Lost Love Found ( Chapter 42 )

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Sakura was outside the shrine that the group was staying in to plan out what their tactics were going to be. The tension was just so thick for her to stand, plus she wanted to read the letter Ino sent to her:

"Sakura, my love,

I hope things don't get too tough for you out there, I mean with Sasuke and all. Remember that you have my whole heart and soul with you at all times, and that I love you very much. You mean the world to me and I can't wait to have a child with you to share my love with.

Please return safely, I need you Sakura, and I don't want you to get hurt.

Eternally love,

She knew how worried Ino was about her near Sasuke 24-hours a day, and Sakura could understand why. As she folded the letter and stuck it inside her shirt to feel Ino's warmth near her, she felt the presense of the Uchiha approach her. Her uncomfort level rose beyong it's limit as he neared her, "Naruto was wondering where you were at."

"Yeah...well i'm here," Sakura ran her fingers through her hair, but then her letter slipped out of her shirt.

Sasuke picked up the letter, and against Sakura's wishes, began to read it. His eyes scanned every letter of every word, he had forgotten about her passion for Ino, the passion after she had for him. In a way, he was envious to not have Sakura swoon over him like he was used to, but now he had the insequre Naruto slightly swooning over him. He folded it back up and handed it to Sakura, who held it close to her, feeling a bit too 'open' for comfort.

"So...you chose Ino as your partner, I thought you two were bitter enemies," Sasuke tried to lift the tension from the air.

"We were...it was a few days after you...left... It became official that day, and we've stayed together since then," Sakura faced her old-teammate, "But...at first, it was only to replace you, to get rid of you from my mind completely. My plan worked, Ino took away all traces of you for me, she did everything, even the impossible, just to make me happier than before. It's because of Ino that i'm where I am now, and i'm just..just really glad that she loves me back."

Sasuke eyed Sakura, she had never made him feel so...pitiful like that before, like he was just one of those things you could easily toss away at any moment. In a way, it was a huge insult towards him, but he remembered how much she poured out to him on the night he had left Konoha. 'I love you so much!' she had basically yelled to him, and he merely just told her a thank you then left, leaving her bare and bleeding. Then Sakura had a questionable look on her face, "Did...did you think about me and Naruto when you left for Sound?"

Truthfully, yes he did, Sasuke had constantly thought about what Naruto and Sakura were doing. The grim look on his face made Sakura have a hurt look on her face, but when he nodded, her eyes brightened up, not like they used to though. Sasuke knew that part of Sakura had died that night he had left, she had become headstrong and would not allow anyone to hurt her like that ever again. Her eyes only showed a friendly compassion towards him now, and nothing more.

The wind picked up a little, then slowed down, it had been a few years since Sakura and Sasuke actually had a normal conversation. All the memories that Sakura kept repeating in her head were finally showing in her stance as Sasuke stood near her. Sasuke then asked, a little aggrivation in his voice, "Did you choose to love women because of me?"

Sakura was now the one who felt insulted by Sasuke's question, but then with-held her own anger, "No...I chose to love Ino because she made me feel like I was worth something, like my purpose in this world was more than just be a kunoichi, but also to love and be loved in return."

The stern stare that they each gave each other told Sasuke how much Sakura had changed over the years. She had become more assertive towards others, allowing no one to anger her and get away with it. That, he was sure, was probably basically his fault. If he had chosen to stay, would things be different about them? Would Sakura be who she was now? Or would Sasuke be who he was now and never have seen Ura again? Would he even be there at that moment, talking with Sakura?

After a few more moments of glaring at Sasuke, Sakura turned away from him, crossing her arms, "So now you know where i'm at, you should go tell Naruto that so I can be alone."

"What if I came up here for a different reason?" Sasuke put his hands in his pockets, not really minding that she was getting aggrivated at him.

Sakura turned back around and had a cold, glare in her eyes, "What else could you possibly be here for? I'm in love with Ino, planning with her when we will have a child together, and you're screwing Naruto. So you don't have a reasonable excuse to be here."

