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Calum has work today. He said he had recovered from the incident last friday. I sighed, i have nothing to do today.

Maybe i should look for a job, to keep up with the future bills and stuff.

I woke up once again with a nightmare last night. Good thing he was there and i am glad i have somebody to wake me.

Those nightmares bother me a little bit.

I never want to go back there ever.


I quickly got out of the shower and changed in my clothes. I locked the door then biked to the mall. Ashton dropped off the bike yesterday.

The mall seemed crowded today. I push past people in the mall until i finally found the thing i was exactly looking for. Job listings.

They are mostly man jobs that i can't do and there's this kid who needs a math tutorial, nope totally not happening. I'm not going to elucidate any math problem to a kid.

I finally gave up and walked to a diner. A yellow flyer caught my eye. "Now hiring waitress around 17 and above" i grinned then went inside.

I smiled as the manager handled me the schedule, which is a morning to evening shift, the salary wasn't that high but it would do, i shouldn't be choosy. I will start at 8am tomorrow.

I biked the way home then fell off the couch as i attempt to dive in.
I groaned then ran to my room. (I know, i'm weird) I quickly opened the door then dived on the bed.

As i try to find the comfiest position,
my hand touched an object under my pillow.

I pulled it out and it's the book my father would probably read again :

a time to kill.

I wish my mother and father's beside me right now.

An envelope fell as i flipped through the brown crusty pages. The envelope is addressed to me :

'To Keia on her 18th Birthday'.

The familiar handwriting i assumed was my father's. I grinned as i try to recall my good old times with my father.My 18th birthday was also the day i left that place, i guess i should open it right now.

I heard the front door open which means Calum's back. I tuck the letter inside the book and hid it under the pillow. I got up and i am greeted with four attractive boys, i mean i have to be honest, they're gorgeous.

"Hey Keia, how's your day?" Ashton asked.
"Fine i guess. I got a job from the pizza place near the mall"
"Oh that's great" i nodded.

I noticed that all four of them were holding four bags each.

"What's with the bags?" I asked.
"We're going to have a movie marathon" Michael said.
"Don't you guys have work tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but Michael insisted" Calum said "no one declines Mikey" he whispered-shouted and i nodded.

"Would you like to join us?" Luke asked.
"I would love to but i don' t want to miss my first day of work tomorrow, i have to wake up by 8" they all nodded.

We ate dinner afterwards, and by means dinner, we mean Pizza. They decided to watch the twilight saga ( i know) while i wash the dishes.

Michael pleaded me to watch with them as i heavily walk to the bedroom with him holding my legs.

"Pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee??" He's doing those kitty eyes.......

"You're so cute, but NO" he frowned then finally gave up went back to the couch with the three chuckling boys.
I took my clothes then went to the bathroom.


I went out of the bathroom clean and ready for bed.

"Hey Keia" Calum said.
"Are you sure you're going to sleep alone again?"

"Do you need me? to sleep beside you? I mean i'm sorta sleepy so......" My heart skipped. No boy would ask me that.

"Ok" i shyly said.

"Oh this is love this is love..." Michael sang and i blushed.
"Shut up. Keia has those creepy nightmares which make her scream in bed" he nudged Michael.

"Maybe you make her scream in bed" oh god.
"MICHAEL!" they all shouted.

"Sheeesh" he raised his arms. "Just take Calum and go to sleep" he added.

"I'm right here you know" Calum said and he turned to watch tv.
"Goodnight" he said and they all said the same.

I am very embarrassed on my nightmares. Why does it always occur? Dammit. Now i bother Calum about it.

"You don't need to sleep yet Calum, just go and watch with them" i push him gently to the door. He held my arms to stop me.

"Nah it's ok, i don't really watch Twilight" he said draping an arm around my boney shoulders, leading me to the bed.

He pulled the sheets then tucked himself. I awkwardly stood there and he chuckled then patted the remaining space. I blushed then quickly tucked myself and move as far away as possible to not bother him, but i wasn't comfortable with it.

He groaned then pulled me closer, really close as my pale yellow skin made contact with his perfectly tanned skin.

"Why do you have to be so awkward?" He chuckled.
"I dunno. I'm not used to it"

"Well get used to it. I don't like waking up at 2 in the morning"
i frowned. I was bothering him and he forced himself to sleep beside me for him not to be disturbed.

I shifted, now out my back's touching his arm.

"Goodnight" i said harshly, hoping he didn't notice my change of mood.

He kept on shifting as he finds a comfy position until he wrapped his arm around my waist. I stiffened as the warmth of his breathing tickled my neck. Why do i even let him cuddle me?
I relaxed as i finally got comfy at this position.

"Goodnight" he said. I could feel his smile though.

If this small gestures continue as we live here maybe i can say i like him,


"My story has 41 votes! ah that's so awesome dudes! thank you i wanna cry hahaha" -my old AN haha.

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