Chapter 19

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Your attitude started to lighten and the mood was less dark, you were hopeful, you were going to find them and see them again. Not to mention you now had food in your stomach which contributed greatly to your mood.

Fugo would watch you smile when you weren't looking or out of the corner of his eye. A small smile spreading across his face every time he saw it. His heart feeling lighter every time he saw it.

He didn't regret his decision to find everyone, it made you smile again. It made you happy and he would be staying by your side. If he were to die, he would be surrounded by you and the teammates that have been through so much with him, and he was ok with that.

"We only know that they were going to Sardinia, how are we supposed to figure out where in Sardinia they are going to?"

You and Fugo walked out of a small store with a map, Fugo checked to see if it was an up to date map before buying it while you realized a small flaw in your idea to find everyone again. You didn't know where they were going to in Sardinia.

"They were in a boat when we saw them, but Bucciarati wouldn't go by boat because of all the possible stands that could get to him, plus the obvious factor of the fuel running out. Sardinia is an island so they couldn't have gotten here by car, so the next best thing is a plane."

Fugo pointed at the map and traced a small circle around the airport and then pointed at where you both were.

"If they came in a plane they must have landed at an airport, and if they came by plane they must have arrived before us meaning they would have already left and won't be at the airport."

You nodded your head along to what he was saying.

He's solving this like a multiple-choice question. He's eliminating them one at a time. It's like a test question.

"We're in the city of Olbia, we should start on the outskirts of the city before going too deep into the city where it would be easy to get lost."

You nodded your head and you both looked at the map while you walked. Fugo's shoulder brushing aginst yours from time to time as you leaned closer to look at the map.

"Hey look out!"

You and Fugo simultaneously looked across the street to see the cause of the noise. A small boy was couched in the street, a truck heading straight for him and a man with pink hair jumped towards him to push him out of the way.

"I know there's a truck coming."

This made both the man and you and Fugo stop and process what he said. The man that was in front of the truck took a sharp breath in. It was like a suspenseful movie where the odds of coming out alive were unknown.

Next to you, Fugo had closed the map quickly from the suspension making it crumple a bit. In a matter of seconds, it came to an end. The man had grabbed onto a pole and managed not to be hit but ended up fall in a puddle. The boy ran off somewhere and you saw the man's run over case in the street.

You put a hand over your mouth in shock and looked both ways before jogging to the man's side.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

He started to slowly sit up while wincing a bit.

"Yeah, I think I'm ok."

Fugo walked across the street and picked up the case along the way and held it out for him to take. The man looked at his case and rubbed his head, his head hanging as he sighed deeply.

"Oh, man..."

You looked at him sympathetically and started to help him stand, putting one of his arms around your neck and supporting him as best you could.

"Thank you."

You smiled at him gently and he took the case back from Fugo. Looking at his flattened case and you looked in the direction the boy went.

"That was an awful thing to do."

You spoke while looking in the direction and the man straightened up, all three of you walking back onto the walkway and Doppio smiled at you lightly.

"Yeah, but I got to be helped by a beautiful girl, that's always nice."

You let out a small laugh and a bit of pink took over your cheeks. Fugo stayed silent frowned slightly.

"Thank you."

You both shared a smile and Fugo suddenly grabbed your hand while holding the map tightly, the map being crumpled up and he clenched his jaw.

"We don't want to hold you from whatever you're going to."

He spoke through gritted teeth and you looked at him and then back at the man. Smiling at him and giving him a small wave.

"Have a good day."

He nodded and Fugo started to lead your back across the street.

"You too."

Fugo had already pulled you further down the street and you faced forward, you looked at the crumpled map in his hand and then at his side profile.

"Where do you think we should start?"

He let go of your hand and opened the map, looking over it and then looking over the map for a second. Showing the map to you and pointing at a spot on the map.


I know this was a really short chapter compared to my usual ones. I'm sticking with each chapter being an episode so I either skip an episode which is what I did with notorious chance or keep the chapters short if there isn't much.

Because we're getting closer to the endings, or at least the deaths of characters, I've been thinking about the characters' deaths so while writing this I was thinking about what to do with Abbacchio, and I have a plan. Yeah, I'm gonna close with that.

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