Recieves Angst ( Chapter 30 )

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Gaara looked up at Kankurou's ceiling, Naruto would just have to wait until Gaara felt like making the long trip. So much had happened in less than an hour, too much emotion for Gaara to handle on his own. He had heard his brother leave a few hours ago, but was wondering why he had been gone for so long. It didn't matter though, Kankurou was a big boy now, he didn't need Gaara watching him like a father-figure. The Kazekage layed on his back on the soft couch, he really did mess up this time...


*What a night... I'm glad Gaara came back though... He didn't seem as shy and gentle like he usually was, and his shaft didn't feel as big...* Ura thought as she layed her head against a hard chest, snaking her mischivious hand down a pair of pants.

"Ahah..Not now, doll."

Ura's eyes flung open at the sound of the voice, she snapped her head up to see Kankurou sleeping. In one swift kick, Kankurou was on the floor while Ura was pulling the sheets over her chest, "What the hell, Kankurou!? What are you doing here? Like this?? What the hell happened!?!?"

"You're the one that wanted it, and you made me!" Kankurou rubbed his head as he stood up.

"I made you!? Get out!" Ura screamed at the top of her lungs, "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!"

Kankurou scurried out of the room before Ura began to throw things. Once he had left, Ura slumped to her knees, she was so mad only hours ago that she didn't realize how much sake she was drinking. Though she was still mad and hurt at Gaara...she missed him. It was the first time she had really felt that much hostility towards him, but it was just a lover's quarell, nothing more. Ura dressed herself, they all had a mission that needed to be done, so she had to go retrieve Gaara so they could get going.

When the kunoichi left her room with her weapons, she spied Kankurou still naked in his room. She poked her head in just to find him rubbing lotion on his hands, "Oh come on Kankurou, you don't need to lubricate yourself for pleasure. You just rocked my world a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, but you'd rather have Gaara than me," Kankurou stood up aggrivatedly, "Like I wasn't good enough for your pleasure!"

*For Kami's sake, when am I ever going to hear the end of 'good enough'?????????* Ura groaned in her head, "It's different, Kankurou, you really rock my world when we do it, but Gaara's my boyfriend, my lover. Of course i'd always come to you for nice, hard sex, but I can only make love with Gaara."

Kankurou just eyed her for a few seconds before standing up, he approached Ura and took her hands, "Thanks."

Ura smiled up at him and then planted a kiss on his chest, "You're welcome, but get dressed, we need to get Gaara and Temari, then we all need to leave now."

When Ura had left, Kankurou quickly got dressed, then trailed after the kunoichi heading towards his apartment. Kankurou noticed that one some parts of his body smelled like the poperi that Ura was wearing, which started to freak him out as they neared his home. He didn't know what to do, but Ura didn't stop, she walked up to his apartment and opened the door, "We have to go now, Lord Kazekage, you're going to be late with your mission with the Lord Naruto-sama."

Gaara slowly sat up on the couch, his scruffled hair and undone Kage robes made him look more sexable than his usual attire. Ura lightly blushed but stood next to the doorway as Kankurou stood on the other-side, "C'mon, Gaara, we have to go now."

The Kazekage eyed his two Jonin, though both looked clean and tidy, Kankurou's hair was messed up and Ura's uniform was entirely wrinkled. He got up and towarded himself to his lover, gently caressing her face with ease, "Don't be mad."

"Lord Ka-"

Gaara rubbed his lips against her own, barely brushing his tongue over her lips as he put his right hand up her shirt. Kankurou turned his head, one in disgust and the other from allowing his brother to have some privacy. In a way, he was a jealous, jealous over the fact that a person like Gaara, with his history, won someone over. Ura, to Kankurou's and Gaara's suprise, pushed the Kazekage off of her enough so she could take a step to the side, "We need to get Temari and leave now, Lord Kazekage, but I will be happy to discuss your personal life later."

"Ura, we need to discuss that matter now," Gaara took hold of her right wrist, then he turned to Kankurou, "Go get Temari."

"No, Kankurou stay, we have to go now," Ura pulled away from Gaara's grasp, "Prioritize, Lord Kazekage, which is more important? Your role to the people or your role in your personal life? In my opinion..."

Ura waited a few seconds for Gaara to say 'I don't need to hear your opinion' but he didn't say anything, she continued, "Your role to your people is more important than your role to me."

Kankurou, though he stood behind Gaara, could feel the frustration dwelling in Gaara. To be denied of sex, for Gaara, was probably torture and embarressing. Especially since he's a Kage, he's the head-master of all shinobi and kunoichi in his country, Gaara had all type of power. Gaara ended his stare on Ura and walked outside, Kankurou ran off to get Temari as Ura was left alone with the angry Kazekage.

"Are you going to stay upset with me the entire mission?" Gaara growled as he began to pick up the pace.

