"i don't know if i want him to meet her." i told colby, stressing out slightly. my dad asked me if he could meet my one month old daughter, ayla.
"it's up to you, babe. i know he put you through hell and back as a kid, so i'll respect whatever you choose." he said.
"i'm just trying to decide how it will effect ayla growing up." i told him.
"maybe just give it a test run... see how he is with her the first time and then go from there." he suggested.
"i'll invite him over to see her on Thursday then." i told him, messaging my father back.
my dad wasn't all that present in my life growing up. i only really saw him on the occasional holiday. he just wasn't cut out to be a dad i guess. it just took my mom three kids to figure that out.
my older brother doesn't talk to my dad but my sister does. i'm in between. i invited him to colby and i's engagement party and he said he'd be there but then he didn't come.
he was invited to our wedding and he came... but he attempted to make a scene with my brother. i had asked my brother and my step dad to walk me down the aisle rather than my father... and that pissed my dad off but my brother, ethan, and colby didn't let anything ruin my night.
we had a gender reveal for ayla, in which he showed up an hour late and slightly drunk.
i didn't invite him to her baby shower or to see her in the hospital. he didn't deserve it.
and then he just now, a month after she was born, respond to my messages about her being born. and now he wants to come see her.
"colby, can you get that? i'm feeding ayla." i yelled to colby who was downstairs anyways. i had heard my dad knock on the door.
"yeah babe." he yelled back up right before i heard the door opening. i wasn't able to make out their greetings but i could hear mumbles.
i sat ayla up and readjusted my shirt before standing to take her down the stairs."hey, dad." i smiled to him which interrupted his and colbys small talk.
"hey adelaide." he smiled. "there she is! my first grand daughter." he said.
"yeah, this is ayla rose brock." i smiled, handing him my little girl.
he looked a little awkward holding her but it was cute nonetheless. i quickly got out my phone to snap a picture of little ayla and her grandpa.
"how much did she weigh?" he asked, trying to make conversation about my little girl.
"5 pounds 6 ounces." i told him.
"she was pretty tiny then, huh?" he asked, making me nod.
"so what have you been up to dad?" i asked him.
"i've been working a lot... elena came over yesterday so i was visiting with her." he told me. elena is my younger sister.
"oh nice... i didnt know you guys visit very much." i said. colby had made his way into the kitchen to put away what we had out from lunch.
"it's getting more frequent. i wish your brother would come around once in a while." he admitted to me.
"i wouldn't hold my breath. he's so stubborn." i laughed.
"agreed." he told me.
"do you want anything to drink?" i asked him.
"just a water please." he asked. i went to get off the couch but colby spoke from the kitchen.
"i got it, babe." colby told me.
"thanks colb." i yelled back.
he only stayed for about an hour but that was about as much as my social battery could handle. he's a lot to deal with sometimes.
"that wasn't too bad, huh?" colby asked me.
"no... if he keeps putting in the effort then he can stay in aylas life." i told colby with a smile.