Chapter 9

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A/n:  Bruno and Abbacchio will be romance characters but I ultimately decided including La Squadra would be too messy. Trish is a love interest if you didn't know already.

I'd also like to add with Bruno and Abbacchio there will be no mature stuff or kissing, so romance characters wouldn't be the best way to label them.

Recap :

Your eye switched back to Purple Haze and your feet stayed planted on the ground.

Fugo is controlling Purple Haze... so why did he choose to destroy the mirror?

Present :

Giorno looked to you with a glint of worry in his eyes. You giving him a soft smile to reassure him and looked down at the mirror. You placed the last piece of the mirror together. All of the larger shards were somewhat put together like a puzzle in the broken mirror frame.

The sound of metal caught Giorno's attention as well as yours. A golden key laid on the ground and a pink crome hand was there beside it. Giorno walked over and picked up the key. Nodding to you and for the plan to go into action.

Flashback -

"Y/n. I'll be dragged into the mirror realm with the virus while you stay out here so when enemy stand user comes out here you can take care of him.

A frown was set on your lips but you gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm assuming not the, give him a warm cup of milk and tuck him into bed with a kiss on the forehead, type of care... ok."

Flash back end -

Giorno was dragged into the mirror and you watched him disappear from view. Now all you had to do was wait. You rested your back against a wall. Sliding now it until you were sitting down with your legs laid out in front of you.

I just wanna study some fish like a nerd

You brought your hands to your head and ran your fingers through your hair. Letting out a deep breath. Calming down.

I mean who says I can't study in my free time? But for now, I have to be strong. Giorno is in there dying of a virus, Abbacchio has cut off his hand. If I'm right that was his stand's hand that dropped the key so if the hand is disconnected from its body that means Abbacchio's hand is disconnected from his body. And Fugo? God who knows what he's going through and what has already happened.

You brought your stand out and watched as it floated in front of you and it looked at you back with its jelly-like eyes.

"Do you have a name or is it my job to name you?"

Your voice was calm despite the situation you were thrown into. Your stand made some sort of weird noise and continued to give you a blank look and just float there. Just looking at you.

You sighed and tried to ignore your Stand who floated over to Golden Experience. Probably to try and communicate, which was hard when all your stand could do was make strange noises.

The sound of someone's voice broke the eerie silence causing your breath to hitch. It wasn't Giorno's. Or even Fugo's or Abbacchio's. It was too gravely.

Slowly you used the wall to help you stand. From around the corner, you saw a man. His brown hair divided into many ponytails and he wore what looked like a padded baby blue vest.

"Th-That was close, but, my resolve wins in the end!"

Blood flowed like a river from where his hand would be making your stomach turn and your legs almost gave out from under you.

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