"What you did was wrong, Gaara, you shouldn't have done that to Naruto," Ura stated sharply, "I forgive you when you lied to me because you then told me what you did, but you owe Sasuke and Naruto an even bigger apology."

Gaara groaned a little, but then Ura gave him a narrow look, "If you don't, I will, and how will that look for you as a Kazekage if your lover was apologizing for your actions?"

The Kazekage knew that would give him a bad rep with the other countries and his people, he would look weak and insecure. Ura gave him a friendly smile, but when Gaara inched his hands toward her arm, she softly pulled away, "But you're still on probation, I will allow no intimacy between us the entire mission. On this mission, you can't be anything to me, not even my friend."

"Then that goes for you as well, you're merely a Jonin that has to obey my every command," Gaara shoved passed her, "Now come, woman, you're lagging behind."

Ura surpressed her rising frustration, but knew Gaara was only pouting because she told him off. She followed the Kazekage until they met up with Kankurou, Temari, and Shikamaru, who was unwilling to let go of Temari's hand. Temari kissed her fiance goodbye while Kankurou and herself went ahead, Gaara following close behind. Before Ura could walk passed Shikamaru, he gently grabbed her wrist, "Take care of Temari, I know she can be reckless."

"Don't worry, Shikamaru, i'll take good care of your Temari," Ura smiled, then asked, "How was Naruto before you left?"

"To tell you the'll have to find out when you see him, and it's not going to be pretty," Shikamaru sighed as he walked off.

Ura ran to catch up with the others, but when she did, Ura realized they were already half-way out of the country. She ran by Gaara's side wielding two hari in each hand, when they were out of the village, Ura's job was to sacrifice her life for his own, no matter how she felt about him in bed. As hours passed, the air began to cool down when they neared the dense forest, where they all could sense four types of chakra. One as strong as Gaara's, another shy but fierceful, one with a mass amount of courage, and one filled with hostility and rage. The four shinobi entered the secret part of the forest until the saw a familiar blonde man.

Naruto turned and gave the Sand-nin a stern stare, "It's about time you four decided to show up."

"There were some unexpected events on the way," Gaara glanced over at Ura, but then he looked back at Naruto, "So, where's your Uchiha?"

"Right here," Sasuke appeared besides Naruto, glaring right back at Gaara.

Ura's knees almost gave way if it weren't for Lee and Temari helping her keep standing. She was just so relieved and happy that Sasuke wasn't dead, but she regained her posture and walked over to Naruto, "On behalf of the Sand Country I-"

"Apologize for my plan to kill Sasuke," Gaara pulled Ura away from Naruto so he could apologize for himself, "And I hope you will accept my sorrow."

Naruto eyed Gaara, but when he glanced over at his friend of the Sand, Gaara's lover, Naruto knew Gaara was being punished. He would forgive Gaara's deed, but would not forget it, the past always repeats itself, no matter how you try to deny it. Naruto nodded his head slightly, "I do, now lets go before Kabutome decides to reign his destruction elsewhere."

Gaara and Naruto walked side-by-side, Sakura and Temari were in a distant area, making sure there were no sneak attacks. Lee was way up front while Kankurou was way in back, leaving Sasuke and Ura watching over the two Kages. The two Jonin walked in silence, they were only a short distance away from their Kage, making it difficult to make a good conversation. Sasuke dwindled with his kunai, then he heard a soft whisper, "I'm sorry for what almost happened...I tried to stop it."

Sasuke stared at Ura through the corner of his eyes, what was there to say in return? He couldn't just say that everything was ok when it wasn't, what happened was just wrong. What happened between them ended a long time ago, and it was easy to see that it was never happening again, so there was no point on trying anymore. Sasuke ran his fingers through his dark hair, then he grumbled, "I know you did, that's why I told Naruto to keep peace with Gaara."

Ura turned her head to Sasuke, "Really? Why'd you do that? I would have thought you-"

"Not all people in Sand are evil," Sasuke interupted her, "But not all are pure. I'm not saying what he did was just a 'simple mistake', but i'm not going to try and assassinate him either."

The Sand kunoichi didn't fully understand why Sasuke didn't just want them all dead. But, then again, he was Sasuke Uchiha, every woman's fantasy man, the man who dodged death many times. Ura gave him a soft smile and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You're a good one, Sasuke, a rare one too."

A few more hours, dusk became clear in the fall sky, and before the eight ninjas was an old, dark shrine made of wrotting wood. Kankurou and Sakura approached the shrine, and a woman, around her early twenties with long blonde hair tied back in low pig tails opened it. Her skin was a beautiful tan, her eyes an odd baby blue, her face was bubbley red from the amount of sake she consumed. From what Kankurou's reaction to the woman, her near naked-ness turned up his heat.

"Great..." Naruto groaned, "You know this woman?"

"She is the only mystic I know," Gaara approached the shrine, "Nanima, I told you to not drink so much in my presense."

