"are you ready to go?" colby asked me from the hallway.
"yeah." i responded, tying my shoe and standing up.
"oooo damn adelaide. i like your shirt." jake told me as he walked passed us in the hall. i was wearing a no name shirt that i cropped.
"thanks." i laughed.
"wow colby, your girl wears my merch but i don't see any xplr on her." jake jokingly taunted.
"wait a damn minute." colby laughed, going into our room.
he returned with an xplr dad hat, quickly putting it onto my head.
"that's better." he laughed, kissing my cheek.
"ill wear xplr tomorrow." i told him, taking the hat off with a laugh.
"why do we always come to scary places where we can die?" kat asked laughing.
"yeah. why don't we go to like Chuck e cheese or something?" corey said when we got out of the car in the creepy park.
"i don't know about you but i would much rather be here than at chuck e. cheese. that rat is so scary." i said, making everyone laugh.
it was cold out so i wrapped my arms around my body to try to keep warm.
"i swear you never bring a hoodie when we go anywhere." tara laughed.
"and you're always cold." devyn laughed.
"i didn't even think of it!" i admitted.
"here, take this hoodie." colby said while pulling his xplr hoodie off and handing it to me. "i have another in my bag."
"thank you." i said gently as he kissed me forehead.
we were walking down through the park, looking for a spot to set up the ouija board. colby was holding my hand and talking to the camera as we walked.
i heard a scream come from the other side of the park and it made me jump.
"did no one else hear that?" i asked everyone.
"no, i heard it." jake responded.
"this place is creepy." tara whined.
we found a spot in the grass where we set up our ouija board.
i sat down in front of colby, one of his hands on each side of me to reach the planchette.
"i really don't want to do this, guys." corey whined.
"cmon, let's just get it over with." tara said.
after we all put two fingers on the planchette, i decided to ask a question.
"are there any spirits here with us?" i asked.
after a few moments, it moved slightly towards the 'A' on the board.
a chill ran down my back quickly but there was a possibility that elton or someone was moving it.
"corey, the board is always super reactant to you, why don't you ask a question." elton suggested.
"if there is a spirit communicating with us, please tell us your name." corey said.
there was no answer so sam spoke up.
"how did you die?" he asked.
there was no answer but we heard an ear piercing scream come from the other side of the park, making me jump back into colby further.
he put his arms around me. i wasn't really scared, just slightly startled.
"i really don't like this." corey said.
"well we're not fucking leaving. corey, ask another question." elton said, making me roll my eyes.
"now i do wish we would've gone to that satan rat castle." i whispered to colby, making him laugh.
corey asked another question and then colby did as well but we didn't get any responses.
we all removed our fingers from the board and not even a minute later, the planchette flew off of the board, hitting me right under my eye.
i couldn't exactly tell what happened after that but the next thing i knew, i was laying back in colbys arms and the rest of our friends gathered around me.
i could feel a bruise forming right under my eye, where the planchette hit.
"are you okay, babe?" colby frantically asked.
"i think i'm okay." i responded, sitting up slightly.
"what the hell just happened?" sam asked.
"we need to just say goodbye and then leave." i told them.
"yeah. let's do that." tara said.
elton picked the planchette up and we did the goodbye ceremony shit and then quickly picked all of our stuff up to leave.
everyone was basically sprinting up the hill and towards the car. i felt a sharp pain on my collar bone but didn't say anything, or stop, because i didn't want to get left behind or make the whole group stop.
we eventually got to the car and i took my hoodie off. i pulled the little visor mirror down to take a look at it and realized there were three little scratch marks right under my collar bone.
"where the fuck did that come from?" colby asked?
"i felt it when we were running up the hill." i replied.
"oh my god. we need to get out of here." jake said.
colby agreed so he whipped his car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.
we stopped at a gas station about fifteen minutes away from the alleged haunted park. tara and colby helped me clean my scratch marks with a water bottle and a single bandaid that we were able to find.
we made the rest of the drive back home and we were exhausted so we all almost immediately went up to our rooms.
"your eye looks terrible." colby said, sitting at the edge of the bed.
"awh thanks babe, i really appreciate that." i laughed.
"that's not what i meant." he laughed back. "i don't think you realize how bad i hate the fact that i can't protect you from shit like that."
"i'm fine baby." i told him, feeling bad that he felt that way.
i sat down right next to him and grabbed his hand.
"i just wish i could protect you from everything. i hate seeing you hurt." he told me.
"i get that. but i'm fine and ill be okay. you aren't going able to protect me from everything for the rest of my life. but i'm alive and well and that's what's matters." i smiled, squeezing his hand.