Chapter 21

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You sat on the couch next to Fugo while bouncing your foot up and down. Still waiting for someone to catch you up on things and fill you in on what happened. Apparently, Trish got a stand and they crashed a plane into the ocean, which Ocean Man got upset about.

Despite Trish's desire to stay by your side until the end of her life, she was dragged away to look at the computer with Bruno and Giorno. Mista and Narancia were outside and running and Abbacchio was sitting and looking at you.

"Where's your jacket?"

He only felt slightly bad that he got his blood on another one of your jackets.

"It's been turned into your flesh and organs."

He looked at his stomach and then at Fugo who answered for you, he could have worded it differently but it worked and was accurate.

"Giorno used it to heal you."

You smiled and answered regularly and Abbacchio nodded while processing what Fugo said.

Now he had a scrap of your old bloody jacket in his pocket and your most recent bloody jacket turned into his stomach to save is life.

"Your lipstick is smudged."

You gestured to your lips and he looked into a reflective surface, and like you said his lipstick was smudged.

"Yes. Y/n had to perform CPR."

Fugo spoke through gritted teeth and Abbacchio smirked at his reflection. He looked at you and the Fugo. Licking his lips subtly and bragging with his eyes at Fugo. You excepted a 'thank you' for helping save his life however he kept looking at Fugo and smirking.

"She had to do what?"

Trish's head did a full 180 and looked Abbacchio. Fugo smirked back at Abbacchio now that someone was plotting to murder him. Before any of you could speak up and explain what happened the computer started glitching and acting up.

"Giorno, shut it off now."

You stood up and walked to the computer. You stood behind Giorno and looked at the computer that was behaving strangely, Fugo and Abbacchio doing their same as you.

"Wait! I'm on your side! There is a way to defeat Diavolo!"

You all looked at the computer, a bit weirded out that someone had hacked into it and saying they were on your side despite not knowing each other.


Trish whispered and you looked at her, she was suddenly standing right next to you and Abbacchio was on your other side.

When did that happen?

"Just because you said a name doesn't mean you're on our side, Giorno cut the connection."

Bruno stayed firm and Giorno extended his hand to the keyboard, about to shut it off until the mysterious voice said something that made all of you miss a breath.

"His stand is able to cut through time!"

You kept looking at the screen and went through your memory.

Now it makes sense... if the boss was using his stand then that's how I suddenly had chocolate in my mouth and sitting on Fugo's lap.

You smiled at yourself for being smart but that quickly dropped and you looked at Fugo.

How the hell did I end up in Fugo's lap? What happened during the time that was cut?

"He must be on our side, my father wouldn't show his stand ability to a member of the gang without having that person killed, he must have fought my father survived his stand."

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