had to tell Gaara something, he wouldn't believe any of her lies if she just said it was nothing. Ura crossed her legs as she said, "Well... I do not trust the Leaf Kunoichi, though she is a skilled healer, there is something about her that makes me cringe.""What makes you think she is threatening?" Gaara eyed her."From what her lover told me, Sakura holds a foul temper and a grudge against anyone that makes her mad. She does think think highly of our country, and her lover informed me that Sakura would do anything to have Naruto wage a war against you," Ura explained.Gaara found that a bit hard to see truthful, Sakura had saved him many times before, so why would she want to have a war against his country? The Kazekage concluded that Ura was keeping a very big secret from him, she wouldn't have lied so poorly if she wasn't. He skepted her out more clearly, trying to dig whatever she was hiding out. Gaara then relaxed his back against the back of the couch he sat on, "Don't try to lie to me, I can read you like an open book.""I don't want to talk about it, Gaara," Ura confessed, "It's not a big deal, but I don't want to have to explain everything out."Even though Gaara had told her that he would stop at nothing to gain her love, Ura never thought of Gaara actually reaching out and placing his hand on her own, "Tell me, and I will listen."Out of all the other times she and Gaara ever spoke to one another, that was the most sweetest thing he had ever said before. Her eyes softened up, she felt more comfortable around him now, like she could say anything, and he'll actually listen to what she had to say. Ura placed her other hand on top of his own, "I'm glad you feel that way, the next time I need someone to talk to, i'll come to you."When Ura's tan eyes met Gaara's frozen stare, she could see him trying to get closer, but was too timid to come any closer. As a Genin, Ura knew Gaara was afraid to make a first move in anything, he always waited for someone to take the initiative first move. So Gaara was trying to push himself to kiss her, but was nervous about being rejected. Ura blushed just a little, though she had kissed two men before, this was the man she had dreamt about for far too long. Taking the first move, Ura pressed her lips against Gaara's, trying to soothe his weariness and let him gain some confidence to do the rest. Gaara finally scooted his chair closert to Ura's, pulling her wrists closer to him so he could kiss her more deeply.That was bliss, total heaven for Ura, most of the pain had been flushed before, but now a new feeling was welcomed to her. The long, lost love for Gaara had finally began to seep in, but was just the beginning, time would have to fill the rest up until she knew she was truly in love with Gaara all over again. Through their passionate kiss, their eyes were at a dead lock, both wanting to know that they were both there, that they were not someone else for another empty kiss.Gaara slipped her hands closer to his neck, pulling her to where she was coming on top of him. Ura had never felt so alive before, kissing the man she had dreamt about had made a rush of lust come over her. Feeling her fingers tangle through the back of his hair, tasting his tongue as it entered her mouth, and her body pressing against his own made her want to have Gaara all to herself. She craved him, Ura snaked her hand down Gaara's well-chizzeled stomach, and then went into his pants. Gaara allowed her intrusion and even groped her to give her a good sensation as well. Ura rubbed her palm against his hardened erection, it was pretty big, probably around 8 or 9 inches, a little bigger than Sasuke's, but much bigger than Kankurou's. She gave it a tight squeeze, sending a chill through Gaara just enough to make him flinch for a few seconds, but he returned the favor by sucking on her neck."Lord Ka-..."Ura nor Gaara had heard or felt the chakra that had came upon them so quickly. They were both so warped in their bliss to even care about who saw, but it wasn't that Gaara was worried, it was Ura. She had frozen, that voice, her eyes widened in fear... Ura had turned her head softly, a gasp reached her lips at the Jonin she had seen before her, Sasuke... Why did he have to come? Why did he have to see? Tears of guilt and regret formed in her eyes when she saw how much heart break she had thrown at him. His eyes were confused, hurt, bleeding on the inside... Of all people that Ura had to hurt, it