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You held Polnareff in your hands as you stood outside the large building that was a research lab, the very one you were doing your schoolwork at.

"I can't believe you need to go here too, isn't that bizarre?"

You smiled and looked down at him, he asked Bucciarati to drop him off in Capri before going back to Naples, and they dropped you off there at the same time. So you kept Polnareff company, and strangely enough, he asked you to take him to the address where you would do your research.

"Yes, very bizarre. An old friend is working here, and he knows about the stand arrows too. We can discuss how the arrow affected you, and at the same time, I can see my old friend again. I haven't seen him in so long."

You nodded and made sure your name tag was visible before you entered the impressive building. You had a bag holding your papers and notes on your shoulder and a scrap of paper with an office number scribbled on it in your right hand.

"I'll take you to your old friend after I meet the professors."

You made your way over to the elevators with a smile, it was a dream come true to be in the building, and you hoped to work in the very same building someday.

"Does your friend know you've become a turtle?"

You looked at him and pressed the button to the fifth level. No one questioned why you and a turtle, they were used to it as you expected. The doors closed and Polnareff shook his head.


You kept an eye on the levels you were on.

"How do you think he'll react?"

You were trying to focus on the conversation to distract yourself from the overwhelming excitement that was building up.

"He's seen much stranger things in his life even with how young he is and he isn't one to show much emotion. He'll be more disappointed with how much trouble I've managed to get myself into rather than surprised."

He laughed and you laughed until the ding from the elevator interrupted you. You looked at the levels and saw the number five on the small panel above the entrance. 

"I'm sure he'll be happy you're still alive, just barely."

You stepped out of the elevator and looked at the office number. There weren't many people in the halls or much noise so you tried to be quiet in case they were working on something deadly serious. You stopped in front of a large door and quietly knocked.

"Come in."

You smiled and grabbed the door handle, then, you began to open the door.

"Oh, this is the office Jotaro's working in!"

You had one foot through the door and looked down at Polnareff.

"Wait, Jotaro Kujo?"

Your eyes were wide and you looked up to see the Jotaro Kujo, sitting at his temporary desk while you closed the door and your jaw dropped.


Jotaro looked up from the papers he was writing on and up at you. Then at Polnareff who you were holding.

"J-Jotaro Kujo is your old friend?"

You were speechless and Jotaro didn't have any emotion on his face.

"Yes, Jotaro it's me, Polnareff. Take me over there."

He looked up at you and you broke from your frozen state and walked to Jotaro's desk. You set Polnareff down and Jotaro set him down.

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