"i'm so so nervous." i admitted to my boyfriend. tonight was a personal event at the store i'm opening.
tonight was just for close friends and family but tomorrow is the grand opening. it's a vintage store that i fully designed myself. there is also a small coffee shop connected to it that i'm even more nervous about. i have an odd love for iced coffee and vintage things.
the store is mainly clothes but we also have records, jewelry, bags, accessories and room decor.
i had a team of 8 people working under me at the store so far. my younger sister, elena, is planning in helping me buy stock for the store and obtain all of the vintage items.
the coffee shop that i am opening in the same building has 4 workers so far. thankfully, all of the girls offered to help out and work whenever i need them just to make sure the shop can keep up.
"don't be nervous, babe. this place looks amazing." he said, pulling me into him in a huge hug.
"i can't help it." i groaned with a laugh.
"it's perfect, babe. im so proud of you." he told me, placing a kiss on my cheek.
"thanks." i smiled. "do you wanna help tara and i put together the gift bags?" i asked colby.
"i guess i can." he laughed, following me to the back room.
some of the stuff in the store was actually vintage however there was a lot that just had a vintage aesthetic. the store was kind of set up in a decade order. half of the store was a 60s/70s theme and then the other half was a 90s/y2k section.
we were at the event for my store tonight. all of my closest friends were here as well as a good bit of my family... those who were able to make it in from new york, that is.
i had just popped the bottle of champagne and everyone was having a good time as it was being poured. i wasn't too nervous for this since im close with everyone here. however, i was very nervous for tomorrow's turnout. it could go either way. once everyone had gotten a glass of champagne, tara spoke up.
"hi guys! as most of you know, i'm tara. i would like to make a toast to my amazing best friend, adelaide." she smiled, grabbing my hand as everyone clapped and cheered. "when adelaide is passionate about something, she will stop at nothing to make it happen. for the past four months, she has worked her ass off to make this place as perfect as it is. and i'm so so proud of her for that. so cheers to adelaide!" she said, raising her glass. everyone toasted and i pulled tara into a huge hug.
"i would also like to make a quick toast to adelaide." colby smiled, pulling me closer into the side of his body. everyone gave him their attention.
"adelaide has worked so hard to make this store perfect. we've spent many late nights here... some crying and some cracking up at the stupidest shit. she's put her absolute heart and soul into this store and i can't wait to see it take off for her. here's to adelaide and her hard work!" he said, making everyone cheer and toast to me yet again. i was to make my toast a little later in the night once we got out the rosè.
the grand opening of the store went amazing. we had approximately 500 people lined up to come into the store at opening. some people had even camped overnight to see the opening.
most were fans of colby and i and that's why they came. colby, tara and i were all doing a little meet and greet in the back of the store. so basically if you bought something then you got to come back and meet us.
we made a major portion of sales... to a point where i made enough to pay rent on the store for the next 5 months and pay my 12 employees
the store is a little more high end however it's not like louis vuitton or gucci.jake, corey, sam, kat and devyn all stopped in for a while. each of the girls bought a few things. xepher and cassie showed up at one point as well and then mikey, kev, reggie and ariya also stopped in for a bit and took some photos with with some fans.
everything went perfectly and i was very content with how the store and coffee shop turned out. :)