"adelaide, most 20 year olds have their license." colby laughed.
"why do i need one?" i laughed back.
"because i'm tired of driving you everywhere." he laughed again. "no, for real. this is a life skill that you need."
"why do i need to learn when i can just rely on you and uber?" i whined.
"it's not that scary, babe." he told me, grabbing my hands to force me out of bed.
"if i do this, you have to buy me ice cream." i told him with a slight smile.
"if you can make it to the ice cream shop then i'll buy you ice cream." he told me.
"looks like no one is getting ice cream then." i muttered.
"what's up guys? it's colby brock. today i have a little bit of a different video for you guys. i'm going to be teaching my girlfriend how to drive. she's well over the age of where she should have learned so i'm going to try to teach her." he told the camera that was on the dashboard.
"i'm terrified." i told him, making him laugh.
"you've driven before, right?" he asked me.
"once with my dad and then once with my older sister... and i cried both times." i admitted.
"you've got this babe. you know i won't let anything bad happen to you." he said while high-fiving me.
"okay so you know how to work the turn signals, right?" colby asked me. i was sitting in the drivers seat of the car that i had bought a year ago when i said i was going to learn to drive.... yeah that never happened.
"yes, up is right, down is left." i said, mainly to make sure i was right.
"good." he told me. "now put your foot on the break. and then put the car into drive." he told me.
"okay..." i said, following his directions. "now what?" i asked him.
"pull out of the driveway." he laughed. "i'll grab the wheel if you do something wrong." he reassured me.
i nodded and let go of the break and let the car drift to the edge of the driveway, where i slammed my breaks on.
"okay, easy there babe. look both ways for cars." he told me. "and then go to the left."
"am i good?" i asked him.
"yes, go ahead and pull out." he laughed. i made the really sharp turn, which i did not like at all. "okay now there's a stop sign up here but don't slam on your brakes. just start to push it gently when you're approaching it." he told me.
i nodded and started slowing down a little bit as we approached it.
"that was great! now don't panic but there's someone behind you." he told me.
"where do i go?" i asked in a panic.
"just go straight... calm down." he told me.
i went straight at the stop sign and then continued to go straight till i reached another.
"babe, you can only use one foot for the break and the gas peddle." he told me as he looked down at my feet.
"uh no." i replied, making him laugh at me for the 900th time today.
"you can only use one foot. it'll get easier." he chuckled.
"why?! this is so much easier." i told him. i was using both feet to drive.
"you just can't do that." he laughed.
"whatever. it's easier though." i told him, which made him laugh.
"i can't believe you're using my lack of skills for content!" i told him, looking at the camera on the dashboard.
"try to start with one." he told me.
"why?" i asked
"cause that's how you drive." he laughed again.
"god gave me two feet for a reason." i told him with a smile.
"just try." he encouraged, laughing at me yet again.
"okay now if someone is coming and your not comfortable, just break and i'll put on our hazards. don't do anything you aren't comfortable doing." he told me.
"i'm sweatingggg." i whined as i continued to drive in a straight line. he turned the ac on.
"wait how do i know where the wheel is?" i asked him.
"you hold it...?" he laughed.
"no like how do i know when the wheel is straightened out?" i asked, laughing.
"you just have to get a feel for it, babe." he told me.
"i need two feet!" i told him.
"no, get that foot out of there woman." he laughed.
"there's a speed bump coming up so you're just going to need to slow down a tiny bit." he told me. "and then at this next stop sign, make a right turn."
i made it to my right turn but i went completely into the other lane... which was fine since no one was there.
"i'm still sweating!" i told him.
we eventually made it back to the house, which was a relief.
"switch me seats, we're going to get ice cream." he told me with a smile, making me also smile.
"you did really good for a 20 year old who doesn't know how to drive." he told me, making both of us laugh.