"he was not trying to make a move on me. what we were doing was totally innocent!" i explained to colby.
"oh so you let all of your friends in the room while you change then?" he asked me.
"yes! i was in a sports bra and underwear which was less revealing than a bikini!" i insisted.
a few of my friends had come over and we were all in mine and colbys bedroom and they were trying to help me find an outfit for a photo shoot tomorrow. there were 2 boys and 3 girls in the room with me and now he's getting all pissy.
"it's not the same!" he restated.
"it is! and it's my body, colby! i can wear whatever i want in front of whoever i want." i replied.
"fuck it adelaide. just go strip in the streets then." he raised his voice at me. i always got scared when colby would get mad because i've seen him get violent, only when defending others but that didn't mean he wouldn't accidentally do something to me.
"enough, colby! i've known those boys since i was a child. you need to calm the fuck down. neither of them like me like that." i told him.
"stop acting like a slut." he spit. the second he saw my hurt expression, his eyes softened.
i didn't say anything but i simply just grabbed my keys and walked out of the house. i had no clue where i was going to go but i didn't want to be around colby.
it honestly just wasn't a big deal. so many of my friends and our friends have seen him in his underwear... so what's the difference?
i decided to just head to taras place so i could talk to her about the situation. i pulled out of the driveway, noticing colby staring at me from the door step.
i noticed my phone light up with a text from colby that read 'i'm sorry, babe.' and then another that said, "just come home so we can talk it out."
i was busy checking yet another message from colby and i didn't realize the green light had turned red.
i drove straight through it, a tractor trailer t-boned my side of the car. i was unsure of what was happening during the crash, until i heard a bunch of people yelling. i realized that my car was upside down and so was i.
soon enough, people were surrounding my car, asking me questions and telling me that 911 was on their way. so i just laid there, upside down, thinking about colby and how stupid the situation was. i never want to fight with him again because what if something really does happen to one of us.
eventually the police and ambulance were on the scene and they cut me out of the car. i guess colby had heard the crash from our place so he went of the balcony to check it out. when he noticed it was my car, he ran out to the scene.
"baby, i'm so sorry." colby nearly cried out to me as he pulled me into his arms, after they cut me out of the car. i was about to responded but i ended up groaning instead because he squeezed my sore body. "oh my god im so sor-" he started but was cut off.
"excuse me, ma'am, we need to get some information from you in regards to what happened here and your insurance. it's also recommended that you go for a basic physical after a crash." a police officer told me.
i held a finger up to colby, as in to say give me a moment. and i slightly limped over to where i was needed. after telling them what happened and giving my insurance, they told me they could just do a quick physical in the back of the ambulance and then they could clear me to be taken home. i motioned for colby to follow me to the back of the ambulance.
"bebe, i'm so sorry." he told me again.
"it's okay, baby. all is forgotten. i just want to be happy with you forever." i told him.
"i couldn't agree more. howre you feeling?" he asked me.
"sore." i said, letting out a laugh.
the meds came back and did an examination. i had two fractured ribs and a hell of a lot of bruises. my right ankle was also kinda out of place and let me tell you, getting that popped back in was the worst pain i've ever felt.
afterwards, an officer drove us a few feet back to our house where we decided to have a super chill date night since it hurt to move.
but in the end, all was forgiven and forgotten and we were happy again.