The Defeat

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Once most of the Night Pride, Azaad, Nuru, Badru, and Jafari made it to the Pridelands, Kion said, "Hevi Kabisa! This can't be the Pridelands..." "As Shadow would say it, it's the Shadowlands." Fuli said. The Pridelands looked very dried out and lifeless. Everything was just... black. Out of nowhere, someone ran up to Kion and nuzzled him. It was Kiara! "Kion! We need your help! A-" Kiara started then Kion said, "I know, Kiara. Shadow already took over the Tree of Life and I know what he wants. We're gonna defeat him but first where's Mom and Dad?" "Kion! Is that you?" Nala asked running up to Kion and hugging him. "Son!" Simba said hugging Kion, too. "Mom, Dad!" Kion said hugging them back tightly. It had been a while since he had seen his parents. Kion backed up and got serious and said, "Is anyone hurt?" "No, we're fine," Simba said. Kovu, Tiifu, and Zuri were sitting next to Kiara and Vitani and her Guard came up and said, "We're good, too," "If I'm gonna get rid of Shadow once and for all, I'm gonna need EVERYONE'S help." Kion said with a smirk. Fuli perked her ears up and said, "Oh no. I know that smirk anywhere... and I never liked it..." "Tiifu, Zuri, can you cause a distraction to Shadow long enough for Kiara to trap Shadow's legs so that he can't go anywhere?" Kion wondered. "Yep," Tiifu said. "Yeah," Zuri said. "You got it, Kion!" Kiara said with a smile. "If Tiifu and Zuri's distraction doesn't work, Baliyo and Kovu will keep Shadow busy so that Kiara can do her thing." Kion smiled. "K," Baliyo said moving his tail around. "You got it," Kovu said. "Vitani, I need you to go around the Pridelands with your Guard and make sure everyone's alright." Kion said. "K, Kion, you can count on me." Vitani said. Kion smiled at her. Vitani's eyes widened and her ears perked up. "I MEAN, you can count us! Wait no, I won't let you down! No, that sounds way too obvious." Vitani said stumbling over her words. "Uhh... come on, Vitani! We've got patrolling to do." Imara said pulling her friend away from the crowd. As Vitani was walking away with Imara and the Lion Guard, she said to herself, "Ugh, "you can count on me"? What were you thinking?" "You used to like him? If used to means right now then lol." Imara teased. "Uh, what was that?" Kion wondered. Fuli shrugged her shoulders. "Oh Vitani has a small crush on you. No big deal. Now let's get back to the plan." Kovu said. "Right. Let's go! While you guys are getting ready, I've got a stop to make in the Outlands." Kion said. "What about us, Kion?" Nuru asked. "You three can come with me." Kion said. "And us?" Simba asked. "I need you and Mom to go to the Tree of Life and make sure Rani is okay. She's having the cubs." Kion said turning to Simba. "SHE'S HAVING THE CUBS!? I'm gonna be a grandma in like, an hour or two!!!!!" Nala exclaimed. "Dear, can we focus on the task at paw instead of fangirling?" Simba asked with a chuckle. Everyone laughed. "Oh, yeah. Heh, sure," Nala said. "Great, go!" Kion said to everyone. Nuru and his brothers followed Kion.

Inside the Tree of Life

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!" Rani was screaming from the pain of having cubs. "It's okay, Rani! You're gonna be a mother soon!" Nirmala said trying to calm Rani down. Nirmala was thinking "where's Kion when we need him?"

In the Outlands

Kion was walking around the Outlands. "So this is the Outlands? Huh, I thought it would be more... of a nightmare." Jafari said looking around the Outlands. "Yeah, Jasiri's done a great job keeping the Outlands livable." Kion smiled. "Jasiri? Who's-" Jafari started then he heard a female voice exclaiming, "KION!" Jasiri pounced on Kion and pinned him down. She nuzzled him and he nuzzled back. "Hey, Jasiri. I'd love to greet you but there's no time for that. This is Jafari, Badru, and Nuru. My... um... new friends?" Kion said looking over at Nuru. Nuru walked up closer to Kion and chuckled as he put his paw on Kion's shoulder. "We're his friends," he said. "Oh. Well any friends of Kion's are friends of mine." Jasiri said. "You're... a hyena," Jafari said surprised. "Yep. But I earned Kion's trust a long time ago. Or more like he earned mine." Jasiri said smiling at Kion. Kion was getting impatient. "Sisi ni Sawa!" Jasiri said. "You're the same? That makes... no sense." Nuru said raising his eyebrow. "JASIRI! We-I need your help. A new villain is taking over the Pridelands." Kion said breaking up the conversation. Then he added, "Here's the plan..."

