Chapter 22 (Part 1)

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"What are we going to do? We can't go back out to sea with the boat all burnt up."

Mista stated the obvious and gestured to the boat that was still burning. You took Narancia into the turtle but came back out to join Bruno and Mista again and waited.

"We're better off getting a car and leaving this place. We need to get to Rome, that's our top priority."

You looked into the turtle and at Giorno and Narancia.

"How is Narancia doing?"

Giorno was supporting Narancia and looking down at him.

"Not good. There's living mold inside his wounds and staying in this village isn't helping him."

Bruno took the turtle from you and looked from Mista to the parking lot.

"Y/n go into the turtle. Mista and I are getting a car."

Your lips parted but before you could protest he gave you a stern almost cold look. You shut down any argument you had planned and did as he said and joined the rest in the turtle.

"That's a bit cruel Bucciarati."

Trish spoke up and you leaned against the wall. She looked at the floor and Abbacchio walked to you to lean against the wall with you.

"He didn't even ask Narancia if he was ok or not."

Narancia was laid out on the couch with his arms in bandages and his head resting on the armrest.

"Not to mention when he was trying to get off the boat, and Y/n went up there to stay up there and help, what did he do? He coldly ordered both of you."

You were about to speak until Narancia said part of what you were thinking.

"What are you so mad about? Of course, he ordered me to do that. I went down into the boat and it's lucky we made it out alive. Because of me we almost died. It's better if one of us dies instead of all of us. It was smart to order me to throw it, I could've dropped it into the water."

His voice sounded a bit weak and you looked at him, slightly ashamed of yourself. You didn't reach out to grab him because you were too scared and grossed out to grow mold when he could have died.

"What were you going to say?"

Abbacchio kept his voice low and you turned to look at him, looking away and back at Narancia.


"But I agree, there wasn't any reason to order Y/n."

You looked Narancia, he was looking at you and you gave him a weak smile.

"No, three's a crowd and he and Mista have more experience than I do. It was a smart move."

He looked at you and Trish.

"I don't really know how girls feel but you both had different reactions, you guys are weird."

Your jaw dropped a bit and your eyebrows raised. Trish was having a similar reaction and Narancia turned so his back was facing away. He sounded like he was joking around but you could tell how drained he was.

You looked away looked down, spotting a bit of mold on your fingertips and you almost screamed. You jumped like a cat and almost fell when you landed.


Giorno looked at you and Ocean Man came out without warning. Spitting on your hand and you expected to feel the burning but you didn't.

Instead, it's spit destroyed the mold and it just dripped from your hand onto the floor, burning a hole that seemed to burn deeper into the ground than it did at the vineyard.

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