The Day Finally Comes ( Chapter 46 )

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Coming home to Ino's arms was a magical feeling for Sakura, just to feel her lover's arms against her neck made Sakura realized how much she really missed Ino. Though it was a bit awkward, seeing that Sasuke saw it and all, but Sakura had a feeling that she wouldn't be needing Sasuke anymore.

Tenten came out, with her four kids, to greet the Shinobi that she had missed for so long. Lee lifted Tenten in the air before bringing her down in a kiss, then went to his two boys and two girls. Even Naruto was excited about coming home to his people, but the distant Sasuke made him feel uneasy.

"Is everything alright? You've been acting weird ever since you went missing the day before," Naruto asked as he took Sasuke's arm, "Is there something I could do for you?"

Sasuke was not in any mood to deal with his male lover, but knew that this may be his only chance at any type of happiness. So passing that up would mean a big ass whooping by the other people for messing around with their Hokage.

"I'm fine, dobe," Sasuke gave a smirk to Naruto, "Just get to your room, i'll be there in a minute."

"Sasuke...what's wrong? I can tell that there's something besides sleeping on your mind," Naruto gave Sasuke a worried look, "Please tell me..."

Sasuke met the urgent eyes of his lover, taking in how worried Naruto was about him. The Uchiha sighed, his heir would be born and then everything would become distraught, but that would be in a few why worry when he had Naruto now? Scooping Naruto up in a bridle style carry, the Uchiha walked to the Hokage's Tower to have his time with Naruto as good as it could be.

Meanwhile, Ino and Sakura were drinking some coffee in their kitchen, discussing the possibillities of having a child. Ino gazed lovingly at Sakura as she thought about the future, " you want to have a girl or a boy?"

Sakura sat silent, her eyes casted down into her own coffee as she contimplated about the Uchiha heir forming in her. Girl or boy, it didn't matter, Sakura had to do some fast thinking to save her relationship with Ino and her friendship with Naruto.

"How will we do it? Adopt or injection?" Sakura looked up at Ino, trying to grasp what Ino wanted.

"I don't know...i'd like to have a baby be injected into one of us, but if you want to adopt a child then that's good with me too," Ino shrugged, "But if we do the injection, it should be me since i'm the more feminine one."

"Well, while I was away... I wanted to surprise you, so I had one of the priestess impregnant me with a child carrying both our spirits. So, in a way, it's your child as well as mine, there isn't a father," Sakura lied through her teeth, doing her best to not get caught.

Ino was speechless as she stared at Sakura, then leaped out of her chair and lunged herself at Sakura. The blonde kunoichi was as happier as ever when she heard the news they were going to have a baby, but Sakura could feel the upcoming cold front of who the child may look like...

***Back at the Sunagakure***

The night-long test were finally complete, Ura had fallen asleep during the last test and did not want to be woken up. Gaara looked out the window at his village, too long has he been away, now he had a lot of work to catch up on.

"Lord Kazekage."

Gaara didn't need to turn around, the soft, pained voice echoed through the silent room as Leila filtered herself inside. Though Gaara would have enjoyed ripping her to shreds, he knew Ura would want her sister to also live in peace.

"What is it?" Gaara turned to the side where he could view both his village and the woman.

"How is Ura? Is she pregnant?" Leila tried to ease the tension that was focused on them both.

"The results will come tomorrow, but i'm not sure whether she is or is not," Gaara answered as he kept a watchful eye on Leila.

"Oh... I came to apologize, well to you and my sister, for my betrayl to both of you and the village. And...that I could pay the price by being exhiled from this country," Leila looked away from the Kazekage, holding her hands behind her back.

Gaara thought about her price, but gave her a look that told her she wasn't going anywhere. The Kazekage turned fully towards Leila, looking powerful and strong, "If I allowed this exhile to come, then I wouldn't be able to keep a watch over you, and Ura would go after you. Also, your betrayl to everyone in this village has left little trust we have in you, we wouldn't be able to know if you joined the Akatsuki for all we know. Your punishment is under house arrest under this roof, where I can watch you while Ura goes on her mission."

Leila took in her punishment, but she didn't have enough energy to try and get a better punishment. Her eyes lingered to her sister's face, sleeping so peacefully, but even Leila knew that Ura was able to sense Leila's chakra in the same room. It was known to everyone about how much chakra and energy the Sharingan brought upon the user, but Leila didn't know Ura had that type of power. As she gazed at Ura's features, she noticed the scarred tissue that Kabutome left on Ura's collar bone. Leila peeled off some bandages left on to see a small imprint, she took a closer to see that the small imprint looked like a snake eye.


Ura began to stir, then woke up, "I thought you would've left..."

"No, my punishment is to live in this house until Lord Kazekage has other plans for me," Leila had a soft smile on her face, ignoring her thoughts.

"That suits you very well," Ura made a snide comment as she got out of the bed, Gaara helped her up.

Leila watched as Gaara carefully held Ura to keep her stance, how her sister allowed herself to be vulnerable in Gaara's arms. Now, instead of feeling guilty for Ura, she envied her older sister. Ura noticed Leila's eyes on both her and Gaara, so she stood as tall as she could and glared at Leila, "You may sleep in my old room."

