he meets your 4yr old daughter for the first time

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"come here, ayla." i smiled to my 4 year old daughter.

"mommy, i wear a pwetty dress today?" she asked me.

"you can pick whatever pretty dress you want." i told her, laughing at her little sentence.

"pink!" she said, pointing to her pink dress.

"good choice ayls." i smiled, taking it out of her closet. "and do you think a white shirt under it?" i asked her. she loved helping me choose her outfits.

"wes! and boots!" she told me.

"i like your idea." i said, picking her up and taking her, along with her outfit, into the bathroom. i started the bath for her as she took her pajamas off to get it.

"bubbles?" i asked.

"duh, mommy." she said with her hand on my hip, making me laugh.

"well i'm sorry." i joked.

"oh, hey. what time is colby coming over? i'm going to head to my parents house so you two can be alone with ayls." tara told me, walking into aylas bathroom.

"i think at 1." i told her, making her nod.

"good morning aylaroo." she smiled, picking up my daughter. "auntie tara has a surprise for you tomorrow." she told her.

"swuprise?" ayla asked.

"yes! me, you and mommy are going somewhere fun with mommy's friend." tara told her

tara has been my best friend since before i had ayla. i got pregnant with ayla at 15 and had her at 16. her dad stayed with me until i was 17 and then we broke it off since we genuinely didn't have feelings for each other anymore. so now, i'm 19 and i have a four year old which apparently makes me undateable. that is until colby came around.

tara is dating one of colbys friends so we met at a mutual thing and now we've been together for two months but he has yet to meet ayla.

tara and i have lived together since i moved out of my ex- boyfriends house... so we're going onto two years of living together.

aylas dad gets her one day a week, wednesday's, and it breaks my heart to be apart from her. but i can't imagine how he feels since i have her most of the time. he's 21 now.

"okay ayls, bath time!" i said as tara set her down.

"do you need to get ready? i can give her a bath." tara offered.

"are you sure?" i asked her.

"of course. i'll miss my aylaroo while i'm gone." tara said, making ayla giggle. tara is basically like aylas second mom.

she treats ayla like she's her daughter. which i think it's good for ayla to have a relationship like that since her dad isn't in the picture much. tara watches ayla for me whenever i need her to and she always helps me out. i don't think i would have been able to do it without her.

i went into my room and looked through my closet for something to wear. i decided on a black crop top and light wash jeans since today was a fairly chill day. i was kinda stressing because aylas opinion matters more than anything. she loves everyone though. what if he's not good with kids?

i need to just stop thinking about it.


"hey babe." colby said as i opened the door for him

"hey." i smiled, embracing him in a hug as he kissed my temple. "ayla and i were actually just playing legos in her room." i told him, leading him to her room.

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