"i don't wanna be at this stupid dinner." i groaned out.
"it'll be fine, babe." colby laughed.
"you don't get it." i laughed. "they were already drunk when you met them the first time. they're completely different people when they're wasted." i told him.
we were going to one of my family dinners... and my moms one sister and her kids are the worst people i've ever met. they're really judgey and rude. i can't stand being around them unless they're drunk.
"well we can leave whenever we want so just say they word and i'll bring you back home." he laughed, handing me a shirt to iron for him.
"you're helpless colby. do you even know how to turn the iron on." i laughed. i'm basically his mother.
"i do not know how and i do not want to learn." he said, making me laugh.
after i ironed colbys shirt, he put it on. it was that black shirt with the white barbed wire detail (shoutout to you if you know what shirt i'm talking about haha) and a pair of black jeans. and of course his typically jewelry.
i was in a lavender plaid mini skirt with a little white top. i didn't exactly have a set style... i kinda just dressed based on the people i would be around. some days i dressed like a granola girl, other days i dressed like an e girl and other days i dressed like i work at brandy melville. i grabbed a pair of docs out of my closet and untied them to put on.
"you ready?" colby asked me, emerging from our bathroom.
"yep." i smiled, after tying my shoe.
"i'm already annoyed." i laughed as we pulled up through the gates of my parents home.
"chill, babe. we don't have to stay that long." he laughed, reassuring me. he put his hand on my thigh in attempted comfort.
colby got out of the car, jogging around to my side to open the door. we walked to the front door, hand in hand. we walked into the grand foyer and i led colby into the kitchen and living room.
"there you are. hi baby!" my mom smiled, hugging me. "and colby! i love those shoes." my mom smiled, also hugging him.
"hey." my sister, elena, smiled, hugging both of us.
this went on for a few minutes until all of my siblings and grandparents managed to say hello to us. we migrated to the living room where the dreaded family was.
"hello, dear." my aunt tina said with a straight face, hugging me. i rolled my eyes when i was at a point where she couldn't see me. she completely ignored colby, pissing me off even more.
her children were just as rude. no wonder her husband left her.
i went around the room and greeted everyone that i actually liked.
colby and i hung out, mainly around my cool cousins, until dinner was ready.
and of course my aunt tina decided to sit directly next to colby.
"so how old are you colby?" she asked him.
"i'm 22, ma'am." he said to her with a gentle smile.
"oh wow... that's a little old for adelaide then, huh?" she said.
"it's only 4 years, aunt tina." i huffed out.
"there's a whole president between the two of you." she said, making me let out a small chuckle since that had absolutely no meaning to me.
"we manage." colby told her.
"i think you guys should think about that. it'd probably be better for my niece if she were with someone her age." she said.
"there's barely an age difference." i rolled my eyes.
"well i just think you should be with someone more your age." she said.
i let it go and took a bite of my food, noticing colby put his hand on my thigh in a 'chill out we'll leave soon' manner. i made conversation with colby the entire time to avoid any more talk with tina.
"don't you think that skirt is a bit short?" tina asked me.
"no?" i replied.
"that's a little slutty, don't you think?" she asked. i was about to respond but colby interrupted.
"that's a little rude, don't you think?" colby butted in. "she's an adult and she evidently works very hard on her body. she wears what she likes and she looks damn good in it. so, with respect, don't call my girlfriend a slut." he said, grabbing my hand and leading me into the other room before she could respond.
"your outfit isn't slutty, babe." he told me, sitting next to me on the couch.
"it's okay babe, i don't mind that she said that. i've been getting the same treatment from her my whole life." i told him.
"you don't deserve that though, baby. do you want to go home now?" he asked me.
"we can stay for a bit longer. it's nice to see my cousins... at least most of them." i laughed.
"if she says one more rude thing to you then i'm going off." he said.
"i wouldn't expect anything less." i laughed.
we ended up staying later than i expected since it's now 8pm and we're still here. i was sat at the kitchen island, playing scategories with a few of my cousins. colby lost the last game so he was out. so i asked him to make me a mixed drink in my parents bar. ah yes, underaged drinking... what a sin.
"here you go babe." he said, handing me what looked like a mojito.
"thank you." i smiled as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"aren't you a little young to be drinking?" tina asked me as i took a sip of my drink. are we seriously doing this again?
"my parents don't care, so why should you?" i asked her.
"well clearly they don't know what they're doing then. my kids would never underage drink." she said.
"news flash! anna got wasted last weekend and ended up in a frat boys dirty bathtub!" i said back. had it been any of my other cousins, i wouldn't have snitched but anna is different.
she gasped at me, looking at where anna was standing.
"you whore! lying about my daughter like that!" she yelled.
"hey, you need to back off." colby said when my aunt got closer to me.
"no one wanted you here! you're not family! don't talk to me like that!" she yelled at colby. i was about ready to throw hands.
"i wanted him here! you're the only person who didn't." i said back to her. "ever realize how you and your kids are never invited on our family vacations? or why we always have family dinners without you guys? i'm shocked you were invited to this one!"
"no wonder your last boyfriend broke up with you! he was only with you for the money!" she yelled.
"she broke up with him!" my sister yelled back.
"and at least she has someone who loves her... we can't say the same for you. no wonder gerald left you!" my older brother, ethan said. she gasped at his words, grabbing her purse and telling her kids that they were leaving.
"thank you for defending me today." i smiled to my boyfriend who was laying on our bed.
"of course, baby. you're so much better than her, you need to know that." he said, making me grin. i walked over to our bed to kiss him.
"thank you." i said as he leaned in to kiss me again. damn do i love this boy.