Chapter 12

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The air stung your face and the cold wind made your face numb. Prosciutto latched onto the train and now he two of you outside the train your bodies were like flags.

You had expected a painful landing and death, but when you saw that he had grabbed onto the train your breath caught and you were almost relieved.

You wanted to stay alive and live your life but you needed to be prepared to die. You had to be prepared to die. It's in the job description.

The conductor was sucked out of the train and fell to the ground, his head smashing against a metal pole and flying off his shoulders. His body continued to race down the tracks and skid across the ground.

"Pesci! What the hell are you doing stop the train!"

You couldn't see Pesci wake up but at the sound of his voice yelling for Prosciutto you were notified that had he gained consciousness again.

"Stop the train!"

Prosciutto's fingers were starting to slip and your ears were filled with the sound of the air rushing past you. The wind in your eyes was making your eyes dry. You squeezed your eyes shut and rubbed your face into Prosciutto back trying to get your eyes back to normal.

"I don't know how to!"

One by one Prosciutto's fingers slipped off the metal he was holding onto until his last finger let go. You two started flying back.

Your arms were wrapped around his waist tightly, your face buried into his back. A hug being your last action would be nice and comforting and an apology to Prosciutto for killing him.

You nuzzled your face deeper into his back and held him tighter. You felt bad. You really did.

You were jerked to the side when something grabbed into Prosciutto's hand. Making your grip falter and you started to fly back. Your arms reaching out to grab onto him again but you were already too far away from him.

You didn't need to call out for Ocean Man, it had already come out and grabbed onto his leg. Giving you the chance to grab on too.

Your heartfelt as if it was going to explode, you weren't sure if your body could take the stress for much longer. So if you wanted to make it out alive you'd have to be fast.

That must have been the other stand user.

"Hah, well done Pesci well done. Now that-"

He looked down at you and gave you a crazy smirk making you sick to your stomach. He was too confident and your plan of you two dying to reverse that aging was out the window.

I'm... I'm going to lose.

"That was quick thinking. You really thought that would be the end of me. Is that the best you have?"

It felt like barbed wire wrapped around your throat and you looked away, tightening your hold on his leg and squeezing your eyes shut. You had no intention of letting go, holding onto him was keeping you alive.

"Y-Yeah actually. I'm trying m-my best here."

Your voice was shaky and your nails dug into his leg making him grunt in pain. He started to move and jerk his leg around, attempting to shake you off but you needed to stay on long enough to form a plan B.

Your eyes opened and you looked to the thing that had grabbed Prosciutto, it was a bright pink fishing line.

"You might as well let go now. I'm impressed with you, you put up a good fight-"

You didn't let him finish and you stand went in for a well-aimed punch. He only shifted his head and laughed, his stand coming out and grabbing your Stand's stomach. A smug look present on his face.

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