Chapter 16

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You had sat up from the bench seat and watched Narancia and Mista bicker over a box of chocolate, smiling at their immaturity as you did so.

"Don't think you can just keep all the chocolates to yourself!"

"I bought them, give them back! I'm not keeping them to myself I was going to share!"

"There are only three left though!"

You laughed a bit at Fugo's exasperated sigh.

"I swear Narancia."

Abbacchio looked at Narancia with crossed arms, he and Fugo in the back of the boat near you.

I wonder if Abbacchio is capable of not having his arms crossed. Does he just want to look cool? Maybe he's just always annoyed.

You looked at Giorno who was sitting on the steps. Smiling seeing his golden hair that was flawless.

But what could have made him so annoyed though?

"What a greedy little shit."

Abbacchio scoffed at Narancia and the two continued to bicker. Mista keeping the box away from Narancia.

"We've been waiting here forever I'm hungry too!"

"Stop I wanted to give Y/n one don't eat them!"

You looked at the two and smiled with a laugh. Their behavior making you feel better about what had happened.

"Aw that's so sweet of you Narancia but you don't have to share with me."

I mean yeah, I would like chocolate but I need actual food first.

Narancia turned to look at you and protest but Fugo cut him off.

"Giorno, could you grab me a bottle of water? I'm thirsty. Also, you should be careful we're supposed to wait on the boat for orders. Not be on the island."


Giorno nodded and stood up. You were starting to get a bit bored and leaned into Fugo's shoulder. He stiffened a bit and you moved away.

That made him uncomfortable, damn it Y/n why.

"Sorry, Fugo-"

"No, it's fine!"

He interrupted you and his voice startled you seeing as he practically yelled it. He was looking at you and grew flustered, the team members looking at him. Abbacchio was frowning, Narancia had narrowed his eyes, Mista's jaw clenched and Giorno looked away.

"Oh, thanks then."

You smiled and leaned back onto him. You weren't entirely sure what happened, Giorno had stepped on the boat and walked to the bottle of water and you tasted something sweet in your mouth.

"You ate them! You ate them didn't you Mista?!"

You looked over and saw an empty chocolate box.

"Damn it Mista give them back!"

You furrowed your brows and slowly started to chew on whatever was in your mouth.


"You little shit you have them in your mouth right now! When did you even have the chance?!"

You finished the chocolate and swallowed, wiping the corners of your mouth in case there was any residue. Next to you, Fugo was drinking from the water bottle.

"I haven't thanked you yet have I, Giorno? For getting me the water."

Narancia happily chewed on his sweets while Mista stood above him frowning down at him, a bit upset about the chocolate. Giorno froze for a bit and looked at his hand, then seeing tiny kitty paws on his lap. He picked up the laptop and started to walk onto the island

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