The couple watched as Leila left the room, leaving Gaara and Ura finally alone together. Ura sat at the windowsill, taking in the nice heat that she missed to much when she was away from their village. Gaara stood right in front of the window, staring at the same thing he was staring at before.

"So...when are we going to get married?" Ura asked in a low mumble, turning to face Gaara, "Do you want to wait longer?"

"No, we'll wed tomorrow, then you can go on your next mission," Gaara closed his eyes at the next reaction he was going to recieve.

Ura instantly snapped herself up to where she stood, her eyes wide from shock, "What!? Gaara, we just got back from an S-Rank mission, now you're sending me on another mission!? Is there any time for us to be a married couple!?"

"When you return," Gaara looked back at the village, keeping his gaze off of Ura.

"That's not fair Gaara! I may be pregnant and you're more concerned about some mission being done! Why can't you just send Kankurou? He doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife to be with!" Ura blurted out, but that was given an icy-cold glare from Gaara.

"Kankurou may be one of the most known womanizers that I know of, but that does not give you the right to say that he has nothing to live for," Gaara towered over Ura in a threatening manner, "The only reason i'm sending you is because all you're doing is going to Konoha to teach the Leaf Genin about how Sand is by their side. You'll be staying there for the next eight Chunin Exams that are held there."

As Ura began to calculate how long she would be in Konoha, her eyes widened, more confusion than surprise, "Four...years? Gaara...tell me, have you gone mad?! Did Kabutome kick you in the head or something? Because I know you better than that to send someone you're going to get married to on a four year long mission in a totally different country!"

"My reasons for you to go are simple, to teach the Leaf Genin what you were taught as a Genin, yourself. Yes, I know that my decision will be hard on both of us, but you are the best kunoichi that I have, and sending you means you will be paid heavily," Gaara explained, containing his own frustration.

"Who cares about pay!? I-I just don't understand..." Ura sat back down, trying to get a grip on herself, then sighed, "Fine...i'll go, but before I leave, I want to know what the results are."

Gaara sat next to Ura, for once in a long while, sitting felt nice. For several long months, they've been chasing after two people, Leila and Kabutome. Now that they had Leila under constant control and Kabutome finally dead, it was hard to find something else to talk about. It would take a while for their lives to go back to it's original beat, and with other problems that would come to the surface. Gaara moved his hand to the top of her forearm, "The results come back tomorrow at dawn... Go visit Kankurou and Temari..."

"I think Temari might be busy..." Ura had this calm look on her face, "She's been away from Shikamaru for an awfully long time, so I bet she's getting re-acquainted with him."

"Hm...then what about Kankurou?" Gaara asked as he rested his head on his hand.

"I'm pretty sure he wants to be alone for awhile too," Ura sighed, "Besides...I want to be alone too, there's a few things on my mind I want to get off as well."

"I must get to my work," Gaara stood up, but stopped at the middle of the room, "I would start preparing your dress, everything else has been secured."

With that, Gaara left the room, leaving Ura alone for her to find what was bothering her collar bone. She stood up and went to the bathroom across the room, then looked closer into the mirror at the marking on her collar bone. Curiousity made her touch the small imprint, and a jolt of shock went through her in a flash. Ura stumbled to her knees, her breath became heavy as the shock in her died down. As she stood back up slowly, her reflection became blury as another wave of the jolt ran through her again.

*What the hell is this?? Why is this happening?* Ura managed to climb up on the toilet seat.

The pain began to cease, and Ura was ready to trust her body enough to stand up on her own. Slowly as she rose from her seat, she causiously walked out of the bathroom to go to the secluded area of the training room. By the time she was done setting up her targets, Ura began to feel better and up to the training. As Ura leaped up and spewed out thousands of hari with her umbrellas, she allowed her mind to wander just enough to get what was bugging her off of her mind.

*Kabutome is dead...Leila is now living with me... It's all over, but it feels like it's just the beginning. What Kabutome said made perfect sense, after him, who else would rise up to become the next Orochimaru?* Ura landed gracefully on her feet, a few dummies falling to her feet.

**A Few Days**

As the cool sun began to set in the desert, almost all the village was up to see the most tremendous event of their lifetime, Gaara, once feared by all, was getting married. Gaara, dressed in dark brown and black robes, waited at the alter with the priest that was to wed him and the woman he loved. Kankurou, wearing his normal puppet gear, was behind Gaara, the best man position, and that was enough for Kankurou to know that he and Gaara would have a better brotherly relationship. Shikamaru stood behind Kankurou, though he wasn't best man, he had a good view of his own wife, standing as the matron of honor. He smirked at Temari, how gorgeous she looked in her pearl white gown, awaiting the bride.

The sand blew beneath their feet as the stars began to shine through the night sky, as the sun began to set, the sky filled with the colors of orange, red, and yellow. A burgendy carpet was rolled out from the Kazekage's mansion, rose petals flooded the carpet. Gaara looked towards the entrance doorway, Ura would be coming out any second. Then, through the shadow, Leila stepped out first, which caused an angry growl from Gaara. But Ura then came out, taking hold of Leila's arm as Leila led her up to the alter. Ura looked through the crowds, everyone she had grown up with was there, watching her moment of glory, her moment to shine, the moment she had been waiting for all of her life.

