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"Don't mind him, he's weird" he said. "sometimes he cares then the next he doesn't" i nodded.

Ashton insisted to stay until i get discharged.
Currently right now i'm watching tv in this narrow room, while ashton is sleeping by the sofa.

Someone knocked on the door then opened it, a nurse.

"Good afternoon have you eaten your lunch?" i nodded. well i didn't eat the food here cause its terrible, Ash bought take-outs, thank god.

"How are feeling?"
"Fine. my foot still hurts"

"Well according to your ct scan, there's nothing wrong and your foot always needs to be wrapped with bandage and you'll be discharge by tonight but we need to check your blood count so i'll come back later ok?" i nodded tgen she left the room.

Holy shit. I hate needles. My hands are sweaty right now.

"Ash? Ash!" i throw a pillow at him.
"What? what? do you need something?"
"Help me"

I was about to answer but the nurse came back with a kit.

"Oh shit Keia" Ash said.
"Come here please!"
"No. i hate needles" he grimaced.
"I hate it too, now c'mon and cry with me"

"It'll only be a sec, i promise" the nurse said
"Ashtonnn" i pulled his arm.
"I'm sitting, i'm sitting" he quickly sat beside me, me digging my nails to his wrist.

As the nurse tied the blue thingy so tight above my elbow i cringed.
"Is it over yet?" Ash peaked.his eyes were closed shut.
"No its only the rubber" the nurse said.
Ash patted my arm

"Its gonna be ok, i feel you" he said.
"Shut up"
The nurse sanitized the location of my visible vein.
This is it.

"You inhale if i tell you ok?" i nodded.
"Ok 1,2,3 inhale" i inhaled immediately.

"Is it in?" i peaked
"Yeah, its flowing already" i nodded. oh shit look at that blood! its like 5ml!

"It doesn't hurt?" ash said.
"Nope" i said proudly, popping the p.
The nurse pulled out the needle and i shrieked, so did Ashton.

"Why did you shrieked?!" He was whimpering then pointed at his arm, where my nails are dug.

The nurse pressed a cotton then told me to put pressure in it.

"See? i felt your pain" he said, rubbing his scratched arm.

"Sorry" i scratch my nape.
"Aww its ok" he patted my head.

"Is he your boyfriend?" the nurse asked. We both looked then laughed
"No" we both said in unison.

"Well," she coughed "i'll explain to you your results later" i nodded then she left the room.

Ash's phone vibrated, indicating that there's a message.
"Keia" he locked his phone "Luke said your manager wasn't mad, he was actually glad that you were taken to the hospital immediately" i nodded.

"Thanks Ash"
"No prob. how's your foot?"
"Not ok" he nodded.

"I once did experienced that, it hella hurts" i chuckled.

"Can i ask you something?" i nodded
"How's Calum going?"

"He's actually fine. he's actually so nice to me" he nodded.
"oh that's good" i nodded.

"Do you need anything?"
"No thanks" i smiled.
"Ok. i'm just going to sleep again" he laid down then fell asleep.

I need to sleep too, i rested my head to the soft fluffy pillow then closed my eyes.

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