boyfriends brother

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"gage, i don't wanna go." i pouted with a small laugh.

"you can stay here then, babe." he laughed.

"are you sure?" i asked him.

"yes. i'll be back in like three hours. colbys here by the way." he told me, walking out of the house.

i decided to go into the kitchen and get a snack since i wasn't going to dinner with gage and his friends.

"oh, hey adelaide." colby shot me a smile when i entered the kitchen.

"hey." i smiled back. "what're you up to today?" i asked him, trying to make conversation.

"uhh just filming a video with sam, nate and alex. you can come with us if you want." he offered.

i thought about it for a second... i hope i wouldn't be offending gage by going out with colby and his friends instead.

honestly, gages friends were mainly assholes and i only actually liked one of them. colbys friends are fun and adventurous... which is my more my pace.

"sounds like fun. when are we leaving?" i asked with a little smile.

"in half an hour." he told me after looking at the clock on the stove.

"okay, i'm gonna go change into something a little more acceptable." i laughed, looking down at gages hoodie that was much to big on me and the pair of shorts that were covered.

i ran up stairs and into gage's room, throwing on a pair of light wash mom jeans and a black crop top.


"so you're moving to LA next week, aren't you?" colby asked me. we were driving to nates house to meet up with the boys.

"yeah, i am. it'll be nice to know at least one person out there." i told him with a smile.

"you can hang out with my friends and i anytime. they'd love you." he told me.

we talked about my upcoming move some more and realized that we lived just a few minutes away from each other.

"so how is gage feeling about you leaving?" he asked.

"very sore subject. he was pissed when i first told him but i think it's all going to work out. he's been a little distant since then but i think we'll be okay." i admitted.

"that sounds like gage." he laughed. "so are you and elizabeth friends then?" colby asked me.

"who?" i asked.

"elizabeth? gage's friend elizabeth." he said.

"i've never met her." i told him.

"really? i see her all of the time." he admitted.


we were at the abandoned warehouse and it was so hot out. there were bugs flying around all over us and i was nearly sweating. colby, nate and alex all took there shirts off... which i mean i wasn't complaining.

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