Tears of happiness, joy, and love ran down her cheeks as her tough life flashed through her eyes. All that she had given up, all the things she was was all for that moment, the moment when they say 'I do', where Ura had done the impossible to be where she was now. Patience was all she needed, patience and the determination even when it looked like there was no chance for her at all. The memory of watching Gaara as a Genin sailed through her mind, how she loved him with such passion. Though sex was not on her mind before, the love she had for Gaara then was filled with him being happy for once in his life. Now...she had given him the happiness they both needed, and he had given her the strength to face anything down.

Once Ura was at the alter, Leila released and retreated to her spot behind Temari, but was pulled back into a tight embrace with Ura. Leila was shocked to see that Ura was holding her in such a way, but held her older sister, how happy Leila was for Ura that she had found love.

"Thank you...Sister, for giving me a second chance," Leila whispered as she and Ura looked eye-to-eye.

"We all need one sometimes, i'm just glad you're here with me," Ura smiled as she gave her sister one more hug.

Leila walked back to her spot besides/behind Temari, the ceremony began. Gaara took Ura's hands as her tears continued to flow, the feelings of joy just swept through her without mercy. Of all the times she had cried herself to sleep, all the times she was cold in her bed, all the times she was miserably lonely and craved to be embraced...that all ended now, she would never have to look back.

"Lord Kazekage-sama, do you take, Ura-san, as your wife? To have and to hold, for better and for worse? To death do you part?" the priest looked over at Gaara.

"I do," Gaara answered as he slipped on the brass ring that held a topaz crystal in the middle on Ura's finger.

Ura gazed at the ring, the colors reminded her of the desert when she was growing up into a Genin, how the sand would be her bed sometimes. When Ura heard the question towards her, she was handed the other brass ring that had the intials of her name and his name on the front.

"I do," Ura smiled as the tears raged down her face, slipping the ring on to Gaara's finger.

"Then, Lord Kazekage-sama, you may kiss your bride," the priest smiled as he closed his holy book.

Gaara leaned in and brushed his lips onto Ura's, everyone us clapped and cheered for the Kazekage and his new wife, Ura. A crowd of single women went behind Ura as she was about to throw the bouqet in the air.

"Wait! Leila get in there," Temari shoved Leila in there, "You may be next."

Ura threw the bouqet of roses into the air, then turned around to see Leila had caught it without even trying. The other women clapped as Ura laughed at the look Leila had as she had a confused face on as she looked at the flowers, "What do I do with them?"

"You're going to get married next," Temari also laughed a little as Shikamaru took her hand.

Leila looked around, but then felt a chill as she realized Kankurou was standing right next to her, "Yes?"

"Oh I just wanted to get a closer look at," Kankurou peered down at Leila.

"Then here, I don't want them," Leila placed the flowers in his hands as she walked over to her sister, and her new husband, Gaara.

Kankurou didn't take his eyes off of Leila, but Temari nudged his side, "Easy there, that's Ura's little sister you're staring at, i'd be careful if i'd were you."

"If you think i'm want to sleep with her, then you're really sick in the head. I was just...uhm...thinking about Nanima lately," Kankurou commented as he held the roses behind his back, "I kinda miss her and all...since she was really..well...nice in her own way."

"Face it, you like Leila," Temari crossed her arms as she gave a stern look at her brother, "But you'll have to get permission to be with her by both her and Ura, not to mention Ura has Gaara on her back on almost every topic you can bring up."

Shikamaru then heard the conversation his wife and his brother-in-law were talking about, then looked over at Leila's direction, "Gotta agree with Temari, you're looking at some hard stuff to get. I would just go find a working gal and just marry her."

"Well that's not what I want," Kankurou stated as he went to the drinking area, but didn't let go of the roses that Leila had made him hold.

Temari and Shikamaru both looked in opposite ways, Shikamaru to Kankurou, and Temari to her sister-in-law. Then Temari sighed, "I hope he knows what he's about to get into..."

"I think he's falling for her," Shikamaru stretched, "I'm tired..."

"We're staying a few more hours out here, for Ura and Gaara. But do you really think Kankurou is falling for Leila? Is that even safe?" Temari eyed her husband.

"Hey, when I married you, you came with the whole package deal of being related to a Kazekage, who doesn't even like me, and your other brother hated me at first. So you were not safe to marry, but, since i'm such a hard worker, I decided that I might as well put a little elbow grease to marry you," Shikamaru explained.

"How thoughtful," Temari rolled her eyes, then looked back at Ura, "Anyways...i'm glad this day finally came for Ura, she went through so much, and in the end, she gets her wish. I almost envy her in a way," that caught Shikamaru's attention, "I thought she would never be able to get even close to Gaara, and here I am, I was wrong. So many times we all told her to just give up, find someone who was more stable and easy to win over, but... Ura didn't give up, she kept pushing through and finally won his heart. I wouldn't be able to wait that long, to do everything and being all thrown down because it wasn't good enough for anyone, especially Gaara."

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now