Chapter 20

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"How the hell did you get here?"

You looked at Abbacchio. This wasn't how you imagined seeing them again would go.

"You have a literal hole in your stomach and that's what's on your mind?!"

Flashback -

You walked side by side with Fugo. Your phone was in your pocket and close to being out of battery.

You weren't sure how long you were walking around for, but you and Fugo walked down a path to the shore. It was tiring, the hill you had to walk down was huge and you didn't think to get a cab. It took a few minutes to reach the actual shoreline and it was only more walking after that.

It was hard to concentrate on finding everyone when the view of the ocean was so beautiful. The way the sun shined on the water and made it sparkle was beautiful.

You took a deep breath and sighed. It was tempting to take your shoes and socks off and to run into the water, to feel the water on your sore feet, and look for little crabs and sea creatures. Very tempting. Because you couldn't do that, you made a promise to yourself, if you made it out alive, you would do just that and run into the water.

You were by the ocean, you were going to see everyone again, and everything was going to be ok. Things felt ok, but you couldn't stop the inevitable. You can't change destiny, certainly not fate either.

"I never thanked you for all of this, did I?

You looked at Fugo's side profile after your realization came. He didn't want to betray the boss, but he did so he could go with you. He turned to look at you and shook his head.

"No, but you never had to, we're in this together."

He smiled nervously at what he said. You smiled and looked away, looking back forward.

"Yeah, you're right. We're in this together."

Usually, you would miss this but you saw Fugo falter in his step and missed a breath.

"Are you ok?"

He looked at you and nodded his head, once again looking away so you wouldn't see his rosy cheeks or his heart that was practically beating out of his chest like it would in a cartoon.

"Yeah, just um a bit tired of walking."

You looked to your right and up ahead of you.

"There are a lot of rocks you can sit on for a break, you shouldn't strain yourself."

You smiled at him, your eyes closed and his heart dissolving at the sight.

"Yeah, I'll do that."

You nodded and he left your side.

"I'm going to keep walking, but I'll stop if I get too far away."

You walked his back as you split up. He looked over his shoulder and nodded.

"Alright, I'll catch up soon."

Fugo gave you a smile that looked somewhat nervous or scared and sat on one of the many rocks, and you kept walking by yourself. You put your hands in your pocket and felt something metal.

When you pulled it out you saw the passion organization pin. The one Giorno got for you.

Fugo 2nd pov

Great, now I have to wait and act like I was actually tired of walking. We're in this together? What was that?

Fugo sat with red cheeks, on the outside he looked cool, calm, and collected but he was losing it on the inside.

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