Author's Note

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I do want thank you again for reading Singed!  It means a lot to me!  I hope you enjoyed the journey.  I do want to remind you this is a first draft.  It will be going through editing at some point in the near future.  I appreciate you reading my stories even in their infancy.  I can never thank you enough because it lets me know I'm on the right track.  I owe my readers so much and I'll never be able to repay that.  All I can do is keep giving you stories and hope I entertain you.  I am also so happy because many of my readers have become great friends.  I truly do have the most wonderful readers.

I usually answer questions and I have a few.  So, those are below.  

1.) If you were to choose, are you a vampire or a witch?  Though I have been accused of being a vampire (Because of my night time writing habits) I am definitely a witch.  

2.) How did you come up with this idea?  Well, I was in high school and we were reading Dracula in English and learning about the witch trials in History.  I daydream a lot and kind of mixed them together.  

3.) Do you have a favorite vampire?  Cough...Cough...You're making me choose between my children.  Cough...Dimitri...Cough.

4.) Do you have a favorite witch?  Cough...Izzie...Cough.

5.) Are you going to write other vampire books? Yes, I have a dark vampire series planned.  Anyone who likes Twisted Souls should get excited.  Though I have a few series before I get there.  

6.) What do you do to get past writer's block?  I learned a trick in English when I was in seventh grade and since then, I don't really get writer's block.  You ask a bunch of what if questions and then, you write through it.

7.) How do you come up with your stories?  I learn all the time.  I actually have a rule that I have to learn something new every day and I have an active imagination.  I tend to mix things that I learn into my own spin.  Also, back to that imagination, I can see something simple like a plant overturned and come up with a story of how it happened.  I actually play a game with my daughter doing this because she also writes.  I'll see something and ask her how it happened and she comes up with a story on the spot and then, I come up with a different one.  It keeps creativity flowing.

8.) Do you have plans for other series?  So...So many.  I'll be writing for the rest of my life and they will still not all be written.  (Unless I really do become a vampire and then, maybe.)

Thank you again for reading Singed.  I adore you all.  Hopefully, I'll see you the next book.

-XXXXX Amanda

Singed (The White Rose Vampire Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now