The journey Pt. 2

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Sorry, guys, I tried uploading several different pictures of "beautiful lands" but they wouldn't work. You're gonna have to see a blank screen on the top.

The Night Pride made it to the Mountains of Danger which was 65 miles away in one night. The Mountains of Danger earned its name.

But we won't get into that right now.(:

The Night Pride struggled to get across the mountains. Once they made it to the top, Anga flew up and saw that the only way down the mountain was to slide. "Anga, what is it?" Kion asked curiously. "The only way down the mountain, is to slide down." Anga said. "Yes! Finally, some fun!" Bunga exclaimed excitedly and happily, running to the cliff where he was about to slide. "How are we gonna get down?" Fuli wondered. "I guess like that," Surak said looking at Bunga who was sliding down the mountain. "But... there's thorns up ahead..." Baliyo pointed out. "Oh no!! BUNGA, STOP!" Kion yelled. "I got him," Anga said swooping down and grabbing Bunga with her talons. "Thanks, Anga," Bunga smiled. "Yup," Anga said neutrally. "So what are we gonna do? Sliding's kinda out of the question." Kion said. "What if I fly all of you down there?" Anga suggested flapping out her wings. "But that'd take too long. There's 9 of us. And one of you. And Shadow is taking over the Tree of Life as we journey to the Temple of Light." Rani said. Kion was wondering why Rani was in a rush. "Well Ono can fly so he doesn't really count." Anga said. "There's gotta be another way." Rani said. Nirmala sighed, "Except there isn't," just then, a jaguar jumped out of the bushes. "Oh. Hello." The jaguar said looking at the lions, honey badger, cheetah, hippo, Martial eagle, and egret. "Um, hi?" Kion said back. "Who's this?" Anga asked whispering. "The name's Leoperda." The female jaguar smiled friendly. Kion smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Kion. We're the Night Pride. This is Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, Anga, Ono, Nirmala, Baliyo, Surak, and my mate Rani." "Rani? As in, "Queen" Rani?! As in, the queen of the Tree of Life?!?!" Leoperda freaked in amazement. Rani chuckled. "Ehe, yeah, I am," she said. Fuli was unsure of the jaguar. Leoperda's claws were unleashed. "So what are you guys doing up here? It's not really the kind of place for a king and queen." Leoperda said sitting down. "We don't know how to get off of here." Kion said walking over to Leoperda. "Hey, I can help you. I'm a jaguar, so I have a lot of agility. I can teach you how to slide down the mountain without getting torn apart by the thorns down below." Leoperda offered. "It's true. The animal that has the most agility is the jaguar." Ono said. "Uh, OK. How do we get down?" Kion asked.

"So first, slide down the mountain. Then, turn your body right to avoid the thorns. "Watch me,c" Leoperda said. Leoperda did all the movements she said and made it to the bottom. The rest of the Night Pride did it and Bunga said, "Can we do it again?!" "Come on, Bunga, let's go." Rani said. Leoperda sat down and twirled her tail. "Thanks for the help, Leoperda." Kion said looking back at her. "No problem, it was my pleasure." Leoperda said. "Why does your name sound like leopard?" Fuli asked curiously. "Not sure. Guess my mom just thought I looked like one when I was younger." Leoperda answered. "Well bye," Kion said. Leoperda waved.

As the Night Pride was walking, Beshte said, "Poa, I've never seen a jaguar." "I don't think any of us have." Fuli said looking back at Beshte. Soon, the Night Pride came across the Land of Eternity. 

You'll understand why I made such a mysterious name for it soon. (;

The grass was bright green, the sun was shining bright, the water was crystally and clear blue and the tree trunks were dirt brown with green leaves and fruit growing on them. "Woah," Bunga said amazed. "I could get used to a place like this." Fuli said looking around. "Stay focused, everyone. Don't forget why we're here." Rani said walking through the Land of Eternity, leading the others. "You got it, Rani," Bunga smiled. Then he saw water. He was feeling a little thirsty. "Uh... be right back. I need some water." He said running over to a waterfall. "I've heard of the Land of Eternity, but I never believed it was real until I saw it." Ono said. Then he added, "Legend has it, there's a magical Fountain of Youth here. Whoever drinks three gulps will turn into a baby again." "Wait, is that waterfall over there that looks like a fountain, the Fountain of  Youth?" Fuli asked looking at the waterfall that Bunga was about to drink. Everyone gasped and yelled, "BUNGA! DON'T!" But it was too late. Bunga had already drank two gulps. "Fuli! You need to get him before he drinks one more time!" Kion said. "You got it, Kion! Huwezi!" Fuli yelled speeding to Bunga. But she tripped over a stick and Bunga drank once more. Then he felt something. Just then, he turned back into a baby.

 Just then, he turned back into a baby

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"Hevi kabisa!" Kion exclaimed. "Zuka zama!" Bunga yelled excitedly, running around and swinging through trees. Everyone noticed Fuli's face. Her jaw was down, her ears were down, her pupils were small, and her tail was between her legs. "Fuli, are you okay?" Kion asked standing right next to her. "No... this... CAN'T be happening! This is a living nightmare! Bunga's a baby!!!!!" Fuli yelled. Everyone looked annoyed of Fuli. "So... how do we turn him back into... well... him?" Nirmala asked. "Uh, Bunga? Mind coming down?" Kion said looking up at him. Bunga still swung from trees then said, "Zuka zama, zuka zama!" Fuli rolled her eyes. Bunga threw fruits at Fuli's head from the trees. "Oh if I could climb-" Fuli started then Kion interrupted and said, "Bunga, come on!" Bunga laughed and then fell off the tree branch. On purpose! Everyone gasped. Beshte ran and caught Bunga. "Few," the Night Pride sighed. Bunga then jumped off Beshte's back and ran away again. The Night Pride groaned. "Is there a way we can turn him back to normal, Ono?" Nirmala wondered. "I-I'm trying to remember," Ono said. Just then, he saw the fruit that Bunga threw at Fuli on the ground. Ono hopped over to it and observed it. "Hmm, why does that fruit look so familiar?" He wondered. Then he remembered. "Hapana! This fruit looks just like the fruit in a painting my mom showed me a long time ago. She was telling me about the Fountain of Youth and said that the only way to become older again was to eat this fruit." Ono explained. "Was this before your mom became crazy? Because it sounds like it happened after." Kion asked raising an eyebrow. Ono glared. "Well unless you have a better plan, this fruit might be our only hope. For Bunga and us." Nirmala said. "Alright, now we just have to give this to-" Kion started then saw Bunga disappeared. "Seriously?" Fuli said annoyed. "Well this is just great. Just what we need!" Baliyo said lowering his ears in annoyance. Then he added, "I hope the Tree of Life's okay."

At the Tree of Life

Shadow was laughing as he sat in front of the Tree of Life. He even let Makucha, Ora, and Chullun in. And Sabrina. All the good animals of the Tree of Life were running and panicking for their life. "That's right. I am your new king!" Shadow yelled cackling. Ullu was sitting on a branch. "I have to find the Night Pride!" She said as she flew away.

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now