Chapter 14

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It was like you had been asleep. A dreamless sleep where it only felt like you had only just fallen unconscious and awoke right after. Unaware of the time that had passed. You were beside the couch leaning against it while Bruno and Trish had appeared as well.

"He did it."

Bruno's words made you let out a light laugh and use the couch to help you stand. You scratched the top of your head and looked at the ceiling of the turtle.

"Yeah. Giorno did it."

"Abbacchio, come over to this chair, I've received a message from the boss."

You were sitting on the couch while Narancia's had his head in your lap and held the magazine he was reading above him. He had shot a cheeky look to Abbacchio who scoffed silently.

Bruno's words made him drop the magazine and it fell on his face, he let out a small yell and you silently laughed to yourself. You took the magazine off his face and he pouted. Abbacchio stood up and walked to where Bruno was and shot Narancia a smug smirk which only made Narancia's pout deepen.

"Have Abbacchio's use his moody blues on the chair and rewind 14 hours."

Everyone who was sitting, only you, Narancia, and Trish, stood up and walked to Bruno and Abbacchio. Moody Blues flew out of Abbacchio and stood on the chair and your lips parted as your eyes widened. It was the first time you had seen his stand.

Wow, it's really pretty. I thought it'd be more... dark and less colorful. Then again no one would assume my stand would be a dark horrifying fish.

His Stand turned into a short stout man with white hair who a brown suit. He was leaning against the wall and turned to look at you all. A timer thing similar to a stopwatch on his forehead.

So his stand replays stuff. Interesting.

"Hey, I've seen that old geezer before!"

You stood near the back and watched and listened. You didn't know him but he looked like a nice old man making you smile to yourself.

"I'm about to tell you something of upmost importance that no one else must learn. How you're going to hand Trish over to the boss."

These words made you pause and you could see that everyone else had stopped for a moment as well. Your eyes darted to Trish and your heartbeat got quicker. The mention of the boss and giving Trish to her father made you uneasy.

Right. That was the mission after all. How could I have forgotten... Make sure Trish gets to her dad. To the boss. Follow the boss's orders and complete the mission no matter what.

You bit in the inside of your cheek and looked to the man, your mouth dry and unable to speak. The picture was lit on fire by a silver lighter, not the one Giorno held a few days ago but it reminded you of it.

"I pray from the bottom of my heart you all remain safe."

Your eyes switched to the gun in his hand and your breathing stopped, his finger started to pull back the trigger and you turned around. Your eyes were shaking a bit and you couldn't focus your sight on any object. You placed a hand over your mouth and stared wide-eyed at nothing.

Narancia yelled out and Moody Blues exited the turtle still being on replay. The room stayed in dead silence and you started to break into a cold sweat. Your breathing getting a bit heavier with each second passing.

This was a rude awakening to you. You had killed yes and watched people die, even jumped out a moving train, however, you had only seen the people who were trying to get Trish die. This man, this man was someone who had been loyal to the boss through his life, one of the better people in the gang you could tell and he died.

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