Unexpected News

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The next morning, Kion woke up, yawned, and stretched. He looked around for Rani but she wasn't on their resting rock. "She must already be up," He thought.

After looking everywhere, he started to get worried. He asked everyone around but they didn't know where she was. Nirmala and Makini were gone, too. Just then, Rani showed up. She looked excited but also calm. Like a nothing-is-wrong calm. But also, a I-have-big-news excited. "Rani? Where have you been?" Kion asked. "At Pride Rock in the Pridelands. Your former home is amazing." Rani smiled. "Yeah, I know. Wait, you were in the Pridelands? Why?" Kion asked as Nirmala and Makini walked by Rani's side. "Where were you guys?!?" Kion asked again. "Easy, Kion. We'll tell you all about it inside the Tree." Nirmala said.

When they were in the Tree, Rani explained, "So Nirmala tried to find out what was wrong with me, and she had an idea of what it could be but she didn't want me to fully know until she fully knew." Then Makini explained, "So she took Rani to me to see if I thought the same thing that she did. But since I'm still technically in training, I had no clue. So Nirmala and I took her to see Rafiki." Last, Nirmala said, "It's a good thing King Simba and Queen Nala weren't there. That would of ruined the surprise." "WHAT SURPRISE?! JUST TELL ME!" Kion yelled impatiently. Nirmala giggled. "Nirmala, you're torturing him. Just tell him before he decides to use the Roar." Rani joked. "OK, OK. It has something to do with family." Nirmala teased again. "Nirmala!" Kion and Rani yelled at the same time. "Turns out that Rani is pregnant," Nirmala said. Kion's eyes widened and his pupils got small. Then his ears went down and he fainted. Rani looked at Nirmala. "It's OK, most males faint or do something dramatic when they figure out they're gonna be a father." Nirmala smirked, looking at Kion.

A few hours after Kion fainted, he woke up with ice on his head. "Good now?" Nirmala snapped. "Yeah, fine," Kion snapped back. "So, how do you-" Rani started, but then Bunga walked in and said, "Hey, Rani, what happened to you?" "Oh, actually I'm gonna tell you right now. All of you. Gather the rest of the Night Pride and tell them to meet outside of the Tree." Rani said. "You got it, Your Majesty," Bunga said bowing sarcastically. "Come on, Kion. Let's tell everyone the big news." Rani smiled before leading Kion out of the Tree.

Once the Night Pride was there, Rani looked at Kion and smiled excitedly. Kion smiled nervously. "Want me to tell them or you?" She asked. "Let's do it together," Kion said chuckling. "So what's the big news?" Fuli asked. "Yeah, Rani, tell us, tell us, tell us!" Bunga exclaimed excitedly and annoyingly. Rani looked at Kion, signalling him to go first. Kion nodded and said, "Well, guys, this family just got bigger," That was a really big hint. Everyone looked at each other confused. "Yes. It turns out, I'm gonna have cubs. Or A cub." Rani smiled. Everyone's mouth dropped. "That's amazing!" Beshte said. Baliyo was just laughing though. "What, Baliyo?" Rani asked. "YOU'RE GONNA BE SO FAT!" Baliyo blurted out laughing. He was now on the ground on his back laughing super hard. "OH, ZIP IT!" Rani yelled.

Meanwhile, while all the animals were gathering at the Tree of Life to hear the big news, Shadow was trying to find out what was going on. "What's going on around here?" He wondered. Then he saw Ullu flying over to three other birds. "King Kion and Queen Rani are going to announce something big! I don't know what it is, all I know is it's gonna be something big!!!" Ullu exclaimed to the birds. They all flew to the Tree of Life. "Hmm, "Queen"  Rani? Has it been that long since I killed Rani and Baliyo's parents?" Shadow thought. He followed the birds to the Tree of Life.

Queen Rani and King Kion were in front of the Tree of Life and The Night Pride was sitting in the back. Makini was on Rani's right. "Thank you, all for coming." Rani said. "Some of you might have been wondering who will rule after Rani and I complete our journey in the circle of life." Kion said. "But now you don't have to worry anymore." Rani added. "Because Rani is pregnant!" Kion announced. All the animals cheered. All of them BUT Shadow, who was hiding in a leafy bush. He growled lowly. After the ceremony was over, Shadow ran as fast as he could back to the pass.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Rani has gotten bigger and probably stronger, too since the last time I saw her. And since the last time she saw her parents!" Shadow yelled. He was thinking of a way to take over the Tree of Life. He realized the Night Pride got bigger. And they weren't even all lions! He felt anger rush through his head. "I'll just have to let them see me first," He said as he walked back to the Tree of Life.

Once everyone was gone, and it was night, Rani said, "Hey, Kion, can we talk?" "Of course, Rani. What's up?" Kion said. "Follow me," Rani said. Rani took Kion to their favorite spot. A hill above all of the Tree of Life territory.

"Look, how are you feeling? About... this?" Rani asked Kion. "What are you talking about? I'm so happy we're gonna have cubs." Kion said smiling. Rani looked down. "You looked nervous when I told you. And when we told the animals of the Tree of Life." She said tucking her ears down. "Oh, I'm not unhappy we're having cubs. I guess I'm just... scared." Kion admitted. Rani perked her ears back up. "I mean, just a week ago I was leader of the Lion Guard. And now I'm king. I guess I'm just... overwhelmed. I just didn't know it would happen so fast." Kion explained. "But I don't understand. Why are you scared?" Rani asked. "I don't know if I'll be able to be a good father." Kion answered. "What?" Rani said a bit surprised. Then she added, "Do you think you won't be able to spend much time with your cubs or cub because you have king duties?" "No. I just don't know if I'l be able to be a father period." Kion said getting a bit louder. "Kion, if you can be a great king, great used to be leader of the Lion Guard, and leader and king of the Night Pride... I'm pretty sure you can handle parenthood." Rani said. Kion looked down unsure. Rani nuzzled his chest and said, "I believe in you, just like you believe in me. And I believe you can do anything." Rani left after saying goodnight. Kion stayed there for a while and thought. Maybe Rani was right. Maybe Kion COULD be a great dad. Everything was at peace and there were no enemies to try to kill everything. So he could take time to teach and bond with his kids or kid.

Here's a sneak peak of further in the story

Shadow: (Laughs) I'm back.

Rani: (Gasps)

Baliyo: No way! Is that...?-

Rani: Shadow. (Growls)

End of sneak peak

Umm... I'll get back to you on that whole "everything is at peace and no enemies trying to kill everything" thing. Heh.

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now