fake girlfriend

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"hey what's up guys? it's colby brock. welcome back to my channel. i have one of my best friends, adelaide, with me for today's video. so basically, adelaide is over all of the time and she's friends with all of us. aaaand everyone always suspects that something will happen between us because we're basically the same person. and asides from mike and kevin, we're the only other single ones in our friend group." colby said into his camera.

"so adelaide and i are going to just act super coupley in front of our friends and then they'll just assume we're together." colby said.

"you ready, babe?" colby asked me with laugh.

"let's do this." i smiled.

"so tonight we're going to go out for dinner together and then we'll come back to the trap house and she'll tell the girls about it and i'll kinda tell the boys about it and then we'll just try to keep it going for as long as we can and then we'll eventually just tell them it was all fake." colby said.


"hi guys. we just got back from dinner. we just went to the cheesecake factory and now we're back home soooo now adelaide is going to take her camera and i'll take mine and we'll discreetly film us telling our friends about our nights."

"hey girls." i said, walking into devyn and coreys room where kat and tara also were.

"hey. where were you?" tara asked.

"i was on a date..." i smiled.

"with who? you didn't tell us?!" kat asked.

"with colby." i stated.

"i called it!" tara said.

"i knew it was going to happen eventually." dev said.

"how'd it go?" kat asked.

"amazing. he's so sweet." i replied

"where did you guys go?" tara asked me.

"we went to the santa monica pier and then to cheesecake factory." i told them, smiling.

"did he kiss you?" kat asked.

"no. not yet." i told them.

"you guys are like exactly the same i'm so happy you're finally together." devyn told me.


"ready for date number 2?" colby asked me as i put my shoes back on.

"i guess so." i laughed.

it's been a week since our first date and now colby and i are going to a concert together. colby invited me to this concert before we started 'dating' but no one knew we were going to it together so we decided to make it a fake date.


it's been a week since the concert and now it's time to 'make it official' in front of our friends.

"so... you're all probably wondering why i forced you all to come to the living room." colby started.

"yeah this is kind of fucking weird." jake laughed.

"well i just wanted to tell you all that adelaide and i made it official last night." he smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

everyone was cheering which eventually jake started chanting 'kiss her kiss her kiss her.'

i wasn't about to let this prank end and i knew colby wasn't either... so we kissed.

i got butterflies in my stomach. it was unlike any kiss i'd ever had before.

we both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before pulling apart.


it's been four days since our kiss and i haven't stopped thinking about colby since. i don't want to ruin anything between us since i had to catch feelings after one kiss. sooo i've been ignoring him.

my phone started ringing and i was expecting a phone call from tara so i answered it.

"hey." i said into the phone with a sigh.

"hey... adelaide." i heard colby say through the phone. well that's not what i was expecting.

"oh... hi." i responded.

"can you come over to talk to me? everything has been weird between us the past few days." he said.

you mean after we kissed? you mean how i've been ignoring you because i don't want to fall for you even more? i didn't even know i had feelings for colby until four days ago.

"uh yeah. i'll be over in an hour." i responded.


"hey." colby said with a small smile when he opened the door.

"hi." i replied.

"you can head up to my room... i'll be right up." he said back. i nodded and went up to his room

"hey sorry about that. anyways how have you been? i haven't talked to you in almost a week." he said.

"uh i've been good." i replied, sitting on his bed.

"so then why exactly were you ignoring me? was it because of the kiss?" he asked.

"i don't know, colby." i responded, running a hand through my hair.

"you just like ghosted me, ad. i haven't heard from you at all." he told me.

"i'm sorry. i just- i... i don't know." i told him. and truthfully i didn't. "did you feel anything... when we kissed?" i asked him.

"adelaide, if you're going to tell me i suck at kissing then i will be very sad." he laughed.

"the opposite actually. you're a very good kisser." i replied with a laugh.

"you too." he laughed.

"i just didn't want the kiss to ruin our friendship... " i said.

"we're fine, right?" he asked.

"i thought i was making it very clear that i think i have a crush on you." i laughed, hoping this wouldn't ruin anything further.

"well in that case, you're in luck, because i feel the same way. but i just so happen to have a fake girlfriend though so nothing could happen between us until i call that off." he said, making me laugh. "but really, i've liked you since we first met. sooo would you like to go on a real date with me?" he asked.

"i would love to." i smiled.

"too bad i can't use my prank video now." he laughed.

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