The Temple of Light

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It became morning and the Night Pride and the rest were still walking to the Temple of Light. "My legs hurt," Bunga said. "Bunga, you've been walking for ten minutes. Most of the time, you were sleeping on Nuru." Rani said with a scoff. Bunga looked up at Nuru in confusion. Nuru nodded his head and said, "It's true," "Pfft," Bunga said walking away. "Yo, handsome, how much longer 'till we get there again?" Fuli asked. "We'll get there as fast as I can get you guys there. But approximately afternoon. Just keep your spots on." Nuru said with a chuckle. Fuli groaned in tiredness. "It's okay, Fuli. Once we get to the Temple of Light, the outcome will be worth the walking." Kion said. Fuli sighed and said, "I guess," "OK, Night Pride, we made it to Crystal Shores. The last place until the Temple of Light." Nuru said. Everyone was super amazed by the place they were looking at. The rocks and sky looked like pure crystal. "Woah," Fuli said. "Alright, so we just need to figure out how to get across the water and it will lead to the Temple of Light." Nuru explained. "Heh, yeah, I'm not swimming." Azaad said. "You won't have to," Nuru said. Kion roared and caused part of a tree to fall into the water. Nuru's mouth dropped down in amazement. Rani used her paw and closed his mouth. "It's nothing new," she said. "But... how-?! What?!!!" Nuru stuttered. "Uh, Nuru, you comin'?" Kion asked giggling a bit. "Yeah, of course. I just... needed to process that." Nuru said jumping on the log. "OK, so go right and then straight and I'll tell you what you're getting yourselves into." Nuru said. Rani and Kion looked at each other confused. Once the water for moving, so did the Night Pride. "Now, I was gonna tell you that there's waves up ahead." Nuru said. "Seriously...?" Fuli said annoyed.

A while later, the Night Pride got off the "boat" and made it to their destination. "Baliyo, heh, you okay?" Rani asked looking at her brother. "Just a little... dizzy," Baliyo said walking around unsteady. Kion chuckled and said, "OK, so how much longer until we get there?" "Actually, we're already here." Nuru said looking down at the sand. They were in the desert. "Night Pride, we've made it to the Sands of Kahana." Nuru said. "Finally! Now we can save the Tree of Life!" Rani cheered. She ran over to Nuru and nuzzled him as a sign of thanks. "Don't thank me yet. Do you see that small building in the distance?" Nuru asked. Anga flew up and used her keen sight to see a pyramid. "Yep," "That's the Temple of Light. To get there, you guys are gonna have to go through hours of boredom and hotness." Nuru said. "Pfft, how bad can it be?" Bunga asked in a boastful way.

1 hour later

"IT'S SO HOT!" Bunga yelled panting. "I told you it'd be hot." Nuru said. "Nuru, how much longer until we get there?" Rani asked sweating. "About two more hours," Nuru said. "WHAT?!" The whole Night Pride said stopping in their tracks. "Nuru, I am not walking two more hours without water." Rani said. Nuru looked back at Rani and said, "Well this is the only way to get to the Temple of Light. So really, it's your choice." Rani looked down with her ears down. "We can do this, it's just a little heat." Kion told Rani comforting her. Rani sighed and said, "Fine, OK," "Then come on," Nuru said leading them to the Temple of Light again.

Once they made it to the Temple of Light, Rani looked up at the temple. It was amazing! It was huge and it had a sun sign on the top of it. "Woah... this place is... amazing!" Fuli said. "I guess. Now you guys have a roar to get." Nuru said. "I don't think so!" A strange voice said. A lioness jumped out from nowhere. She had a blondish coat. Then four more lions came out. One of them attacked Baliyo and the other pounced on Nuru. "Seriously?! We have been on this TERRIBLE journey for this?!?" Rani yelled madly.

Sorry, guys, this is part one of this part. Sorry it's so short! And sorry again for the long wait for the new chapter! Love you all! Tell me what you thought of this in the comments below! (:

The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light {𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2}Where stories live. Discover now