At the Tree of Life

Rani was still screaming from the immense pain. "Rani, you've got one cub. You're officially a mother! You've just got a few more to go. You're doing great!" Nirmala said smiling. Nirmala couldn't help but put her ears down. Somehow, she could feel Rani's frightfulness. Collisa couldn't take anymore and she left the Tree. Aala noticed she left and went after her. Collisa sat on the outside of the Tree. "Collisa? Are you okay?" Aala asked. "No. Seeing a newborn cub, just reminds me of the little sister we lost." Collisa said. "I know you miss her. We all do. But right now, we're here for Rani. And we need to support her in any way we can." Aala said nudging her little sister. "Yeah, OK. You're right. Thanks, big sis." Collisa said. Aala was the oldest sibling out of Collisa, Tama, Nuru, Jafari, and Badru. They always depended on her for guidance, comfort, and harmony. "I'm not saying you shouldn't think about your sister. Just not here. Not now." Aala said.

In the Pridelands

Tiifu and Zuri gulped then walked up to Pride Rock. "Oh, Shadow! Yoo-hoo!" Zuri whistled. "Huh?!" Shadow freaked looking over at Zuri and Tiifu. "We were wondering.. if... uh, um, which lioness you think is prettier." Tiifu said. "How'd you two get up here!?!" Shadow asked madly. "Duh, the stairs. So anyway, answer the question." Tiifu said. Kiara crawled over to Shadow's paws and had a vine in her mouth to try to tie his paws to the ground. "That's easy. The darker one is way prettier." Shadow said acting like it wasn't even a question. "Is that an insult?" Tiifu asked tearing up. "No, it's a fact," Shadow said. Tiifu started crying. "YOU JUST HURT MY BEST FRIEND'S FEELINGS!!!" Zuri yelled and then leaped in the air to pounce on Shadow. But he was way stronger than her so he grabbed her scruff and threw her on the edge of Pride Rock. Kiara scattered behind a large rock so that Shadow couldn't see her. "Zuri..." She said quietly. Kiara wanted to do something but he couldn't. "Help!! Someone, help! Please!" Zuri said trying her best to hang on to Pride Rock. But she couldn't and fell. Luckily, Baliyo caught her. Zuri smiled and hugged him. "Wait, how'd you get to my rescue in time?" Zuri asked curious. "Kovu and I were hiding in the grass in case you failed to distract Shadow. Looks like you did." Baliyo said. "Actually, it worked out!" Kiara called to Baliyo from Pride Rock. Shadow was struggling to get free from the vines. "Not exactly what I had in mind, but it works." Kion said with a chuckle. Kion just wanted Kiara to tie Shadow's paws up with the vines but instead she tied his whole body in vines. "At least we can be 100% sure he can't go anywhere." Tiifu smiled walking over to Kiara. "Looks like we didn't need you or your clan's help after all, Jasiri. Thanks anyway." Kion said. "No problem, Kion. Like I said, you've helped me and my clan more than once." Jasiri smiled. Kion smiled back at her. "But I do want to stay to see you use a new power. What was it?" Jasiri asked. "The Roar of Light...?" Nuru said raising his eyebrow in calm annoyance. "Yeah! I wanna see you use it, King Kion." Wema said jumping up and down. Kion smiled down at her and then had a scared expression on his face. "Kion, is everything okay?" Fuli asked noticing this as she walked up to Kion. "I don't even know how to use the Roar of Light..." Kion said lowering his ears. "Oh. Yeah, I know it's scary but your mate and possible kids are waiting for you. You just need to go with it. Trust yourself." Fuli said. "K," Kion said taking a deep breath. "And..." Kion said. He roared and then the sun rose and destroyed Shadow. "NO!!!!!!!!!!" Shadow yelled as his shadow went poof. "We did it. Shadow is gone." Kion said. The sun shone over the Pridelands and green grass came back, clean fresh water filled the plains again, and the herds and animals all came back.

At the Tree of Life

Nirmala saw a dim of light shine through inside the Tree of Life. Nirmala walked outside and saw everything was back to normal. The Tree of Life was back! It was big, bright, and beautiful! Just the way it should be. Nirmala smiled because her home was back.

Thanks for reading, guys! I've gotten TWO chapters done in ONE day! That's a new record for my Lion Guard stories! Lol, love y'all! I'm goin' to bed. It's WAAAY past my bedtime! Feel free to comment for questions or ideas!

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now