Chapter 21

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Natalie's POV

"So, how exactly do you want to do this? We aren't actually considering anyone else except for this Parker kid, right?" Tony asked me quietly.

I nod in agreement.

"Well, the kid and his friend I guess. We said we needed two people anyways. Besides, they're inseparable and there is no point in trying to talk them out of it. Ned can actually be really useful in being a secret agent. Well, more of Peter's cover, but we can give him the title. It'll be cool for him," I replied.

"Okay, so how do we approach him? Just announce that we found our candidates after they come up here?"

"Of course not. That would seem suspicious. Besides, Peter and Ned wouldn't cut for the field portion. Two nerds getting selected isn't ideal and people would know something is up and that would give away Peter's identity."

Tony gives me an understanding, yet scheming look.

"Tony, don't think I won't figure out what you're up to. If that means starting that September foundation-"

"The what?"

Well, that's a shame.

"Just something you and Pepper put together," I shrugged, trying to change the subject.

"Pepper did that?" Tony asked.

I'm going to be very upset if they still broke up. They have no reason to right?!

"Tony, are you guys still together?" I ask, nervously.

"Yes, of course! Why?" he asks.

"No reason."

Tony was about to say something kids started to line up at the table. I looked up and visibly rolled my eyes when I saw Flash up first.

"What's your name?" I ask, trying not to seem too bitchy.

"I'm Flash and I think I would be an awesome Avenger."

Tony looks at me with an eyebrow raised and I give him a stern look that non verbally states, "No." He nods and sits back in his chair overly relaxed. We both look up at the overly confident teenager.

"What's your superpower? Super speed? I think you're in the wrong universe for that," Tony jokes and I try not to laugh.

I failed.

"Look, we'll let you know if you make it."

"You need my contact information to let me know when I make the team?"

My knuckles start to turn white at his cockiness, but I take a deep breath to relax myself.

"Trust me. We know how to find you."

After taking names of a large amount of people that were seriously under qualified, I see Peter and Ned a few places back in the line. I look down at my clipboard and see all the doodles I've been drawing instead of taking people's names then I discreetly kicked Tony under the table. He looks up at me and follows my eye line then nods that he sees the kid.

Peter's POV

We were finally next up after a very long wait. I really want to apply for the field agency because I know I can be doing so much more than giving people directions. I just feel like I can't do that in front of Ned and Talia. They would think something was up or think I was crazy, so I'm hoping that I can get Mr. Stark alone.

"What's your name?" Stark asked Ned because he was the closest to the table.

I felt a hand grip onto my shirt and looked at Talia's very nervous face. I notice that her sister is giving her a very strange look as if she's trying to figure out who she is.

I placed my hand on top of hers and her small figure looked up at me. Her hazel eyes stare into mine and I don't know why, but I can't seem to look away. Her very dark, almost unnatural, wavy hair framed her face perfectly. I can't find any trace of makeup on her face meaning that this is all natural beauty.


"It'll be okay. We're last in line anyway, so you'll have a chance to talk to her."

It will also give me the chance to talk to Mr. Stark.

"Uh, excuse me? Kid!"

I turned to see that Stark was trying to get my attention and I started to panic. I let go of Talia's hand to go up to the table.

"You got a name?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Peter, Peter Parker."

I hear a small laugh and look at the other seat at the table, Miss Carter's seat.

"Well, hey Peter Parker," she smiles.

"What are you interested in. Tech or field?" The woman asked me very intrigued to get my answer.

It's almost as if she knew what I really wanted to do. I'm not sure how she came to such a conclusion because I'm currently wearing a T-shirt that says, "If you believe in telekinesis, raise your right hand."

"I'm more of a nerd, you know?" I laughed nervously.

She sat back in her chair and sighed.

"It's a shame. You're the only one here I see that has any sort of potential," she shrugs.

"Really?!" I said with slightly more excitement than necessary.

"Peter, can we talk to for a minute?"

I look back at my friends and so does she. She gives Talia a long look before glancing back at me. She stands and Tony does soon after.

"They can come too, relax."

I smile and Ned literally jumps with joy. Talia still looks very nervous even more because of the long glances with her sister. Something is very off with them, but I have no idea what it could be.

"Do you know a place we can go that's a little more private?" Mr. Stark asked.

I thought about how I'm sure there's an empty classroom considering the chaos that is still occurring in the gym. I look at the actual heroes in front of me and nod with a shrug.

"Yeah, I can find somewhere."

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