"this may sound crazy... but we should go on a road trip." i told colby, laying down on my bed.
"why is that crazy?" he laughed. "we do that with our friends all of the time."
"no, like a road trip where we have a limit on money and where there are no prior arrangements made. we just drive and see where it takes us. maybe go crazy and sleep in a strangers living room or eat at some wack ass restaurant." i explained to him.
"that's insane. i love it." he smiled.
"let's leave tonight! it has to be spontaneous." i told him. "we need to find a car to take." i told him.
i didn't want to take either of our nice cars since that's not exactly crazy and spontaneous.
"well let's head to the bank and we can both withdraw $1000 from our accounts. that should be enough to pay for a car and for anything else we need to buy on our trip." he suggested.
"okay... let's go." i smiled. i grabbed a little bag for each of us, only putting phone chargers in them.
we took and uber to the place where we were to meet the guy. he had a 2001 white chevy malibu for $1000. so we called him up and here we are.
as much as i wanted to just disappear from everyone mysteriously, i texted the trap house group chat and told them we'd be gone for a while, even though we didn't know where we were going or how long we'd be gone.
the trip started out with colby driving, we had a gps to try to get to vegas as our first overnight stop.
"i'm hungry." i whined.
"me too. in n out?" colby asked.
"that works for me." i told him.
he got off on the exit and soon enough we were in the parking lot of an in n out in a random town, three hours out of LA, in rural california.
the two of us each ordered animal styled fries and water. the total was $8.56.
"we need to get some clothes for this trip." i told him. "it looks like there's a vintage store about 15 minutes from here that we could stop at. "
"i think you should get this." i laughed, holding up a t-shirt with an airbrushed dog on it.
"i think you should get this." he replied, holding up a hideous pink shirt that was evidently from the 2014 tumblr phase.
we left the store with $58.67 worth of clothes for the two of us. we noticed a cd store next to the vintage stop. the car didn't have bluetooth so we decided it would be best to get a cd so we didn't have to listen to the static shitty pop songs on the radio.
we didn't last long in the music store since i found a lumineers cd. cleopatra to be specific. that i thought would be perfect for the trip.
colby handed the man a $20 bill, receiving $4.76 back.
"this is our song." i told colby when sleep on the floor came on. i turned the volume up on the song, letting the lyrics sink in.
by the time we reached las vegas, it was nearly 1am so we decided to just check in to a hotel. colby found a hotel for $54 a night so we decided to head there.
"this is not as sketchy as i expected." i laughed, flopping back onto the bed.
"what do you mean 'it's not that sketchy?' there's a hole in the wall!" colby exclaimed, making me laugh.