The journey Pt. 6

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Nirmala and Surak

"OK, now I'm getting worried. What do we do?" Nirmala asked. Surak looked around. "I-I don't know. But we're getting awful deep." He said. "I already taste sand," Nirmala said. "Well all we can do is hope that someone helps us." Surak said.

Fuli and Baliyo

"This is ridiculous! We shouldn't be hiding, we should fight!" Fuli said. "Fuli, even I'm not that rash." Baliyo said. Fuli rolled her eyes and said, "Well we can't just stay here. Eventually we're gonna starve." Baliyo sighed and said, "I don't know what to do."

Rani, Kion, and Beshte

As Kion, Rani, and Beshte, walked passed a cave, they heard something. It sounded like screaming. Then they heard a loud roar. Rani stopped and said, "Did you hear that?" "Yeah, sounds like-" Kion started then Beshte said, "Fuli!" Rani ran over to the boulder that was blocking the cave entrance and said, "Come on! We have to get rid of this boulder!" Kion and Beshte ran over and tried pushing the boulder.

Inside the cave, Baliyo and Fuli eventually got caught by the bear and they were trying their best not to get crushed. Fuli panted heavily and then looked at the boulder. She saw a crack of light. "Hey! The boulder's moving!" Fuli exclaimed happily. Baliyo ran onto a log and then jumped over to Fuli. The bear growled. "Finally! Hey, Kion, that you?" Baliyo asked. "Y-yeah, it's us! What's going on in there?" Kion asked as he was pushing the boulder. "Well, there's a mad grizzly in here. And apparently it doesn't like us. Or being woken up from a nap." Baliyo said. "Grizzly...? As in GRIZZLY BEAR?!?" Rani freaked. "Yep..." Fuli said as she pushed Baliyo so that the bear wouldn't pounce on him. "Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of there." Kion said. Baliyo sighed happily and said, "No sweeter words have ever been spoken. Woah!" Baliyo jumped on a rock and the bear fell. Fuli jumped on the same rock and said, "Baliyo, we need to keep this bear busy while Kion, Rani, and Beshte are working to get us free." "That's just what I was thinking." Baliyo smiled.

Nirmala and Surak

Surak and Nirmala were holding onto vines so that they wouldn't sink. "Could this day get any worse?!?" Nirmala yelled. Then the vines snapped. Surak looked at Nirmala and raised an eyebrow. "Heh, oops," Nirmala said putting her ears down. Just then, Ono and Anga flied by. "Oh! Ono! Anga!" Nirmala yelled. "Did you hear something?" Anga asked. Ono looked down and saw Nirmala and Surak. He gasped and said, "Hapana! They're in quicksand! We gotta help them!" He looked and Anga was already diving down to them. Ono chuckled and then dived down, too. "Yes! They see us!" Nirmala exclaimed happily. Surak smiled.

Kion, Rani, Beshte, Fuli, and Baliyo

Kion and his friends were getting super tired of trying to push a huge boulder. Than Rani felt something and groaned. "RANI! Are you okay?" Kion asked. "Yeah, it was just a kick. I-I'll be fine." Rani said getting up and started to push the boulder again. Kion and Beshte looked at each other worried.

30 minutes later....

"Uh, guys, how's that boulder moving coming?" Fuli asked scratching the bear. "Uh, sorry. It's just... um... all so complicated. We can fix it!" Kion said nervously. "Fix it? What do you mean "fix it"?!?!?!?!" Fuli asked madly. Outside of the cave, Fuli didn't know that Beshte accidentally caused another boulder to block the cave entrance. "OK, guys, stand back!" Kion said. Rani and Beshte got down covering their ears. Kion roared and lighting stroked the rock and it fell apart. Baliyo and Fuli ran out of the cave. "Um, let's get out of here... heh." Baliyo said. The bear growled and went back inside his cave and fell asleep. "When we find Bunga, I'm gonna kill him." Fuli said.

Nirmala, Ono, Surak, and Anga

Anga flew down as close as she could to Nirmala trying to grab her scruff. "Be careful, Anga," Nirmala said. "Always am," Anga smiled as she grabbed Nirmala's scruff. She flapped her wings super hard and then got Nirmala out. Nirmala shook the sand off of her and got it all on Anga. Then she looked at Anga. Anga raised her eyebrow. "Sorry 'bout that," Nirmala said. Anga then went to get Surak. Once he was out, Ono asked, "What happened?" "Um, we fell in quicksand?" Nirmala said. Ono rolled his eyes. "Let's find the others," Surak said. "I feel bad that we didn't find Bunga..." Anga said.

A few minutes later, the Night Pride met back by the cave that they stayed in. "Any luck finding Bunga?" Kion asked. "No," Anga said. "No sign of him," Surak said. "Sorry, Kion," Nirmala said sadly. "Hey, Kion," a voice said. Kion looked around and saw Bunga. "BUNGA!?" The Night Pride exclaimed. "Wha-???! How long have you been here?!?" Fuli asked madly. "How long has it been since you went to find me? Almost an hour." Bunga laughed. But he realized the Night Pride wasn't very happy. They were all looking at him madly. Nirmala put her paw on her head and sand fell out of her ear, Baliyo licked his leg that had huge scratches on them from the bear, Rani had a cut in her ear from the boulder hurting her ear, and Anga and Ono were looking at their wings that were sore from flying so long. "Uh, did I miss something?" Bunga asked. Fuli couldn't hold it in any longer and pounced on Bunga. "WE WENT THROUGH ALL THAT! AND YOU WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Fuli freaked. "Uh, no one told you to leave. Well besides Kion probably." Bunga said. Kion could tell what Fuli was about to do. So could Nirmala so she said, "Um, Fuli, perhaps we should keep going." "Or PERHAPS I should make Bunga go through the same pain that we all did!" Fuli yelled. Kion and Baliyo held Fuli back.

Once Fuli was calmed down, the Night Pride decided to set off again.

Hey, guys, I have a special surprise for you because of all the support and reads I've gotten! There's gonna be new lions in the next page!

Love ya'll!

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