Sasuke could feel Sakura's bitterness towards him, but he was reluctant to leave, he, too, was tired of feeling the stress around him as Ura and Gaara argued about leaving their current location or not. He kept his distance from Sakura, but then asked, "Remember the Land of Waves mission we had a long time ago?"

It took Sakura a few moments to recollect her thoughts, the anger in her disappearing, "Yeah...it was our first A-Rank mission...that was when we met Haku and Zabuza. I can't believe you, of all people, would remember that mission."

"The only reason I remember it was because Naruto screwed up most of the time," Sasuke commented, but was confused when Sakura faced him half way with a smile on her face.

"I remember when we first learned how to walk on trees, and how you and Naruto struggled for days to what came natural to me," Sakura smiled, "A part of me felt bad about that, but apart of me told me that you may notice and be proud of me."

Sasuke took a few steps next to Sakura, he had never known those thoughts still lingured in her mind, probably wanting to be released, "I noticed..."

He heard the sigh of relief be released from her breath, then she added, "Even when I try to hide it for so long, and hate myself because I can't get rid of it...a part of me...still is madly in love you, wanting you back, to feel what it would be like to be with you. I love Ino, and i'd die for her, but...sometimes I wonder if I love you more than I love her, and...I hate myself for it."


Sakura was amazed he had asked that question, she balled up her fists to fight back the emotions that began to spur within her again. Sasuke soomed so calm and collected whilie she was a nervous wreck, then he asked again, "Why do you feel that way?"

The kunoichi looked up at Sasuke, "Because....I still love you."

Now Sasuke was the one a bit uncomfortable, he didn't know his own feelings for anyone just yet. Yes, he cared for Naruto now that they were somewhat lovers, but...he had forgotten about his own feelings towards Sakura. Sasuke had forgot about how, secretly, he had grown feelings for the kunoichi while he was in Sound. He looked down upon Sakura's greenish-blue eyes, what could he say? She had said those words again, and he still didn't know what to say!


Both Sakura and Sasuke looked down to see a happy Naruto running at them, he breathed heavily as he reached his comrades, "Ura and Gaara..(puff)finally settled on an agreement. (puff, puff) We're going to leave tomorrow night, and this time we're heading to Sound."

"What?! Are you serious? Who decided on that!?" Sakura was so frustrated, "We can't go back there!"

"Ura said that was the most logical place Leila and Kabutome would go to find any source of power, and Gaara agreed," Naruto explained through huffs of air.

In a split second, Sakura was off to get 'discuss' Ura's decision that Gaara agreed with. Sasuke sighed at the decision the Sand had made without the other's consent, but knew that they were right, that was the only place that he could think of that Leila and Kabutome would get any power from. Naruto then looked Sasuke up and down, "So...what did you and Sakura talk about?"

Sasuke could clearly hear the envy in Naruto's voice, and shrugged, "Nothing special, just the past."

"Like..." Naruto wanted to hear more so he could have a full understanding.

"Like you being a dobe then like you are now," Sasuke teased as he walked off.

Meanwhile, Ura and Lee were also 'discussing' her idea on leaving for Sound. Lee was also very irritated that Ura WANTED to go to Sound when she knew that Sakura was fully unwilling to go for any reason. Gaara sat besides Ura as Lee explained why they shouldn't go, just to make sure if anything got out of hand he would be able to stop it before it happened.

"For one thing, Sasuke stayed there, and I am sure he does not want to face those memories yet! Plus, Naruto and Sasuke have a thing now, I do not think it would be wise to just drown what they have because you think Leila will be going there in search of power!" Lee was so enraged he banged his fists into the table.

Ura, who was calm and keeping in her raging thoughts, simply said, "I know they have a relationship, Lee, but personal affairs are not of my interest right now."

"Then what about your 'personal affair' with Gaara? Is that one of your interests right now either?" Lee asked as his voice burned with rage and frustration.

"That's a different story, Lee," Ura was losing her patience with her dear friend, "But I want this done and over with, and Gaara has my back with this one, Lee. We both want to have Leila and Kabutome destroyed before they become an even bigger threat."

"But why do you want to leave now!? Why tomorrow evening? I understand that we must get them before they get us, but...do you understand why I am arguing with you over this?" Lee began to calm down with his own honor.

