Chapter 17

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Fugo looked at the large map while you both sat in a small boat you had rented. Neither of you speaking. Your eyes and nose were red from crying and you leaned against Fugo for support.

There was no cheery attitude. No annoyed Abbacchio and no laughing Narancia. No Giorno who was a more familiar face than the others. Mista was gone. That meant no more stupid pick up lines and he wasn't there to not so subtly hit on you. No powerful leadership from Bruno or the feeling of being safe and comforted and lastly no Trish to sit next to you.

What you did have was Fugo. He was logical and smart. He kept himself calm in most situations and was there for you.

You sniffed and took your phone out and continued the music. Picking up where you left off with him, before he was ordered away by Trish, and turned the volume up a bit so you could hear it over the sound of the engine.

Narancia and Mista were kicking and stomping on a man in a white suit while he was on the ground. Only for Abbacchio to join into moments later after he finished a sip of his wine. All three of them kicking the man harshly.

All while Trish sat alone curled up in a chair, looking at her wrist that had a zipper on it, calming down from her tears.

Small Flashback -

Bruno had explained where you and Fugo were and struggled to look her in the eyes as he did so. He couldn't face her knowing she would become heartbroken so he left her to herself. As he left she broke out into violent sobs.

Even though she was in the turtle she could still be heard. The team listened to her cries and her sobs. She was speaking through her tears but they could only hear her repeating your name over and over again.

Trish was on her hands and knees on the floor. Her tears falling onto the floor. Crying out your name and for you to come back. The last time she saw you was when Bruno was leading her to the church. She wanted to see you again.

Some would call it foolish to fall for someone so easily and quickly. She didn't care, she never cared for men and she couldn't remember a woman she cared for as passionately as she did for you.

"I want you back, Y/n please come back I want to see you again."

She weakly hit her fist against the floor as she cried for you.

"Please Y/n please..."

Flashback end -

Fugo brought the boat near the walkway to park it and you leaned off him so he could work properly. He took the rope and tied the boat up, he knotted it up and you watched as he hopped off the boat and onto the sidewalk.

You turned your music off and stood up from your spot on the boat, putting your phone back into your pocket and looking at hand being held out to you. Fugo had his hand out for you to take to help you off the boat.

You wanted to smile but the whole situation was too depressing to be happy go lucky. You took his hand and he helped you out of the boat and onto the walkway to stand next to him. Neither of you said anything and Fugo started to walk to the cafe with you following him and walking by his side.

It felt like fifteen minutes had passed and your feet were starting to get tied. That may sound pathetic after fifteen minutes but crying took a lot out of you and you were walking on an empty stomach. You stopped walking when you noticed Fugo had stopped. A frown was settled on his lips and he pulled the map out.

"It shouldn't be taking this long."

You stepped closer to him and looked over his shoulder and leaned on him slightly. It didn't suit you. The sad expression you wore.

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