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"Ok so we're meeting my family lawyer today, well actually my lawyer's son cause he passed away, " she sniffed. "he was such a good man. then i'll packed your stuff and my stuff later, i left some cat food for Callin and-"

"Keia, chill" i said "everything's gonna be ok, okay?" She nodded.

"I'm just nervous" i patted her head.

She's weird after i said i'll come with them, she kept hugging Callin and me (well mostly Callin, grr), her nightmares wake her up at midnight and she crawls every night beside me (i'm not annoyed, i actually like it), and barely touch her food and been busy contacting her lawyer. she may be smiling, but i know she's scared.

I held her hand and opened the door

"Let's go?" She nodded.

Thank god Ryan's not here, cause he'll probably tease me, went there early to tell Nana Tina her visit, whoever she is.

"He said he'll meet us at Starbucks" i nodded and start the engine

I got a text from Luke.

*dude heard about the Keia, we wanna come*

*text Keia, not me*

*k* i rolled my eyes.

"Watch the road" she said.
"Who were texting anyway?"
"Luke, he wants to join"

"Well, the more the merrier right?"
"I don't think so"
"It'll keep me chill?"
"Fine" i lip farted

"Just admit it you wanted to be alone with me" she smirked.
"I do! I really want to!" I pouted and she laughed

"You're such a guy"
"And you're, well, a girl" she hit me on the arm.

Three damn red lights after, we made it to Starbucks. It seemed crowded today.

As we walked our way to find the guy, my eyes fell to a familiar face. Hey i know this guy! Its uh,uh... Louie?

"Hey its uh.." he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Calum" i smiled while Keia ordered us drinks. "How's the honeymoon? Worth the wait?"

"Absolutely. Best ding of my life. " i chuckled at his choice of word, noticing there's a baby behind me, touching and well, pulling my hair.

"Its nice to see you again, i'm actually waiting for my client, but they're running late, you and your friend can sit here with me for a while." i nodded as i help Keia with our drinks.

"Oh this is Keia. Keia meet Louie"
"Keia Clifford? Oh you're the one i'm waiting for. Glad to finally meet you. I'm Louis White but with an 's' not e. My father used to tell me stories about your family"

"Oh you're Mr.White's son? That's why you're familiar." she smiled.

What a coincidence. This world is unbelievably small, despite the large oceans and continents.


He filed some papers and got her to open the will so they could discuss and defend her rights. The spot that we got here was a little private (the baby left), so we read everything that there is on the will.


I didn't acknowledge her father's fancy way of writing but i do know that Keia will get half of his money, the position of taking over whatever company they have, and well, the mansion is all hers. There were for her other family members that i don't know who they are.

I'm very happy for her but she isn't.

"I don't want any of that they can have it all" she said.

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