"There isn't any time to plan, we have to finish this up so we can all go back home and move on with our lives," Ura explained as she entwined her fingers, "Unless you have any other bright ideas, then I suggest you say them now to get them out in the open."

Lee was silent, he was just proving Ura's point on not having a good enough point to bring up. Gaara took a deep breath, then said, "You may take your leave, further discussion on this matter must be done with the Hokage."

"No...we have to do this with the entire group, then everyone has a full grasp on what's going to happen," Ura contemplated to Gaara.

Lee stayed, Gaara sent out a chakra signal for everyone to join, and within minutes people began to enter the room. Once everyone was seat, Gaara and Naruto sat at the head of the round table, each country divided on seperate sides, meeting down to both Sakura and Ura. Naruto began the explination, "To my knowledge, Sand has agreed upon going to Sound to lure Leila and Kabutome there to gain more power."

With that statement came with groans from Sakura and Lee, but then Naruto continued, "I agree with them, and I understand why you two are very against this decision. But, as the Hokage of the Leaf, I would like to hear every consent on the decision."

Sasuke was the first to go, since he was right next to the Hokage. His simple answer was just a shrug, there wasn't anything he could do to stop the search anyways. Next was Lee, who had already given his consent privately to Ura, he just merely shook his head slightly and put his right palm up. Sakura's turn then came up, she stood up so recklessly that her chair fell back, "We can't go there! Yeah Orochimaru is dead, but there are still Orochimaru followers there that would love to have Sasuke back to resurrect him!"

"Is that all?" Gaara asked with a bored look towards the Leaf Kunoichi.

"Is that all??? Listen to what you're saying! Leaf and Sand are enemies to Sound, if we're seen there for only a second we're going to be slaughtered on the spot!" Sakura announced, "Some of us need to actually survive today to go back home."

"Enough Sakura, I get your point," Naruto stopped Sakura before she could go on about anything more.

Ura's turn was up now, the different point of view was about to show in the Sand, "If we don't go to sound, Leila and Kabutome will surely go themselves sooner or later. Yes, Sound is an eternal enemy to both our countries, but that's why we have to do anything to stop Leila."

"The only reason you want to go is just so you can fight Leila all over again! You don't care who kills Kabutome as long as you try and 'save' Leila!" Sakura outbursted to Ura.

"That's partially true! Of course I want to fight Leila! She needs a beating for rejoining Kabutome! But this is more important than just fighting my sister, we need to get rid of Kabutome then get rid of Leila!" Ura explained harshly to Sakura.

Kankurou's turn came from a roll-of-the-eyes from Gaara at the two kunoichi's battle, "Well, I actually I agree with Naruto and his people. I mean, I don't really mind going into Sound because they aren't really our allies nor are their our enemy. But Sakura has a point, they really want Sasuke, maybe he should stay behind."

"That's not going to happen," Sasuke spoke up with a glare towards Kankurou, "I'm in this just like you are, there's no way i'm backing out because a few people don't want me to go back to Sound."

"I happen to agree with Ura's plan," Temari voiced, "Sasuke is not going to just turn and betray us because he's back in Sound. The last time he left Konoha, everyone saw the signs of him leaving and it only surprised a few people. But now he's back and was looking for forgiveness before he finally found it in my soon-to-be sister-in-law. Besides, the get-them-before-they-get-me plan works, and i'm in."

Everyone gave each other either a stern stare of agreement or a cold, frozen glare of resentment. Two sides of the decision was hard because both sides had a valid point that was brought up. If they went, the fear os betrayl from either Sasuke, or someone else, would be brought up and that wouldn't be even better for the group. But, if they still left and went along with Gaara's and Ura's plan, then Leila and Kabutome would be destroyed. Then they could all go back to their lives without any disruption, and that was the most important thing right now.

Gaara and Naruto communicated in silence at the decision, while Kankurou was mumbling something to Ura that made her smirk and nod her head slightly. Then, Naruto and Gaara turned and faced everyone else, they both had a serious face on, ready to give their final decision on what they were told. Gaara then stated, "Our decision is...."

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