another tik tok trends chapter! let me know if there are anymore tik toks you want me to write about!!
- also i didnt proof read this at all so i'm sorry for any typos or anything that doesn't make sense haha
what's good shawty, your man still around?
i was on tik tok earlier in the day and i saw an audio that sounded like a facetime call connecting and then a guy saying "what's good shawty. your man still around?" so i saved the audio because i wanted use it on colby.
he was sitting on his bed and i was laying down with my feet on his lap. i pulled up the audio and then pressed the 60 second option.
the audio started and as soon as he heard the connecting audio, he said "tara?" and then the 'what's good shawty' part started and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. then he heard the finally part "your man still around?" and he just looked back at his phone with a chuckle.
"why didn't you react?" i asked with a laugh.
"i mean- you're in my bed. what's he going to do?" colby asked with a laugh. "who was that anyways?" he asked.
"just some tik tok audio." i told him as he ran his hand up and down my leg.
"i need to watch more tik tok." he laughed. "i don't know any of these audios."
who's most likely to
colby and i found a whos most likely to relationship edition and decided to see if we agreed on them.
"who's more stubborn?" was the first one. both of us pointed to me. i couldn't argue with that one.
"who dresses better?" was the following question, both of us pointing to me again. i went to school for fashion so that was no surprise.
"who is the better cook?" was the next one and we both pointed to me again. colby would love off of almonds if i didn't make him food.
"who is the better driver?" we both pointed to colby, making me pout a little cause i loved driving but he was MUCH better at it.
"who initiated the first kiss?" we both pointed to colby... it was definitely him.
"who is the bigger baby when sick?" we pointed at each other, laughing. im basically his babysitter when he gets sick.
"who is the most embarrassing in public?" was the next question. we both pointed to colby, laughing. he was always super loud and acted like a child when our friends are around. i love that about him though.
"who is the better half?" was the last question, both of us pointing at each other which made me awh.
who is most likely to 2
jake, colby, tara and i are all hanging out and tara found a tik tok audio of whos most likely to so we decided to let jake and colby pick who they think it most likely to.
"who's the meanest?" was the first one and they both pointed to me, making tara and i laugh. i wouldn't exactly call myself mean but i'm sarcastic.
"most likely to get into a fight?" they pointed to me again. wow this game is shady.
"most emotional?" both of the boys pointed to both of us. you would not want to see us on a friday night watching old one direction video diaries.
"most likely to do weird things in public?" they both pointed to tara. i swear she would do anything and not be embarrassed.
"most likely to get pregnant after a one night stand?" they didn't point to either of us in this situation because we were happily in relationships.