- read the chapter 'boxing' before this!!-
"are you ready for me to kick your ass today?" colby asked me as we got out of the car at the gym.
"well you have been doing this for 7 years." i laughed.
"i'll go easy on you." he said, shooting me a small smile.
he opened the gym door for me and we walked in together, seeing tom almost immediately.
"hey, bro." tom said, bro hugging colby.
"hey man. this is my girl, adelaide." colby introduced us. i had heard about tom and seen him before but we never officially met.
"hi! it's nice to meet you." i said, shaking his hand.
"you too. i've heard a lot about you." he said, making me turn to colby and smile.
we made our way further into the gym, the receptionist waving to us.
"are you wearing that or are you going to change?" colby asked me, looking at my white hoodie and pink leggings.
i quickly pulled the hoodie off, revealing that matching pink sports bra.
"cute." he commented, smirking as he looked me up and down. he took his shirt off and then helped me up into the ring.
he had me do a warm up with him first 'so i didn't hurt myself.' i loved watching him in his element here. he got so into it.
"today i'll just teach you the six most basic and important punches." he informed me
we'd been here for maybe 45 minutes and colby was teaching me a left jab.
"there you go! that's my girl! don't let your blocking arm down that low, you need to cover your face." he encouraged. i was throwing left jabs to the dummy.
"alright, drink some water." he said, making me stop my punches.
"how was that?" i asked him, using the towel he handed me to wipe my sweat off.
"you're better at jabbing than some of the professionals i go against." he laughed. "i'll be right back, go ahead and take a break." he smiled, looking behind me.
i noticed tom motioning to him as he dropped out of the ring.
i sat down in the butterfly position and texted a few of my friends back while i waited.
colbys pov
"what's up?" i asked tom.
"ian came by yesterday after you were done training. he's pissed that you moved the fight." tom told me.
"i'm not going to illegally fight some guy on my girlfriends birthday rather than being with her. tell him to suck it." i told tom.
"colby, if he knows about adelaide, he's going to go after her. you and i both know it." tom said.
"and you know he won't. i've been so careful with her." i told him. "we can talk later but for now, i'm going to be getting back to my girl."
"hey, sorry about that babe." i told her as i approached the ring.
"that's alright. is everything okay?" she asked me with a gentle smile.
"yeah." i lied.
ian is one of my best friends ex boyfriends. he used to physically and emotionally abuse her. and it was bad. i witnessed him getting aggressive with her one day and i beat his ass.