Chapter 23

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You waited for Secco to move so you could see what he was planning and your ears picked up on sirens and yelling from people. You saw the flashing lights of ambulances and people helping people that had been affected by the mold.

Mista and Giorno did it. They got rid of that stand user.

A small smile appeared on your lips, and just like your last smile it vanished and you glanced back at Secco. He was looking around.

"C-Cioccolata, why isn't the mold working?!"

You looked at Secco and watched as he listened to a voice message. He was almost fully above ground by down and you watched the emotions in his eyes.

He was slouched over and his shoulders were shaking, he sounded like he was going to cry. You swallowed, feeling uneasy about his behavior.

"Cioccolata! You piece of shit!"

Your eyes widened from his sudden switch from sadness to aggression and Secco chucked the phone at a wall. Causing it to break.

"I thought were strong so I listened to you, so I would be safe."

He spat on the video camera and started yelling at it like it was Cioccolata himself.

"But you're weak! You lost!"

His grip tightened on the camera and it turned to liquid in his hand. The mud spraying and falling onto the ground.

"You're disgusting!"

It was unsettling to watch and your grip tightened on the metal pole. You were prepared for him to charge at you but instead, he muttered something about a secret and the boss and darted his way toward the coliseum.

Your breath caught and your eyes held panic.

He knows about the coliseum! He's going to stop Bucciarati or meet the man from the computer!

"Ocean Man!"

You called out your stand before he could get out of your range and Ocean Man sprayed a concentrated line of acid at him. Secco looked over his shoulder and dodged, the line of acid hit a stone pillar and burned its way clean through. He responded by kicking the stone right back at you and your eyes widened.

You ducked down to dodge it while Ocean Man punched it, the broken-up rocks fell on your back and you could feel the bruises forming.

"Hey, doesn't coliseum sound like "kill them" in Japanese?"

You looked at him, breaking into a cold sweat as he looked at you, waiting for an answer.

"I chose to learn English not Japanese, s-so I can't say it does."

"Not so smart now, maybe you can learn it when you start third grade."

Oh my god.

"I thought I'd ask before I killed you, just to show you how truly stupid you are!"

He looked at you with crazy eyes and you self yourself start to sink into the ground.

Yes, yes yes yes! Now that the mold guy is gone, I can move underground without worrying about growing mold.

He came rushing at you and you grabbed the metal pole, he wasn't pulling you under fully so you had to get out of his reach before he did.

You pulled yourself up and swung around, attempting to kick him and he looked at you, shaking from annoyance and still wearing the crazy eyes.

"You're annoying, j-just like a seven year old. Did you know that? It makes sense if y-y-you're nine."

Oh my-

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