The journey Pt 5

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Fuli and Baliyo

"Hmm, see anything?" Fuli asked looking at Baliyo. "No, I'm not sure where Bunga could be." Baliyo said. "Anywhere where there's trouble usually." Fuli said rolling her eyes. Baliyo laughed and then Fuli smiled. Then she saw a cave. "Hey, maybe he's in there! Come on!" Fuli exclaimed running into the cave. "Worth a shot," Baliyo said. Inside the cave, Fuli looked around. She was amazed by the colorful crystal rocks attached to the cave's inside walls. "Wow, we've been in such a hurry that no one has stopped to think that there might be cool things that we haven't seen yet." Fuli said. "Yeah, I don't know WHY my sister is acting like this. She's usually pretty calm." Baliyo said. "Well I haven't known Rani long enough but for all the time we've known each other, I've noticed she IS calm." Fuli said. Then a huge boulder closed the cave entrance. "Bet you didn't see that coming." Fuli said putting her ears down. Just then, the two heard a loud growl. "What. Was. That...?" Baliyo wondered. "I don't know. But something tells me this isn't an empty cave." Fuli said. "Come on, over here! Hurry!" Baliyo said to Fuli jumping behind two big rocks. Just then, a grizzly bear came over and started to sniff around. Baliyo gulped and Fuli shook in fear. Baliyo covered Fuli's mouth so that she wouldn't make any noise. They were in trouble!

Nirmala and Surak

Surak looked around and then jumped on a rock. He saw rocks and more rocks but no Bunga. Then Nirmala climbed a tree. "I don't see him. Maybe we should go catch up with the others." Nirmala said. They had been looking for Bunga for 30 minutes. "Yeah, you're right." Surak said as he jumped off the rock. Suddenly, Nirmala lost her balance and fell. Luckily, Surak caught her on his back. "Heh, thanks," she said. Then she said, "Wait, where's my flower?" Surak saw it then grabbed it and put it back behind her ear. Nirmala then smiled. As the two were heading back, Nirmala felt something squishy on her legs and paws. "Um, Surak, are we shrinking?" She wondered looking at the trees as they were getting higher. Surak looked down and shouted, "Oh no, we're in quick sand!" Nirmala put her ears down.

Anga and Ono

As Ono and Anga were flying, Ono said, "Do you see him?" "Nope," Anga said with a neutral face. Then Ono saw a cave. He thought Bunga might be in there. But then he thought again. "No, he's probably not in there." Ono said as he kept on flying.

Beshte, Kion, and Rani

Kion sighed and said, "You guys have any idea where he might be?" "No, knowing Bunga, that honey badger could be anywhere." Rani said looking at Kion. Then she said, "Looking for him is just giving Shadow more time to conquer the Tree of Life and then...-" Kion stopped in his tracks and then said, "And then what?" Rani looked down then said, "Nothing," "Rani..." Kion said walking over to her. Rani sighed. "And then the Pridelands and the rest of whatever other paces he wants to take over..." Rani said sadly. "What?!? What do you mean?!" Kion asked madly. "The night before we left to venture off, I overheard Shadow telling himself he wasn't going to stop at the Tree of Life. Once he gets enough power over the tree, he's going to take over other kingdoms like the Pridelands." Rani said. "And when were you going to tell me this?!" Kion asked madly putting his ears down violently. "I was, trust me. I just... I was waiting for the right time." Rani said. "Right time!?! What other right time could it be then the moment you heard that?!" Kion asked frustrated. Rani looked down sadly.  Kion sighed and then said, "It doesn't matter right now. We just need to find the Roar of Light." "Yeah. As much as I want to help my home, I agree with you. We aren't taking another step closer to the Temple of Light until we find Bunga. Yes, he might be annoying and irresponsible, but he's still my subject... and friend." Rani smiled.

Fuli and Baliyo

"What do we do?" Fuli whispered. "I-I don't know," Baliyo whispered back. Baliyo was having a panic attack. "You know what, this is all fine. Everything will be okay." Fuli said whispering as she looked at the bear. Baliyo poked his head out and said, "Oh, really? Tell me what's good about this. Just one detail. One word. We're trapped in a cave. A boulder is closing the entrance. There's an angry territorial bear in the cave that we are trapped in. What's good about this?!?" "Um, he didn't eat us yet?" Fuli smiled nervously. Baliyo looked at her annoyed.

Nirmala and Surak

"HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Surak and Nirmala yelled.

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now