Chapter 7

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The water was a beautiful blue and you gazed at it while leaning over the side of the boat. A smile graced your lips as Napoli vanished into the distance. You walked around the boat and found a good place to sit. Finding a cooler the captain set up for you and the crew to enjoy.

You sipped on a (cool drink) as you sat on a beach chair that was on the deck. A pair of sunglasses rested over your eyes. Your favorite song played in the background and overlapped with the sounds of the water and the boat. Your head was laid back, you were relaxed and happy.

A crew member approached you and notified you they would be arriving in only a few short minutes. You got out of the chair and switched the music off. Moving your sunglasses to rest on the top of your head while you helped the crew get your luggage ready.

Time skip -

The lab had given you a car to use as you stayed in Capri along with a number to call if you needed any help. They had already taken your luggage to your hotel room while you went out to the store to buy some cheap food. Not wanting to give in to the urge of buying room service whenever you got hungry.

You let out a happy sigh and smiled. Turning up the music playing from the car's radio as you started to drive to the store. A list formed in your head of what you needed.

Some fruit to be healthy, chips, chocolate covered pretzels. Some bottles of water. I should probably get some microwave ramen.

You slammed on the breaks when you turned onto a street lit up like a forest fire. Your jaw dropped as you saw a young boy standing in the street alone.

Wait no he's not alone. Is that a body?!

You closed your mouth and bit your lip conflicted, would you help or not. You didn't want to get involved, he could be an arsonist who set fire to the whole street for all you knew, you could leave and continue a normal life. But your chance of a normal life was already out the window and you hadn't realized it.

You watched as a small plane landed on his arms that acted as a runway disappeared. You got out of your car and rushed forward. He was hurt definitely. You saw him drop and heard him wheezing.

"Hey, are you alright?"

You set your hand on his shoulder and turned him to you so you could see his face. He looked at you with tired eyes.

"Come on your hurt, we need to get you out of the flames."

You helped him up and walked back to the car, taking an arm and putting it over your shoulder to help support him. You took the emergency medical kit that was in the trunk and walked to him. He was sitting down by the car so he could lean against it while you worked.

You patched him up gently while the two of you remained quiet. Once you were down you cupped the side of his face with your right hand and turned his head to the left and then to the right checking for any other wounds.

"Thanks... you're an angel."

You smiled and patted his cheek. A pink tint covering your cheeks.

"I wouldn't call myself an angel, but thank you. Do you have someone to call for a ride?"

He nodded his head while standing up, using the car for support. You watched as he started to walk to a phone outside a store that had its windows smashed and he paused. He looked back at you and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you have some coins?"

You patted down your pockets and pulled out some change from your back pocket, dropping them into his outstretched hand and offering him a smile which he returned with a childish grin.

Y/n what are you doing. You found this guy in a flaming street near a possibly dead body. Wait... this is a guy form that table in the cafe. He's part of a gang! The one Giorno's in! Fuck!

You took a few steps back as a horrified expression took over your face.

I just helped someone in a gang. I helped a gang. Giorno was right I can't get out of this. Just like the Harry Potter fan base once you're in you can't escape.

Like your minds were connected Narancia turned to you and dropped the coins. Taking a step towards you and pointing at you.

"You're that girl from the cafe! You know Giorno!"

You took another step back knowing he was dangerous. He looked young and he was goofy and childish but he had the means and abilities to kill you on the spot.

You felt a presence behind you and whipped around, seeing a burned up and bleeding body. A small scream escaped your lip as a small blue creature like thing manifested beside him.

"If I can't kill you Narancia I'll take care of your pretty little doll."

Little Feet came rushing at you and you put your arms up in defense, waiting for the pain of an attack until the sound of someone choking traveled through the air and caught your attention. You hesitantly removed your arms from a defensive position you saw a large humanoid thing grabbing the neck of Formaggio's stand.

It stood tall and had skin that was a glossy black that looked slimy, you could see its organs glowing through its skin. Its face had white patches under its eyes, it opened its mouth to reveal large and small razor-sharp teeth, even its tongue had teeth on it. It had sharp nails and its eyes looked like jelly and a blank face. The stand resembled a creation of the deep sea.

As Little Feet was being choked so was Formaggio

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As Little Feet was being choked so was Formaggio. Your stand that had manifested moved its mouth to Little Feet's arm and bit down harshly, making the Formaggio's arm mirror the wound, and Formaggio's arm was ripped clean off. Your stand didn't stop there and bit down on his neck. Formaggio stopped moving and fell to the ground, his eyes rolling back as his stand disappeared. Your stand did the same and faded into you.

You stood there frozen from shock and you felt a hand grabbed your wrist. Forcing you into the car the lab had given you while the boy you had just patched up claimed the driver's seat.

"Holy shit that was awesome! You're coming with me for sure!"

Narancia slammed his foot on the gas pedal and the two of you shot off heading what you assumed was their base of some sort. You fumbled to put on your seatbelt while he disregarded it completely. He was at least ten miles over the speed limit and grinning while you were trying not to throw up from the speed.

Oh god. Giorno was right.

Hey guys how do you feel about your stand so far?

I based it off a deep-sea creature because of the whole marine biology theme, I don't know a lot about marine biology but I thought this was a really cool sea creature.

My cursed advice for the day: Create a conspiracy theory club and name it 'the reasonableists' so if people start attacking you it'll sound like they are attacking something reasonable.

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