had to be the one that was already wounded.Quickly as she could, Ura snapped her hand out of Gaara's pants and straightened herself off of Gaara, her head lowered to Sasuke. Gaara had also gotten up, brushing off the wrinkles on his clothes, "What do you want?""Lord Hokage has rested and wishes for a meeting..." Sasuke grumbled grudgingly at Gaara.Gaara glanced over at Ura, she was still lightly crying, but why? His icey eyes were directed back at Sasuke's, who was giving dirty looks at Ura. The feeling of envy ran through his veins, there was something he had to watch in Sasuke, there was way too much tension between the two Jonin. Gaara crossed his arms at Sasuke, "Then move."Sasuke took a step to the side, Gaara walked passed Sasuke, but when he reached the door, he turned slightly, "Ura, I need you to come as well, you are needed in this type of meeting."Ura scurried over to Gaara, but when Sasuke began to walk behind Gaara, the Kazekage stopped and also turned to Sasuke, "You are not needed in any of my own meetings. Sakura Haruno will be attending this meeting, so you may go to your lodging."In that instant, their eyes were in a deadlock, the Kazekage and the Leaf Jonin held their glare. Gaara dared Sasuke to make any other move besides making Ura tear up, the words Kankurou had said rang through Sasuke's head. It became clear to Sasuke that there was a silent war, two wounded men were seeking the love of a woman who had healed from them. Without any recognition of respect, Sasuke disappeared, though the tears in Ura's did not. Gaara continued to walk with Ura at his side, but he would question her to why she was shedding so many tears for the Leaf Jonin.Gaara and Ura stepped into the meeting room, Ura had stopped shedding tears, but still had a sorrowful look on her face. She sat next to Gaara, facing Sakura and Naruto like it was the death penilty. The meeting was basically about how the two countries were doing, but then it became more interesting when Naruto said, "From what my advisor had informed me, there is a man that is trying to gain the power Orochimaru had in his day. My advisors, and myself, feel that it is needed that we check into this man to see what he's up to. What do you think?""This man you speak of may not be nothing but a rumor, but I will send a few of my finest Jonin to help your own men out," Gaara answered, "If this man becomes a threat, or is already one, i'll have him come to one of our countries to be questioned and put to death.""When do you want them to go?" Naruto asked as he had a solemn look on his face, "We can't have just our regular Jonin leave, this man idolized Orochimaru, he was obsessed with Orochimaru. It wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't already began trying to make some group to reserect Orochimaru from his grave.""That is why i'll be sending most of my ANBU Jonin, and a few of my regular Jonin to prove themselves worthy for ANBU. But for your own, I see a lot of potential in your Sasuke, it would be wise to send him to lead the expedition," Gaara commented.Ura's head snapped up instantly, she knew there was a reason why Gaara would have spoken so heavily about Sasuke. She didn't quite get it to why he wanted Sasuke to lead the entire thing, but she knew exactly why he wanted Sasuke to go.*He's planning to kill Sasuke!!!!* Ura thought, her pulse quickening at Gaara's plan.

"I will see to it that he does then," Naruto was getting bored with the meeting, "Will you be sending your representative then so she can prove herself to become an ANBU?"

"No, her job is to pursuade the other leaders to leave my country at peace, that is how she is proving herself to be a successful kunoichi of the Sand. Now, off of that topic, but back to that man you were speaking of earlier. If he does become a threat and escapes from us, what do you plan on doing then?" Gaara crossed his arms.

"Then we go after him ourselves, you, me, and all of our strongest shinobi and kunoichi as we can," Naruto concluded, "Unless you have any other better ideas."

"I agree," Gaara aslo concluded.

Though Sakura was silent through the meeting, she noticed the mark on Ura's neck and was wondering her gave it to her. Sakura eyed Ura more intentivly, there was something about Ura's own silence that made Sakura want to punch the kunoichi.

The meeting had ended, and Gaara had slipped a note into Ura's hands...

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now