Chapter 5

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Skipping 4 and going straight at 5 cuz 4 is bad luck.

The sound of a small metal object hitting the ground with a little 'tink tink tink' broke the silence. A small golden pin rolled to the base of your feet and into your line of vision. You gave it a curious look and bent over to grab it. Your eyes scanned over it. Examining it and taking in all of its details.

You looked to your right and saw Giorno. The pin laid in the palm of your hand and with a voice laced with curiosity you asked him.

"What's this?"

Giorno didn't smile and just turned away. His whole attitude changed.

"It's our Passione organization badge."

You walked in front of him so you could see his face as you talked to him.

"What's Passione?"

He didn't look at you and stayed silent until he glanced at you. His gaze hard.

"I need you to trust me until I can explain everything."

You weren't sure what it was about him or if it was something about you, but you trusted him. He was riddled with mysteries and he confused you greatly. It was odd but intriguing.

"Ok, what now?"

He started to walk past you which led you to do the same and catch up with him. 

"Well as we walk back to the school I'll explain everything, tomorrow is when things start."

Time skip -

You laid in your bed, your brain swimming with all the information you just took in.

I'm in a gang... I have stand powers... and I have to quit my marine biology studies. Oh god, what a mess. I just wanted to live a normal life. And now I'm in a gang? No, I need to find a way out of this.

I am Y/n L/n, I'm 15 years old and live in dorm number 17–

"That's it. I'm getting out of this mess."

You stood up and opened your door, walking your way over to Giorno's room and loudly knocking on his door. You didn't care that he might be sleeping. If he wanted to be a gang-star as he liked to call it then he can deal with a little lack of sleep for one night.

The door opened to reveal Giorno, still clad in his signature pink suit. His eyes slightly widening as he saw you, for what reason you didn't know.


"Giorno I don't want to be in a gang. I don't want to quit school and my marine biology studies. I just want to live a normal life."

You held out the golden pin he had given you earlier today. Knowing that if you kept it you would be tied back to the gang.

"Y/n please listen to me-"

You step forward and into his room, the door closed behind you and you curled your hand around the metal pin, it was sure to leave an imprint on the palm of your hand.

"No Giorno listen to me."

Your voice was soft but firm and when you step into his room and closer to him, a light pink dusted his cheeks.

"Just take the pin back, you can go on, live out your dream, and do what you want with your life. But I want to live out my dream too. And if I'm tied to a gang and quit my studies how will I ever become a Marine biologist?"

Giorno's 2nd POV from a few seconds ago -

Giorno opened his door only to see you. Dressed in your sleepwear, a black tank top and grey sweatpants. You looked... beautiful.

When you stepped closer and the door closed behind you and he blushed lightly. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would be in his dorm, alone with you in your pj's in front of him and cornering him.

Has her voice always been so smooth?

Regular 2nd POV

"Y/n, I understand but you've been dragged too deep in this to escape, if you leave now you could be in danger, I need you to trust me."

You looked away and but your lip being conflicted.

"I just don't want to be involved in anything dangerous."

"The whole reason I'm doing this is to clean the streets of Italy."

You looked away and placed your hand on the door handle. You had made up your mind.

"I don't want to be involved. That's final, take your stupid pin back and don't talk to me. Nothing dangerous or bad is going to happen to me, I trusted you once before and that got me into this gang mess. I'm not sure if I can trust you again. I'd like to, and maybe someday I will if you earn it."

You let the pin drop to the ground at his feet and turned away from him. You opened his door and walked back to your dorm.

You slipped into bed. Rolling onto your side and closing your eyes. Attempting to clear your mind and sleep peacefully. Still conflicted about the whole situation.

Giorno looked at the pin that laid at his feet. His gaze became hard and determined. But something else in his eyes too, a drop of sadness.

My cursed advice for the day: If someone is going to kill you just say no, they can't do it without your consent.

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