colby and i just moved into our first house ever. his apartment lease just ended and mine is almost over so we bought our first house.
it's only our third day here. the first night, all of our friends stayed over and then last night, tara, kat and devyn all stayed over. tonight is our first night alone.
"babe can you run the dishwasher?" i asked colby as i put the leftovers from dinner into the fridge.
"yeah. did you eat the last of the cookies?" he asked me.
"no?" i said. "they should still be on the oven. i only had 2 of them." i told him.
"there's only one left. i had 3 of them. you made 8 of them, right?" he asked.
"yeah. that's weird." i told him, looking at the empty cookie tray sitting on the oven.
"do you think the dogs could've gotten up there?" he asked me.
"they can barely jump onto the couch. i doubt that. i wouldn't worry about it though." i told him.
it's been a week since colby and i moved in and tonight he left for the first time to go film... sooo i'll be alone for the night.
colby and i have two french bulldogs who are the most chill dogs ever. i've heard them bark maybe twice in their lives.
i was sitting on the couch in the loft with twyla and winston, editing a video that i had filmed with tara and colby. reggie edits my vlogs and i edit my main channel videos. the house is almost like a ranch style house where it's only one floor but it's really long.
there's a door that leads to the attic in one of the bedroom closets and then there is also a door to the attic in the loft.
i heard a big bang behind my head, making me look back at the wall where the attic stood behind it. twyla and winston must have noticed the noise as well because both of the dogs looked back.
i took my airpods out and tried to figure out what in the attic could have made that sound. i passed it off as some animal, making a mental note to tell colby we needed to get that checked out. i was unfamiliar with the natural sounds that the house made anyways since we just moved in. i ended up shutting my laptop and going down the stairs, into the kitchen. i texted colby about the sound i heard before i facetimed tara.
"hey bitch." she said when the call connected.
"hey." i nearly sighed out.
"you okay?" she asked me, looking down at whatever she had been doing prior to me calling her.
"i think i'm just overreacting but i've been hearing noises here and there throughout the day and then i heard a huge bang come from the attic." i explained to her.
"oh shit. do you want me to come over?" she asked me.
"would you?" i asked her. "we could watch the nightmare before christmas and we could bake or something."
"of course! i'll be right over." tara told me.
"okay! love you girl, drive safe!" i told her.
"love you more. i'll be there in 15!" she told me, hitting the end button.
tara being here would give me a better state of mind, knowing i'm not alone. i quickly picked up around the kitchen and fixed the pillows on the couch to busy myself until tara arrived. i was probably being dramatic but i already didn't like being alone, let alone when there is weird noises happening.
it was probably an animal or a natural sound that the house made that i had yet to be familiar with. i sat on the couch, turning on disney + to get the movie ready.