Chapter 22 (Part 2)

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Just as you got comfortable in Trish's lap and thought you had a moment to rest it was all ruined. Mista, Giorno, and Bucciarati had to evacuate the car that was about to crash and go downhill which caused the turtle to flip a few times. Making everyone in the turtle stumble and move.

Abbacchio almost fell, Fugo fell, Narancia stayed were he was, Trish stayed where she was, and you fell off the couch and landed face-first on the floor.


You rolled onto your back and rubbed your nose, trying to get it to stop hurting and Trish kneeled down next to you. She grabbed your cheeks and made you look at her.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Trish looked at Fugo who was standing up and took her hands off your cheeks and stood up.

"Checking to see if she got a bloody nose because I care about whether she's hurt or not."

You stood up and Trish crossed her arms. Fugo was grinding his teeth but couldn't do anything about it, he wasn't going to start a screaming match in the middle of this serious situation.

"I do too, don't act like you're the only one."

"Oh? And when have you shown your concern for her well being?"

Fugo was about to lose it while Trish pointed her nose up and help her head high.

"Giorno, what happened?"

Fugo and Trish broke the glares they were giving each other and looked up.

"The stand users followed us, now the mold is spreading rapidly, it's getting to everyone!"

You looked to the chair you would normally climb onto to get out but saw Abbacchio sitting in it with his arm crossed.

"There are over three million people in Rome, I can't just stay here."

You stood in front of Abbacchio but he didn't move. He only looked at you and said the same things he said to Giorno.

"Bucciarati ordered you to stay here. That's what you'll do."

You chewed the inside of your lip. Looking conflicted and taking a deep breath.

I'm sorry for this Abbacchio.

Your conflicted look leaving moments later and you frowned.

Actually, no I'm not. You wouldn't move so this is what you get.

"Ocean Man!"

You called out your stand and Abbacchio's eyes widened. You had to be joking. You couldn't seriously be doing this to him.

Outside -

"Bucciarati, Mista, and I can take the helicopter, but Y/n has the best chance against this other stand user."

Giorno looked at him as Secco grew closer. Bruno looked at the turtle and then the line of broken-up rock showing that Secco was growing closer and then at Giorno. Letting out a sigh/huff mix and reluctantly agreeing.


He didn't want to do this, he had been avoiding it but he couldn't deny that Giorno was right any longer. Not when everyone in Rome was dying. That many lives came before yours.


Before Bruno could say your name you came out of turtle with Ocean Man next to you. Giorno and Mista gave you a quick look and started running while you and Bruno were left, Secco popped his head up from underground and looked at you, his cheek still bleeding from Ocean Man's attack.

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