The race/The surprise/The patrol

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In a clear opening in front of the Tree of Life, Fuli and Azaad were stretching. They were pumped and ready for the race. "OK, just a question... and you don't really have to answer it... but what's the purpose of this race?" Baliyo asked raising an eyebrow. "To prove who's fastest-" Fuli started then Azaad finished by saying, "And who has the most agility." Fuli smiled at Azaad putting her ears down. "Alright. On your marks... get set..." Nirmala started. "GO!!!" Baliyo finished. The two cheetahs rushed at the same speed at the beginning of the race then Fuli got a bit faster. "Fuli's in the lead by an inch. But right behind her, is Azaad!" Baliyo exclaimed. "Mibinamet!" Azaad rushed, exclaiming his catchphrase. "This is gonna be one close race." Nirmala commented looking at Baliyo.

As for King Kion and Queen Rani, Kion had something big and romantic planned for his queen. "Now just over here," Kion said pushing Rani. "OK, OK, slow down," Rani laughed. Just then, Kion disappeared. "Kion?" She said. She just shrugged and walked through a vine wall. Then a chandelier-looking grassy vine thing exploded, dropping beautiful pink flowers on her. She gasped in amazement as the sun shone behind her just before it set. Dolphins in the crystaly water sprang out of the water and squirted water out of their holes and made a fancy heart design behind, around, and in front of her. Rani was so wowed that she didn't know what to say. One dolphin was pink and the other was shiny grey. Ullu and another bird threw a rose necklace gently around her neck. Then a red flower behind her left ear. She smiled as she saw Kion walk over with a leaf necklace. She blushed and walked over to him. They met in the middle. "What is all this?" Rani asked smiling. "A gift. Because you're my wife and I love you." Kion said. Rani chuckled, thinking she was gonna get spoiled all the time. "Well, thanks," Rani smiled nuzzling her mate. "Aw, you're messing up your flower," Kion teased. "Oh, that's OK. You can get me a new one." Rani teased back putting her necklace on him.

Back near the Tree of Life, Fuli and Azaad were panting. "And the winner is..." Baliyo started. Then Nirmala whispered something to him. He then said with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "Fuli AND Azaad. Heh. Again." "Ugh! I could've sworn I beat him by a second." Fuli argued. "More like by nothing!" Azaad joked. Fuli glared at him then said, "I want a rematch! Ten times the charm." "Sorry, Fuli, we gotta get ready for patrol. And come to think of it... you should do the same." Baliyo said walking away with Nirmala following him. Fuli groaned then walked away. "Better luck next time, cheetah!" Azaad laughed. "WE BOTH WON!" Fuli yelled back.

Far away from the Tree of Life, there lived a lion. His heart was just as black as his coat. His eyes were red. He was on his way to the Tree of Life! His claws were unleashed and he had multiple scars on his body. "King Sãhasí and Queen Ãnanda got lucky I didn't kill their cubs. But I can smell that I'm getting closer to the Tree of Life. And once I get there... I will rule over the Tree of Life!"

It was night and the whole Night Pride was ready for patrol. Just then, they heard something. "Anga?" Kion said. "Yup," Anga said as she flew up and saw Chullun, Ora, and Makucha headed up the mountain pass. "It's Makucha, Ora, and Chullun. They're headed through the mountain pass." Anga explained. "Those flea bags!" Bunga said. "Alright, everyone, let's surprise them by standing in position in front of them right when they get there. They'll see they're outnumbered." Kion ordered. "Good idea, Kion," Rani said. Makucha groaned as he said, "OK... we're here," "Ugh, so is the Night Pride," Chullun said. The Night Pride was standing tall in front of them. "What?!" Makucha freaked. "Get out," Kion said as he headbutted Makucha, causing him to fall down. "Beshte, Baliyo, Surak, take Ora! Fuli, Nirmala, take Chullun! Bunga, Mama Binturong's all your's. Rani, with me!" Kion ordered again. "Anga and Ono, you know what to do." Rani said. The two birds nodded. "With strength and respect..." Rani and Kion started. "Night Pride protect!" The rest of the Night Pride finished. Before Rani went with Kion, she groaned in pain touching her stomach. Baliyo and Surak distracted Ora and then Beshte knocked him down. Fuli and Nirmala attacked Chullun at the same time. Then Fuli sped up and formed a circle around Chullun as Nirmala climbed a tree and then pounced on her. "Hey, Mama, 'member me?" Bunga asked sarcastically. "Oh, no!" Mama Binturong freaked. Bunga stink bombed her and she ran away. Kion and Makucha were face to face. "Kion, Rani needs help," Ono said. "Huh?" Kion wondered looking around. Then he saw his mate in pain. She was still holding her stomach. "Sis?" Baliyo wondered as he stopped looking back at his sister lifting one of his front paws. It was the perfect chance for Makucha to attack Kion while he was distracted. And since Makucha saw an opportunity, he took it. He pounced on Kion. After a minute, Rani was feeling a bit better, so she pinned Makucha down and growled. "Night Pride, get behind me!" Kion called. After everyone was behind Kion laying down and covering their ears, Kion roared the villains out through the pass. Once that was over, Kion looked back at everyone and smiled, "Nice job, Night Pride." Then he walked over to Rani who was feeling much better. "Rani, are you okay? What happened?" Kion asked concerned. "I-I don't know what happened. My stomach just started to get... weird." Rani answered. "Well you're okay now and that's all that matters." Surak said. "But I should check you out," Nirmala said looking at Rani. Rani nodded. "Don't worry, Rani, the rest of the Night Pride will patrol while you're with Nirmala." Kion said reassuring his mate. "Thanks, Kion," Rani smiled. Kion nuzzled Rani before she left. While the Night Pride was back in position, Kion put his head down with a worried expression on his face. "Don't worry, Kion. My sister is the strongest lion- lionESS I know." Baliyo said. Kion smiled hoping Baliyo was right. Well he knew that Rani was a strong lioness but he had a feeling this was something else.

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now