Chapter 8

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You watched as Narancia was being yelled at from afar while you stayed in the background. Knowing you'd be next in line for being yelled at. Obviously not looking forward to the unwanted attention.

"Who is this girl?! How do you know she's not an enemy and here for Trish?! So she patched you up and you think she's pretty that doesn't prove anything!"

"She killed the guy trying to find us with her stand so she's obviously good! And Giorno knows her!"

You watched as all their heads snapped to you, you were an inch away from your legs giving under you, feeling sick to your stomach. Giorno looked at you shocked, not only seeing you here but Narancia saying you killed a man.

"I killed a man?"

Your blood ran cold and your face drained of color a look of concern spread across Giorno's face while everyone else didn't react. You gripped your stomach and turned away from the group so they wouldn't have to see. You felt your breakfast rise up your throat you hunched over.

The vision on the burned up man standing before you shown in your memories. Your stand holding his by its throat and biting it harshly and then the man's body collapsing.  It was horrifying.

I killed a man.

You hurled. Your stomach content laid before you in a puddle. Your throw up consisted of Greek yogurt, some granola, and a banana. You spit out what was still in your mouth and throat, trying to get rid of the awful flavor and the burning in your throat.

"I need scope."

Your voice was hoars as you felt the second wave coming up. Giorno noticed this and walked up to you, he gathered your hair in his hands, and once again you threw up your stomach onto the ground making the group cringe.

"Um, I'll get some water and some scope."

A skeptical Fugo walked into the house and grabbed you a bottle of water and mouth wash from the bathroom.

You fell back on your butt and looked up at Giorno who was still standing. Your hair no longer gathered in his hands and you had a defeated look on your face.

"I doubt you still have my badge."

He smiled gently at you and squatted down, pulling out two golden pins from his pocket and handing you one.

"Are you ready to join?"

Before you could answer Fugo arrived with a glass of water and some scope which you gladly took. You swished the scope around in your mouth and gargling it, spitting it out on the ground next to your throw up and then took a long drink of water.

You met Giorno's green eyes and took in the beauty of them. Sighing you stood up and flipped the pin in the air. You saw it in slow motion. The golden badge flipping and turning over in the air as the sun caught on it making it shine brightly before it came down into your hands and you and caught it.

"I'm sure I'm going to regret this but yeah. But the capo decides if I'm officially in right? That's how it works right?

You heard a gunshot go off and turned your head in the direction of the sound so fast you almost snapped your neck. A bullet heading straight towards you right at your head.

Your stand appeared before you and opened its mouth. It bit down at the perfect moment and bit the bullet, its sharp teeth penetrating the bullet. The metal started to dissolve and dropped to the sizzling and burning a hole in the ground.

You looked around trying to see who shot or you but coming up empty-handed.

Bruno's eyes ran over your stand, taking it in standing there in all its glory. Your Stand spat out the rest of the bullet out and like before a hole was burned into the ground while you could hear it fizzling and see it bubbling.

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