"so colby, you have a girlfriend now, correct?" the interviewer asked.
"uh- i do, i do. her name is adelaide." colby responded.
"you two have been together for a while then?" he asked.
"we've been together for 8 months." colby told him with a smile.
"wonderful. what are your thoughts on adelaide?" he asked the three boys.
"i love her. she's like one of my best friends."
jake admitted, making me smile."yeah, she's great. she's perfect for colby." sam said.
"and she's really good at cooking!" corey said, making me laugh.
"speaking of her being perfect for colby, everyone was under the impression that you wouldn't get a girlfriend, colby."
"i think he was just so picky and he would get uninterested after a few days." sam told him.
"so what made adelaide different?" he asked colby.
"you know, she wasn't like all of the other girls that i had met previously. she didn't throw herself at me for clout. i mean, for the first few months that we knew each other, she didn't film me once. we would occasionally take pictures together or she would take videos of us but they never made it on the internet. so that was kind of a sign to me that she wasn't just in to to become 'famous' or get money.". colby explained, making me smile.
"how long have you two known each other?" he asked.
"we met about a year and a half ago at a party and i thought she was really cool. she was just herself and you could tell she was comfortable with herself. so that kind of made me want to talk to her. so i got her snapchat, actually. and it kinda just went from there." he explained.
"that's great! she's here today isn't she?" the interviewer asked.
"she is, she is. hi baby." colby smiled to the camera, making me smile as well.
i love that boy 🥺