The journey Pt. 1

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The next morning, Rani walked over to the Night Pride and said, "Wake up, guys. Time to save the Tree of Life." Kion yawned. Surak got up and said, "But what about Shadow? He's still in the Tree of Life territory planning his next plan to take over the Tree. I'm surprised he hasn't just taken over it now." Rani looked at Surak. "Yeah, I find that suspicious, too. That's one of the reasons why we need to go. Now." Rani said. "But what if the Roar of Light isn't even real?" Makini asked worried. Baliyo raised his eyebrow. "Actually... the mandrill's got a point." He said. "Baliyo, Askari SAVED the Roar of Light once." Rani said in a hurry to leave. "Huh, I guess it's real then..." Baliyo said. "Come on, guys," Rani said. The Night Pride looked at each other unsure. "What is everyone waiting for?!" Rani asked. "It could be a long hard journey and we could get hurt. Maybe worse, so, can we all say goodbye to our friends and family first and tell them where we're going?" Makini asked. Rani sighed and said, "Fine," Fuli remembered she didn't have family to say goodbye to but she did have friends. And one of those friends was Azaad.

At the lake, where Azaad was, Fuli was walking around looking for him. "Azaad!" She called out. But no one answered. She called again and there was no answer again. Azaad was on the other side of the lake. He was drinking water. He heard her, but he didn't answer. Then, Fuli got an idea that he was up at the top where the waterfall was. No one might ever know why she had such a stupid idea. She jumped on rocks and made it to the top. It was hard because she couldn't climb. But even though she couldn't, she would of climbed a thousand trees for Azaad. Just then, she lost her balanced and fell down the waterfall into the water.


Fuli was scared for her life which caused her to open her mouth. Water filled in and she couldn't breath. She tried her best to get to the surface by pushing her hind legs. But knowing that she was underwater, made her nervous and weak. Tears filled her eyes as she was close to losing the last bit of her breath. Suddenly, she only managed to lift her nose above the water. 

On land

Just as she was about to go back under, something lifted her on its back and got her to land. Fuli slowly opened her eyes and coughed hard. Then she took in a big breath. Then, she saw right in front of her a male cheetah. It was Azaad! "Are you okay?" He asked getting down of the ground laying down in front of her. He was really worried about her. "I thought I was gonna die!" Fuli managed to say with tears staining her face. Azaad wiped away Fuli's tears and said, "You're okay," Azaad smiled lowering his ears. "Why didn't you answer me?" Fuli asked. "I guess I'm still a little bit stubborn about not being able to go with you guys." Azaad said. Fuli shook her head. She was still a bit focused on the water and her almost drowning. Azaad noticed this and nudged Fuli close to his chest. Fuli accepted this and pulled in closer to him. Then she nuzzled his furry chest. Azaad wanted to lick Fuli's ear so bad but he resisted. He thought that would be too forward. He thought maybe Fuli just nuzzled him because she needed comfort.

Bunga ran over to where Binga was and said, "Hey, Binga, just wanted to say bye." "Bye, Bunga, good luck!" Binga said waving back. Bunga was about to leave and then said, "Oh, and just... be careful. K?" Binga nodded.

After everyone said their goodbyes, they were off. As they were all walking on their way to the Temple of Light, Rani noticed Fuli's wet coat. "Fuli? Are you wet?" Rani asked. "Yeah... I kind of fell in a lake." Fuli said. "Hey, guys, do we even KNOW where the Temple of Light is?" Bunga asked. "Yep. The Sands of Kahana." Rani said. "It's the hottest desert in the world. Some can even burn there." Ono explained. The Night Pride stopped in their tracks, backed up, and said, "Ummmmm..." "Don't worry. Ono's just trying to scare you guys. RIGHT, ONO?!?" Rani said. "Uh, I guess?" Ono said unsure. Rani sighed and said, "Let's just go,"

Hey, guys. I tried to find a video with lyrics only but they were all the whole video. Just pretend the video isn't on.

Hey, guys, hope you liked this part. Love you! Goodnight! (:

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now