"Whats can I helps?" Nanima gave a drunk smile, "Come, come, my servents will show you to your rooms. You can shares with me, Gaara-kuns..."

Ura instinctively grabbed Gaara's hand, but he shot her a cold glare that told her 'let go of me now wench.' In only a few seconds, Ura took a few steps back, she wanted to voice her opinion, but stopped herself. Nanima helf Gaara's arm close to her huge breasts, "It's been so long sinces I'ves seen you, Gaara-kun, why'ds you leave me?"

"Because I had other unimportant duties to attend to," Gaara answered loud enough for a certain kunoichi to hear.

A servent took Ura to her room, where she released her weapons into a corner of the room. A full moon began to slowly rise, Ura's tension was racking at her constantly, to know that Gaara was somewhere with that Nanima. Her jealousy rose faster than the moon, but...Ura sighed, her emotions couldn't get in the way of her work, that was just it. The Sand kunoichi needed some air, so she left her room and traveled around the old shrine, until she heard a drunken laughter. When Ura turned a corner, she saw Nanima, all alone, laughing at nothing.

"Nanima-san, is there anything wrong?" Ura asked with distaste for the mystic.

Nanima turned to face Ura with a sly look, "Oh, the beautiful Suna kunoichi decided to join me, the gorgeous mystic of the land of the between. How lucky of me to find your grace entwined with my own, my love."

Ura was very much befuddled, was this woman into both genders? Nanima stumbled towards Ura and rammed herself into Ura's arms before the mystic fell, Ura helped her up, "I think you need to get to your room, Nanima-san."

"And I thinks you need to joins me," Nanima breathed her smelly breath on Ura's lips as she pressed her body againsts Ura's.

Ura managed to find one of the servents to help Ura find Nanima's room, which was on the other side of the shrine. The Sand kunoichi was able to get Nanima safely to her room, where she just put the wench on her bed and went to the door. When Ura placed a hand on the knob, a soft cry rang through the room, "Don't leave me, Ura-kun, don't leaves me alone."

"I must get some rest, Nanima-san, I have a duty to be alert at all times to protect the Kazekage," Ura didn't turn around to face the drunken mystic.

"That's an order, to not leave me alone, and to get in my bed," Nanima had another sly smirk on her face, "Now."

Ura rolled her eyes in annoyance, she never had to deal with drunken-ness before. The Sand kunoichi left the door knob and sat at the end of Nanima's bed as the mystic crawled to Ura, wrapping her arms around the Sand kunoichi, "Loosen up, my love, there is a long night awaiting us."

Nanima trailed her lips along Ura's right shoulder and up her neck, then lightly nibbled on Ura's ear-lobe. A shiver went through Ura's spine, never has she been with a woman so intimate before, the feeling was so uncomfortable. The mystic rubbed her right hand against Ura's stomach, slowly slipping her hand under Ura's shirt as she began to toy with her breasts. Feeling Nanima's cold hand touch her left breast straightened Ura's spine, drawing in quick breaths as Nanima undid her shirt with her left hand. Once the mystic was topless, she manuvered Ura fully on her lap as she snaked her left hand down under Ura's skirt.

"Ngh.." Ura gritted her teeth as she felt Nanima rub her fingers against the bandages that protected her inner thighs.

"Do not cry, my love, you will soon feel the love of a real woman," Nanima licked Ura's ear.

The inner Ura released herself from the woman's grasp, Ura shot out of Nanima's arms and turned, "Find someone else, because I belong to Gaara, and he belongs to me."

To Ura's surprise, Nanima giggled a little, then smirked up at Ura, "He was the one that said for me to find pleasure in you. Gaara was the one that told me 'she will give you high satisfaction beyond belief.' I was hoping you would be able to give me such nirvana, but it seems you are too weak."

Ura balled up her fists from the rising anger, "Weak? You shouldn't be the one talking about who's weak."

"Only a true kunoichi gives up her dignity," Nanima stood up, not putting her top back on, "True kunoichis give everything up, no matter to which gender. They give up their innocense early to make sure it stays gone forever, not getting in the way. And when it comes to relationships, kunoichis don't bother, one night stands are forever in your future."

"That's your fate, not mine," Ura crossed her arms, "I will not allow that rule to linger near me, Nanima-san. But i'm sorry if you live your life that way, and I hope, maybe in the next life, you find true, undeniable love."

"And you believe that Gaara actually loves you?" Nanima ran her fingers through her pigtails, "A lone kunoichi? If loved you so dearly, why did he just throw you away to me? A real man wouldn't throw his woman away to another woman so easily. I didn't even ask, he just offered."

"What are your plans? Do you honestly believe that I will get angry at Gaara? Believe me, i've been wanting to kick his sorry ass for so long, but I love that bastard, and I am not going to up and leave him because of what a whore says to me," Ura explained.

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now