Chapter 13

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Trish was curled up in a chair asleep, Abbacchio and Fugo were on the couch looking at the map, Mista was watching the ceiling and Narancia was standing against a wall with Giorno.

Bruno was sat in the last chair with you in his lap. Your head rested on his shoulder and Bruno had closed your eyes and mouth. He had placed a cool towel on your forehead to cool your down.

"We should be able to make it to Venice by tomorrow or the day after if no one finds us."

The room was full of tension. Narancia and Giorno catching on that something must have happened between Bruno and Trish and that's why she looked upset when she entered the turtle.

Nobody wanted to talk about what had happened to you, thinking that if they did they would find out what had happened to you was worse than they thought. Some of them silently blaming themselves, Mista in particular.

The sound of tires skidding across the ground and a large crash caught everyone's attention. Trish has woken up and Bruno gently stood up and placed you on the chair, your legs going over one armrest and your head resting on the other.

"What just happened?"

Fugo and Abbacchio stood up from the couch and their eyes went to Mista. Fugo questioning him in a worried voice.

"Mista! You were keeping watch on the ceiling, weren't you? What happened?"

"Uh me?"

Mista was sweating and tried to act casual. Mentally cursing the Sex Pistols for taking the hamburger.

"I-I haven't the slightest. I wasn't watching at that time. Maybe the truck stopped."

Slowly you started to wake up and you winced a bit. Your hand hurt like hell and you let out a sigh. It was the one that had been cut off.

Bucciarati probably fixed it with Sticky Fingers. That's good.

You were on your back, your head on a soft patch of grass. Your whole body laid out on the grass and you didn't sit up. It was silent. It was dark outside. It was peaceful. You didn't want to move just yet. Only wanting to look at the stars and listen to the sound of nature at night. To feel the night air and the grass below you.

Where am I... this isn't the turtle. Is anyone else here?

You looked at the clouds and the stars tiredly. Not sure of where you were, you knew you needed to get up and find out what was happening, but you wanted to stay. The grass felt so comfortable. It felt like you had woken up from a bad dream and that everything was ok.

"I see you're awake."

You closed your eyes and exhaled from your nose. A gentle smile gracing your lips. You didn't move, you weren't startled by the voice and you didn't need to turn your head to know who had spoken.



He didn't say anything and you just laid there. You hadn't moved at all, fearing that if you did, the feeling of peace would vanish. Opening your eyes again so you could take in the stars.

Abbicchio is here... everything's ok.


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