What Kion didn't want to know

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"Look! I don't know why you're attacking us, but we did nothing to you!" Rani said. "Pfft, yeah right! You're trying to steal the Jewel of Light!" A lioness said. "What?!? We just want to use the Roar of Light to defeat a villain at the Tree of Life." Rani said. The lioness raised her eyebrow and said, "Wait, you're Queen Rani!" "Finally, some respect!" Bunga said. "Wait, who are these animals?" The lioness asked. "The name's Baliyo," Baliyo said. "Fuli," Fuli said. "I'm Kion. Her mate." Kion said. "These are my friends and family. That's my brother Baliyo, that's my husband, Kion, that's my uncle named Surak, Nirmala, Fuli, Anga, Ono, Bunga, Azaad, Beshte, and Nuru. We're the Night Pride. Well, most of us." Rani explained. "Oh. Heh, sorry for attacking. We're just used to animals trying to steal the Jewel of Night. I'm Arpina. That's Azul, Aadrita, Aalin, Akand, and Arhaa. We're the protectors of the Sands on Kahana." Arpina said. "Hello. So would it be okay if we used the Roar of Light?" Rani asked. "I suppose. As long as you give it back once you're done with it. Inside the Temple of Light is a golden jewel. The lion or lioness that will use the Roar of Light will put their paw on the jewel and then the Roar of Light's powers will dwell inside that lion." Arpina said. "Who's gonna use it?" Baliyo asked. "I vote for Kion!" Rani said. Everyone else nodded. Kion rolled his eyes and went inside the Temple of Light.

"Just place your paw on the jewel." Arpina said. The golden jewel was glowing and floating. Kion put his paw on the Roar of Light then his eyes lit up.

LOL, that's not him!

LOL, that's not him!

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"Woah," Fuli said. Kion's eyes went back to normal and he said, "What just happened?" "That was the Roar of Light accepting your ask to use its power. Congratulations. Now you can save the Tree of Life." Arpina said smiling. "Thank you. But when I'm done using it, how will I get it back to you? Go back on the long hard journey?" Kion said. Arpina chuckled and said, "No. The Roar of Light can be used only once by a lion or lioness. Once you use it, it will leave your body and dwell back inside the Jewel of Light." "Cool...!" Bunga said amazed. "Wait? It can only be used once? I don't follow." Fuli said. "The Roar of Light's power is very strong. So the lion that has the Roar of Light can only use it once on a target. So what I'm trying to say is... don't miss your target." Arpina said. "So Kion HAS to defeat Shadow with only being able to roar ONCE?!" Fuli asked losing her cool. Arpina nodded. "THIS IS TERRIBLE!" Bunga said. Everyone glared at Bunga. "Way to have faith in your friend, Bunga." Baliyo said. "I know Kion can defeat Shadow!" Beshte said. Everyone agreed. "Yeah, you can do it Kion. We believe in you." Fuli smiled. "OK, looks like we've got a villain to get rid of." Kion said. Everyone cheered again. Then two lions and three lionesses walked in. "Who are you?!" Arpina asked. "Nuru?!" One of the lionesses said running over to Nuru and hugging him. "Uh..." Rani said pretty much speechless. "Hey, Collisa," Nuru said nuzzling the lioness back. "I'm confused," Rani said lowering her ears a bit. "This is my sister, Collisa." Nuru said. Collisa smiled at Rani. Collisa was a light tan coated lioness with light blue eyes and a lighter underbelly, muzzle, paws, and eye shades along with a brown tail tuft. "Oh. Um, hi. Nice to meet you. I'm-" Rani started then another lioness ran over and yelled, "QUEEN RANI!!! AHH!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ACTUALLY YOU! I'M IN THE PRESENCE OF ROYALTY!!! HI, KING KION!!!! HI, PRINCE BALIYO!!!!!!" Rani was totally freaked out that she hid behind Kion. "Dude... we're RIGHT next to you..." Bunga said freaked out, too. "Sorry, she doesn't really have a low volume. She gets excited really easily." The last lioness said walking over to everyone. "These are my other two sisters, Tama and Aala." Nuru said. Tama was an orange brownish coated lioness with golden brown eyes, lighter orange underbelly, paws, muzzle, and eye shades, and dark brown tail tuft and bangs. And Aala was a brown coated lioness with a lighter underbelly, eye shades, paws, and muzzle, a dark brown til tuft, and dark brown eyes. She kind of resembled Rani. "And these are my brothers, Badru and Jafari." Nuru said. Badru was the youngest teenager and he had a darker brown coat with a lighter brown underbelly, eye shades, paws, and muzzle, purple eyes, dark brown tail tuft, tufted front legs, and the scruffy face like Baliyo and Vitani. His mane tuft was black with most of it in his right eye. Jafari had Kion's coat color and a lighter colored underbelly, paws, eye shades, and muzzle. His tail tuft was reddish brown along with his mane tuft and he had dark green eyes. "Hey," Jafari said. Badru smiled at them a bit. "Wait... you're... a family of SIX?!?!" Rani asked amazed and kinda shocked. "Well seven if you count our little sister that... didn't make it." Nuru said. "Oh," Beshte said lowering his ears. "So, uh... I guess we're taking all six of you to the Tree of Life." Rani said. "Yep..." Kion said. "If you are ready to go to the Tree of Life, I will send you there." Arpina said. "Send us there?" Kion wondered. "How are you gonna do that?" Rani asked. "Easy. I'll just light up my paws and touch you guys. Then you'll be home." Arpina smiled. "Woah..." Baliyo said. "Cool!" Bunga exclaimed. "Well then... I guess we're ready to go. Right, guys?" Kion asked looking back at them. "Yep," Fuli smiled. "Affirmative," Ono said. "Alright. Let's do it." Kion say.id. "Fantastic," Arpina smiled as she touched each one of them once her paws lit up.

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now